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288. In the Sand

287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

285. Reunion

284. 12-001 Wins

283. Lockeroom

282. A Conflict

281. The Petals

280. Healthcare

279. All in Here

278. New Task

277. Initiative

276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

272. Upgrades

271. A Big War

270. Traveling

269. Dismissal

Losing at Tag

avatar on 2024-07-27 07:44:07

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Honestly, that caught me off guard. This was already a great encounter. He had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "If you say so." I said. I had also bought a lighter from the vendors. I was able to quickly light the blue one and then I lit the yellow one for him with it. I let it hang down so the sparks could not jump and burn me. The AEP unit did the same thing as me. He then looked at me. "Now what?" he asked. I just smiled wide. "We can do a lot of things with these marvels of human engineering." I said with a knowing smirk on my face. He just scoffed. It was true at a certain point. Now that we were in a cyberpunk setting, it was boring. "We can use the light to write in the sky. We can run with them. Or, we could simply stand here and admire the pretty colored lights. What do you want to do right now?" I explained the options. The AEP unit began making symbols in the air. I would not be able to match his dexterity or processing power. He was able to make a convincing X-frame. I just made a few silly hearts and stars. I was even able to spell my names. He laughed at how lame it was.

Playing on the beach was fun. He was no longer sad. That was a massive win in my book. When out sparklers ran out, I got the lighter out and started the second set. It did not take long at all. Mine was purple. His was green. A second round of playing took place. He decided to slap me on the back and said "Tag." Before I could process it, he began running away along the shoreline. I had to catch up to him. He was shocked that I could. "Wow. Those legs of yours are working overtime." he said. He then picked up the pace. I was still able to keep up with him. Just as I was about to tag him with my free hand, he disappeared. I over corrected myself and ended up wildly sprawling into the sand. He had flattened himself to avoid me. He was made entirely of nanites after all. "I can't let a human catch me." he said as he walked over to me and squatted. I was a bit stunned. Luckily for me, all of the sand helped absorb the impact of the fall. Doing this on concrete would be disastrous. He had gotten one over on me. I had to respect it. "That was a really good game. I guess you win." I told him.

Smiling, he reached his hand out to me. A crowd of people and cyborgs soon started to arrive on the beach soon after that. I did not know it, but there was going to be a small concert with a DJ on the beach. I asked him if he wanted to stay. It did not matter to me. Being with him was exactly the fun I had been looking for. Once he saw all the large speakers being wheeled in on wagons, he was all for it. We watched them set up from afar. I did not want to intrude on them. They were working, so I let them work. Once they got them connected to a power source and did a check, the AEP unit scoffed at them. I turned to him and asked what was so funny. "Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power. Humans are really funny." I shrugged. The MC got on the makeshift platform and got the crowd ready for the show. It was then a full 2 hours of loud EDM and house music. A moshpit was set up in the front. Both of us looked on. "Why are the human fighting each other?" he asked me. "Sometimes, we find it fun to thrash around to the music. If you want to go you can. Just don't kill."

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