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287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

285. Reunion

284. 12-001 Wins

283. Lockeroom

282. A Conflict

281. The Petals

280. Healthcare

279. All in Here

278. New Task

277. Initiative

276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

272. Upgrades

271. A Big War

270. Traveling

269. Dismissal

268. Servicing

Leaving the Complex

avatar on 2024-07-27 07:39:58

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Catching back up with us half an hour later, Hunter called out to us as they approached from the water. Red and blue looked like they were not going to stay. It probably was really hard to live with Susanna. This was meant to be a holiday. Seeing as they could no guard their own things again, I got up and said "It was nice meeting you all again. I hope that you have an amazing time." They nodded their heads and let me go on my way. I saw that they were happy having their family day. Both Red and Blue wordlessly got up with me. We went along the edge of the pool on the deck. It was as I got to the deep end that I saw 12-001 fleecing someone for more credits. Dawg was hanging out with some of his former army buddies. I was alone and decided to leave. If it was a special event, I could at least have some fun on my own. Maybe if I played my cards right, I could get into something good. It was not like I was in any risk of danger befalling me. I was strong and backed up by Devils. Blue and Red got in the pool. At least Blue had the decency to wave goodbye. Time to leave the complex.

Exiting the building, I saw something. An AEP unit was leaning listlessly against one of the walls. I went up to them. "Are you a new recruit for Water Clan? I haven't seen you around before." I said. They looked shocked before jumping away from me and armoring up. "How the hell do you know I'm an AEP unit!?" he demanded. I just pointed to my eyes. "I have special eyes that can just tell. You looked lonely." I said in a calm tone. He looked at me with suspicion, but eventually calmed down. All of his armor plating receded back into his body. He pointed at the door behind me. "All of those PEP units and humans in the pool... are having fun in there, right?" he asked. I just nodded my head. "The whole region is doing it's best to help boost relations between the humans and cyborgs." I said. He just looked more sad. When I asked if he was okay, he shook his head. He said "I can't believe it. It's too good to be true. No humans are ever happy to see me." I said "I'm done with the pool. If you want, come with me and do something, we can." He looked at me in surprise. "You're not scared?"

My strength and power was completely unquestionable. I was not going to get scared of a single AEP unit. I walked over and took him by the hand. "Let's go to the beach for now. It was really pretty earlier." I offered. He just let me walk him there. We were quiet as we made our way. People were still hanging out and having a fun time. The few PEP units here were walking about without fear of being targeted. Lots of them were at the pool complex. All of the police and military might have stood down for the partnership they had with Water Clan, but there were still scrappers and reprogrammers on the loose. Once we were on the beach, there were several young men with the hand-held sparklers. I got 4 of them. They were selling every color of the rainbow. I got blue, green, yellow and purple. I gave him the yellow one first. He looked at me surprised. "Your hair is yellow at the back." I pointed out. He took it gratefully. "I bet you want the blue one. For your faction and all." I teased. He rolled his eyes and snatched the green one. "You're so wrong. Green is a better color." he said teasingly.

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