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285. Reunion

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276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

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266. Proposals

Hunter's Family Poolside

avatar on 2024-07-26 00:27:02

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I walked around to see what was going on with the other people here. A lot of swimming and wading in the water was taking place. There were also a lot of people here lounging at poolside on chairs. I was looking to see if there was anyone I could recognize. Seeing Susanna and Emmanuel was not something that I was expecting. They were taking advantage of the event. If I was them, I would too. Hunter was with them, looking happy. He must have planned this in advance with them. I saw him holding young Richard on his lap. I looked around for Roderick. Emmanuel shrugged his shoulders. "He still had work to do. All of his free days were taken already." he told me. I nodded in understanding. He had mentioned that before. Susanna said "I'm taking a couple now. Manny is not a corpo, so he's not ever doing anything important. He asked if we could take him with us." He flipped his sister off in response. I looked at Susanna and asked her where Blue was. I did not see her live in boyfriend. She just sighed. "He likes swimming, so he's checking out all the pools with Red." she said.

That was interesting news. I asked "Is that so? Who is Red? Is he another friend of yours?" Emmanuel snickered. "Red's her boyfriend's boyfriend." he said. That made it more confusing. "Red is another PEP unit. He seems to like Blue and wants to be his partner. Too bad for him, Blue is already mine. I don't care if Red sticks around. It just means I get 2 for 1." That certainly seemed like a benefit. "Does Red let you have sex with him?" I asked her. I was getting way too involved in their personal lives. It would only make things harder if something were to happen to them. She frowned at me. "Only when Blue is in the middle. It really isn't that fun. I wouldn't mind drilling his ass with my toys." she said wistfully. I bet she would like to peg him. Emmanuel pointed at the pool. "There they are!" he shouted. I followed the finger and saw blue swimming with a smile on his face. "Look at that other PEP unit next to him. The one with red hair. He has crazy teeth." he added. I could not see his mouth or the teeth inside from this distance, but I would see when they came closer. I could wait for it.

Swimming was what was taking up their time. Red was seemingly very clingy. Blue did not seem to mind though. I would have to ask him when he got over here. I looked at Hunter. "Are you enjoying your family time?" I asked. I saw him look at them and smile. "Yeah. They mean the world to me." he said. "I'm really glad that you were able to meet up with them. Jake and his kids can't see you for the foreseeable future, so getting time to bond here is great." I told him. The others around him glared at him. It was if everything paused. He flinched. I forgot that they were wary of Jake. Hunter still wanted to think the best of them. That was why I had to forbid him from talking to the members of Erosion Clan in the first place. "What did we say about talking to Jake!? He's not good for us anymore!" Susanna snapped. Emmanuel added "Yeah. You know that those guys are fighting a war out there with the army. You can't get close without risking getting killed." Both of them genuinely cared about Hunter. Neither wanted to see him hurt. "Our clan is going over there to stop all the fighting." I said.

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