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284. 12-001 Wins

283. Lockeroom

282. A Conflict

281. The Petals

280. Healthcare

279. All in Here

278. New Task

277. Initiative

276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

272. Upgrades

271. A Big War

270. Traveling

269. Dismissal

268. Servicing

267. Last Chance

266. Proposals

265. Celebrating

I Don't Like Lying

avatar on 2024-07-26 00:23:05

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Both of them turned to me. I needed to be fair. Especially if Dawg was going to lie about it. "I was looking right at both of you, you know? 12-001 won this race because I saw Dawg cheating." I said. Dawg was stunned. He was not expecting to be disqualified. 12-001 was also surprised. A human had recognized his win. "Now, normally I would not care if Dawg wanted to use his organ since there were no rules against it going in. But then he had to lie about it. I'm not some easy target you can fool." I said to the gathered crowd. Paul and Brett seemed to agree with my decision. 12-001 crossed his arms and held up his nose at Dawg. "Even the human know when a coward lacks honor and discipline. I won." Dawg hang his head. The Conqueror then climbed out of the water. "Not that I've beaten him, fairly too, there is no one that will stop me from putting all those humans in their place." I shrugged my shoulders. "As long as there is no violence, Paul, Brett and I don't care. People trick people out of money by doing shit like you're going to do all of the time." 12-001 just narrowed his eyes.

He did not like being compared to humans. I did not care a single bit. 12-001 stomped off to find humans to destroy in races. Dawg looked upset. "Are you really going to let him do it that easily!?" he asked. I reached down to help him out of the pool. He took my hand and let me pull him up. "This is a vacation. Leave monitoring him to us now. You should go enjoy yourself too. Maybe you can find someone else to play with for a bit." I said. He shook his head. "I don't want to play with the humans here. A lot of them are here for their mental health. They might freak out if they find out that I'm an AEP unit." he said. That was true. There were some robophobic people here for the festival. I held his hand and said "Then you can stick with us and have some good fun." He agreed excitedly. There were more pools to explore in the complex. All our followers came with us. Even I could get wet in one for a bit. Paul and Brett started splashing me. After soaking for a bit, I wanted to see what the other patrons were doing. This annex was way too isolated for me to actually relax myself. It sucked.

We made our way back to where were hear the chatter of people. Lots of people were talking among themselves. Humans were either taking a dip or talking with others at poolside. Dawg, Zetsubō and Desespero were all fully ready to get into the main pool and wade around. I was a bit more hesitant. I had a centaur body. It might be a bit much to suddenly jump in. Paul and Brett were not quadrupedal and had no such reservations. They both got a running start and cannonballed into the pool. That made a pair of splashes that people noticed. I told the NPCs to go ahead. They looked like they did not want me to feel left out. "Trust me. I already got in a pool and did all the soaking I wanted. I'll be along the edge. Have fun now." I said as I pushed them towards the water. That was all that was needed. The 3 of them wanted to swim around. I had to watch them for a bit before they got distracted by a large beach ball being passed around in the water by some teenage boys. That ball gave me enough cover to leave them. Hopefully, there would be something else to do around here.

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