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283. Lockeroom

282. A Conflict

281. The Petals

280. Healthcare

279. All in Here

278. New Task

277. Initiative

276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

272. Upgrades

271. A Big War

270. Traveling

269. Dismissal

268. Servicing

267. Last Chance

266. Proposals

265. Celebrating

264. It Works

The Pool Complex

avatar on 2024-07-26 00:18:37

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When we got there, the pool was already pretty full. Lots of people wanted to take advantage of the pool. Scanning the area, about half of them were PEP units. To reach the pool, we had to go through the locker room. That is where they shifted their nanites to give them the appearance of pool appropriate attire. "Heh. You look good." I said to fill the dead air in the area. Both of them smirked at me, then growled at each other. They wanted to praise all for themselves. "She was talking to me." Dawg said in a bad temper. 12-001 scoffed and waved him off. "Please. The officers can't keep their hands off of me. It was for me." he said. This was a massive pool complex. It was really impressive. There were pools of all different shapes and sizes on various levels of the building. It took a bit to find one large enough for a good race and empty enough to where they actually could. Most where either too crowded, under renovation or too small for them to race in. When we finally did, I sighed in relief. "Finally. It took us long enough. This one will be perfect for a race." They nodded their heads.

Everyone that followed us were going to spectate. Pressure was on. It really did not matter in the slightest who won in the race. Between the 2 AEP units, I wanted Dawg to win though. They would both still continue to live with us regardless of the final results. I was the one to officiate the race. I counted them down and started them off. It was then that the crowd began to cheer. They were both cyborgs with infinite stamina and similar speed. They were neck and neck for 98% of the race. It was coming down to the wire. That was when Dawg teleported a hand's length ahead at the very last second. I was watching them closely for the photo finish. It would suck if there was not definite winner, so I noticed right away. I sighed deeply. Dawg was doing the most expressive victory dance in the water he could. 12-001 was beside himself in pure rage. "You fucking cheated! You used your organ to win! Advocates can never do things on their own. They all need weak humans to walk them through anything!" the Conqueror spat. Dawg looked cocky. "No I didn't. You just can't admit you lost."

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