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278. New Task

277. Initiative

276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

272. Upgrades

271. A Big War

270. Traveling

269. Dismissal

268. Servicing

267. Last Chance

266. Proposals

265. Celebrating

264. It Works

263. Pounding

262. Quick Shot

261. Visitation

260. Hybridity

259. Membership

End of the Meeting

avatar on 2024-07-24 20:33:04

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We really needed to figure this out now. "If you developed the mini EMP and all the syndicates stole the idea and tech, where is it?" The looked at me blankly. Even Paul and Brett did not seem to follow. "We have devices that take out AEP units, but we still see them on the news fucking shit up until they end up killing the reporters. Why isn't the major of the region using it?" I asked them. They also began to think on it for a bit. It was really weird that the conflict has turned out this way. We should at least try to figure this out. Major Watts said "It isn't all that surprising. Not all of us are running back and forth between the labs. I had no clue this existed, let alone it got leaked and remade by Titron Syndicate until just now." "Same." Major Saltine sighed. "Is Titron in the west!? If they are that big of a deal, they have to have offices and agents everywhere. Why haven't they used it!?" Paul asked. Brett added "There's no way they gave us their only one." Everyone was stumped. "What the hell is she doing over there!?" Major Idovelli snarled as he slammed his fists on the table. I looked at him.

He knew her. Major Maude Selova was the commanding officer over the cyborg situation in the western quadrant. They were rivals and hated each others guts. I did not care about that. We wanted to get the go ahead to go in there and get involved in the fighting. Now, things were infinitely more complicated. We needed to find the major, see what they knew, inform them about other things, investigate Titron and the other syndicates, get Sonic Clan to deescalate and pacify the region. That was a long list of objectives to accomplish. Obviously, we did not need to do every single one if we did not want to. At the end of the day, Sixteenth Notes Clan was independent. If we did half of them, we would consider the operation a success. That was all that we needed from the majors. We called the meeting to a close. Major Saltine objected. She wanted to complain about Water Clan. They were not polite and subservient. When the soldiers got rude with the clan members, they would respond in kind. I did not know what she had expected here. Radiation Clan was apparently the same way.

Fixing my face, I looked at her calmly. "When dealing with them, it might be better to treat them like equal partners. It seems they respond kindly to humans that like them better than those that attack or belittle them." I said. She gave me a look of pure disdain. "I will never give a 'borg so much as a smile." she spat. That meant nothing to me. If Major Rachel Saltine were to die right now and be replaced, I would not care a single bit. "I've certainly learned a lot today. I guess I'll see you all sometime later. I have other things to do. Bye bye." Major Watts said, excusing himself. He stood up and his captain followed him out the door. Major Idovelli and his captain left next. It was Major Saltine that stayed. She looked us over and said "Before you go playing in the western quadrant, I have a job for you." That was interesting. We let her talk. A beat passed before she spoke. "I don't trust them. I never will. They offered to show us a 'flowering event'. I'd rather stick blades in my eye sockets. You'll be going with my captains to make sure everything is on the level." We all agreed. It sounded fun.

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