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277. Initiative

276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

272. Upgrades

271. A Big War

270. Traveling

269. Dismissal

268. Servicing

267. Last Chance

266. Proposals

265. Celebrating

264. It Works

263. Pounding

262. Quick Shot

261. Visitation

260. Hybridity

259. Membership

258. Diplomacy

A Major Meeting

avatar on 2024-07-24 20:29:07

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Brett was not happy about it, but there was nothing he could do. Fighting 12-001 in the music studio would destroy our cover. After what 12-001 had done here, none of it could be forgiven. The humans working here for us would not feel safe or trust us if they knew that he was still lurking among them. He was even more dangerous now than he was before. He came to me to ask about it. I told them what the AEP units were getting up to. My work in the lab was finally being recognized. He just frowned at me. I stared back at him. I was not going to back down on this. Not at this point. "Well, now I can't fuck him. Now what am I going to do!?" he demanded. I just crossed my arms. "I never thought that just bending him over and sticking your dick inside of him was right. You have to get consent." That made Brett roll his eyes. "It's fine. It's not like there aren't more on the continent." he said. He knew that I was right. Rolling his shoulders, he changed the subject. "What are we going to do about the west?" he asked me. I just shrugged. Paul had not weighed in on it yet. We went to go ask.

Paul thought about it. "Maybe we should get all the other majors together. They are going to have to give us something crazy to get us out there." he said with a knowing smirk. I was in total agreement. After everything that has gone on, we had proven it was us that brought the rest of the continent peace. We brought down Magnetic Clan when everyone was still trying to get themselves started. We conquered Cold Clan in as little as a day. It would have been even sooner if we found the time for it. Even with Heat Clan and Toxic Clan still lurking around, they would never dare to do something like this. Only Sixteenth Notes Clan could go in and bring order to the western quadrant. When we called the majors for a meeting, they were all very reluctant. None of them wanted to be seen coming to our beck and call. However, there was only so much they could hold out on when the west was in a hellscape. They all came to our meeting room with their #1 subordinates. We got to the chase very early. I knew they were not here to play. "What are we going to do about the west!?" Paul asked.

They all looked at us. "What have you guys been doing over in the west!?" Major Saltine demanded. Major Watts looked confused. Major Idovelli scowled. "We haven't done anything. I was wondering when we would be sent in, but we haven't gotten anything from you guys." Brett said. Now all 3 looked confused. "Wait? Why are we even here again? None of us have command over the western quadrant. You know this." Major Watts said. I spoke up. "Yes. But it was also you that said we were not allowed to go to the western quadrant when we were working directly under you here in the east. We don't even know who the major of the western quadrant is." The 3 went silent and then it was 2 on 1. Both Saltine and Idovelli glared at him. Watts raised an eyebrow. "That never stopped you from going to the north and south on your own. We even ended our working relationship after purging Cold Clan. You could have gone in at any time." he said. "Well, this was a waste of time." Major Saltine said with a deep sigh. I had another question. "I am sure you heard of the Titron incident."

I started with this to get the discussion back on track. Major Watts and Major Saltine looked at me blankly. Brett just gave a knowing smirk. "Wow. You guys really do not share any intel, do you? We could have been ripping you all off here easily if we wanted to." he remarked. It was true. None of them would be able to check. They all kept to themselves. Major Idovelli whined like a scolded dog. The others looked at him now. He explained the situation quickly. "Great. No wonder all the syndicates are getting involved. They have over a billion credits of free money to play with." Major Saltine spat as she threw her hands up. She was beside herself with anger. "When were you going to report that military tech and intel were being leaked? That leak does not just concern the south quadrant!" Major Watts demanded. Major Idovelli's ears were down. "I had not expected it to be much of a problem. Most of our sectors are completely pacified. The fact you were unaware of this until now shows that it was not important to bother with it." "That's something to follow." I said. Everyone looked.

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