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273. Tactical Lie

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271. A Big War

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264. It Works

263. Pounding

262. Quick Shot

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255. Harrowing

254. His Day

Guns in the Buns

avatar on 2024-07-24 20:18:29

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I said "Not in the anus. One gun in each butt cheek. You'll have 2 of them." Bryson said "You have to be joking now. I don't believe you." I shrugged. "To be fair, that was a really long time ago. They also had to charge the cyborgs through their anus back them. Luckily, you guys are way more advanced." I conceded. "Then why offer an outdated strategy!?" Aidan asked. I said "You cannot beat the classics. Just because you have more firepower and bullet proofing doesn't make you better in every way. I can tell you that. The androids in those times could fly on their own. You all cannot do that yet. It's just an emergency tactic at the end of the day." All of them frowned at me. I don't think I was reaching them. I finished with "You do not have to take it, but that would be one way to use the nanites you have." It was a tough sell. I knew that. I let it float in the air for a bit. Courtney huffed at me and said "Do you think that I would be more effective in a fight that way?" I said "The final choice is yours." He said "I'll do it then." In the end they decided to do it. Every single one. Dawg and 12-001 too.

When they each decided to put a sparkly golden shotgun in each ass cheek, it was soon apparent that there was a problem. Not enough of them had the golden memory nanites. There were 5 PEA units here. I was the clan engineer. I gave them a mission to redecorate the gardens. After each of the missions, their tanks filled up again. It was on them to fuck the 14 AEP units to give them the chips and the golden memory nanites. The bullets that they could fire were going to be the same color for only the first magazine. Then it would revert back to the standard gray until they got more colored nanites inside of them. If they still wanted that. There would always be more memory nanites here. It took them a bit for them to get them ready. When they were done installing new weapons in their bodies, they all bent over and showed me their results. All of their butt cheeks opened up and their shotgun barrels stuck out. I did not know how to feel about it. It was honestly a bit too uncanny for me. However, I had already fully committed to the bit. I did not want the clan members to lose trust in me.

Having that happen would be bad for me. There was not a single good way of going back. Now that we had come this far, I had no other option but to affirm them. "Looks really good guys." I said with a smile. I hoped that I was convincing enough. The cyborgs let them recede. I just nodded my head at them. Some of them still looked skeptical. They then left the lab. I watched them go. There was now 2 guns in each of their asses. That was very new to me. I wondered if it would be a big problem later on. We were still working on the wings so that they could fly. That would take some more time. If we were going to download them, we might as well wait until we got to the end of the research tree. It was still in the works. As they were leaving, I made sure to pat them on the head or the shoulders to give them some extra affirmation and confidence. As an officer, getting praise from me really helped with their mood. Even 12-001 and Dawg seemed to be a bit lighter in their steps as they left. They were trying to one up each other, but that was okay. As long as they did not kill each other.

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