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31. Simon and the Bullies

30. The Hacker

29. Nadine Looks Forward to Playin

28. Yuki Takes Lead

27. Karyn's Friend is Sabrina, Not

26. Yuki Speaks

25. Karyn Lays Low

24. The Trio is Looking for Someon

23. Leonard, Gladys, and Derek

22. Nadine the Musician

21. Karyn Gets Nadine's Necklace

20. Normalcy?

19. Someone Else Has the Jumper

18. Karyn Tries to Help Others

17. Kyla Fixes Herself.

16. Zoe and Sarah Become Friends

15. Panic Attack

14. Tidal Wave: Jon

13. Zoe and Sarah's Class

12. Outside the Principal's Office

Tidal Wave: Simon and the Bullies

on 2024-07-21 02:56:55

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Simon Davison sat, feeling utterly confused, and trying to collect himself amongst all the other people sitting there and doing the same. Something had happened...he'd been in the hall and then...suddenly he was flat on his back. Had someone hit him? He'd only wondered for a few seconds before an announcement told everyone to report to classes, so he'd stumbled toward what he thought was his class, only to bump into someone wearing a school team jacket.

"Watch where you're going."

"Sorry," Simon mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said, sorry..."

"Yes, you are sorry..."

Simon watched as team jacket was joined by two other team jackets. He was having trouble identifying anyone, but these three must be together...wearing the same thing. And it was clear they were.

"What's going on?" One of them asked the one who had been questioning him.

"He just bumped into me."

One of them got into Simon's face. "Do you see what it says on his jacket?"

"," he said, finding them somewhat intimidated.

"It says Team Captain...Can't you read?"

"I...didn't see it."

Simon felt confused. He wasn't sure why these three were making him so nervous.

One of them grabbed his bag away from him and unzipped it, dumping his things all over the floor. "Maybe you'll watch where you are going next time." The three walked off, leaving Simon to scramble around, picking up an algebra textbook, a sack lunch, pencils, pens...

Meanwhile, walking down the hall, the teenager in the team captain jacket paused by the bathrooms. "Be right back, gotta go." They said, before entering the girl's restroom.

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