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245. Just A Day

244. 3 Triplets

243. Territorial

242. No Funeral

241. Conclusion

240. Major Reneging

239. All Out Fight

238. Cold AEP Units

237. Cold X-Frames

236. A Death

235. Dark Fluid

234. Consequences

233. Betrayal

232. Opponents

231. Loadout

230. Nickname

229. Committing

228. Big Team

227. Breeders

226. Baby PEAs

Zetsubō and Desespero, Despair Twins

avatar on 2024-05-04 17:03:18

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The next day, I gave birth to the triplets. It was easy for me to give one of them over to Wayne. "Here's your child. You can take him." I said. He looked shocked. This was normally not supposed to be possible. Peter and he could not believe it. Mateo and Ramon pat him on the back to congratulate him. "Looks like we have another clan member." Ramon said. Mateo asked "What are you going to name him?" Wayne was stunned and had no clue what to do. Ramon was beginning to catch on and just crossed his hands behind his neck. "Don't worry. We'll find a good name for him on the way back." he assured the PEA unit. Mateo snapped his fingers with inspiration. "I know. Let's name him Pedro!" he exclaimed. Ramon shook his head. "Hell no! Does he look like a Pedro to you!? Be serious." He then took the child from Wayne. It was then held in Mateo's face. "He's more like a Raul!" he stated. It was going to be a while before they would be able to agree on a suitable name. That was for Clan Edge to decide. I would be naming the other 2 children. They were identical to the first one.

Naming them was easy for me. I had been thinking about it for awhile. These 2 were going to be very over powered for this world. Zetsubō and Desespero both meant a deep despair. One word was in Japanese. The other was in Portuguese. These were the going to be the Sixteenth Notes Clan's own Despair Twins. Woe to anyone who crossed their path. It was now up to us to make sure they were raised well. We were on a massive upswing. The contract was over. We had all of our criminal records cleared. Hunter made sure by hacking into their systems. We were also credited with bringing down Cold Clan. Major Watts really took the lion share of the credit. As he should. As a commanding officer, he did not need to go into the transmission hub's lair himself. He could have delegated it to his subordinates. That was what happened last time. He had really cemented himself as an iconic hero. One that represented the resiliency of humanity. Once again, we rode the waves of popular opinion. I made sure us officers attended the funerals of the grunts that died. It was for appearances.

Clan Edge was finally ready to go back home after a week of staying with us. I was happy for them. They still did not have a name for the child yet. It would come in time for them. You really could not rush these things. Naming wrong could lead to disappointment and resentment on the part of the child. I did not want to worry because I was going to be there every step of the way to raise them well. All my other hybrid children had already been moved to the various churches and cathedrals to serve as clerics and paladins. These 2 were going to be for the express use of the clan. I went to seek out Liam a few days later. He wanted to show me what he could do. Liam had always been able to make me cum several times from foreplay alone. This time was no different. He ate me out and then fisted me. It felt great. Then he got hard and went behind me. I lifted my tail and he grabbed me by the hindquarters. He fucked me hard. It made up for the fact he could not get deep. Liam really wanted me to get pregnant here. When he came in me, he did so for a minute. I let him have 2 kids.

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