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168. Jolto City

167. Operational

166. Suburbs

165. Code Words

164. Members

163. A Team

162. Meetings

161. Contacts

160. Resting

159. Toxic Clan

158. Captured

157. Moving Along

156. Reluctant

155. Water Clan

154. Disapproval

153. Clearing

152. Criminals

151. In the Pit

150. Big Fight

149. PR Outreach

Meeting Wind Clan

avatar on 2024-03-18 20:21:40

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Jolto City is pretty nice. It was bustling with thousands of people going about their daily lives. I expected nothing less from a metropolitan area. It was time to go forward and meet up with Wind Clan. I was not able to reach their city limit without a SWAT truck rushing towards me from up the road and swerving in front of me. That was new for me. Usually, it was a large van driven by civilians with an axe to grind against the cyborgs in their area. They all got out and surrounded me with their rifles pointed directly at me. I sighed and waited for them to say something. "Brianne Terri. You are not welcome here in Jolto City. Leave, or you'll be arrested." one of the commandos in charge said. I looked at him and said "I have been invited to do a job. How is it even possible that an ordinance has gone out banning me from a city I've never been to before!? I want to see the paperwork." I was calling them on their bluff. They looked at one another in confusion. They were pointing their guns at me and I was not even flinching. The commando sucked his teeth. "You'd better watch yourself." he spat.

Like I thought, he had nothing on me. All of them got back in the SWAT truck and left me alone on the road. I shook my head and continued forward. Now that I was in a position to help in the city, it was time to find Wind Clan. It was clear that their government interlocutors were pretty aggressive. I made my way to the industrial district. It seemed to not be as busy as you would expect. I guess the PEP units made sure to keep the area as clear of humans as possible. The less humans in the area, the safer their transmission hub would be. Eventually, I was brought in to speak to them face to face. They were more than a bit standoffish to me. Firstly, we had broken the first alliance with them. Next, I had been going around and making noise in Ultron City. Clan Edge was all on me. Doing that poached 2 very capable PEA units from the transmission hub. However, it was undeniable that I got a lot of shit done. All my results spoke to them. It would simply be illogical to refuse me at this point. That did not mean they had to like me though. I did not care now. I could deal with Clan Edge.

My job began with interviewing them. I needed to know what their big resources were. The government did not take these deals out of friendship. All of them were based on mutual gain and the practicality of pacifying over a third of the continent. It was even better if the government got the edge on the alliance. Void Clan was a total mess to me. They had a criminality problem that far outweighed whatever value they would bring in. Wind Clan could use their environment to their advantage. This was their industrial district. Those could be used to produce several useful things for the government. It would be a boon to them. When the captain arrived, it was the same guy from the SWAT truck. He saw me and scowled. "I thought you said you had a job in the city, Brianne?" he challenged. I smirked. "Yes. I am a consultant for the Advocate faction clans. This is my job." He just rolled his eyes and sat across from us. We began the negotiations. They were extremely hawkish. I knew some inside information. I knew that things were really rough. They were unrelenting in their attack. I smiled.

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