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6. Karyn and Sarah

5. One Lifeform

4. no longer a bra

3. Karyn tries to fix the problem

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn and Sarah

on 2024-02-12 19:41:29
Episode last modified by lifesmainantagonist on 2024-02-12 20:18:26

1123 hits, 150 views, 3 upvotes.

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Karyn was about to surreptitiously leave Jon’s room and house. Fortunately his family was at best hands-off and at worst negligent so no one even cared when she went into his room alone or would notice or care when she left without him.

“What are you doing now?” thought Jon to her. “Off to school of course,” Karyn said, flipping the stone around in her hand.

“With the stone? You should leave it in its place here, so there’s no risk of you losing it.”

“How did you know I was holding it?” Karyn asked suspiciously. Jon could apparently hear sound and see but the seeing was off when covered by clothes. So how?

Jon was afraid of admitting that he/she had been receiving bits and pieces of Karyn’s thoughts, not just in words, but intentions, but accidentally revealed it anyway. What if Karyn wished that ability away? Jon would be even more helpless!

“Oh, I see,” Karyn thought. “Testing testing 123. Of course, I wished I could communicate with you, and you weren’t actually making sound but sending messages telepathically, and you’re actually deaf, you weren’t hearing me either but receiving my thoughts in words as I spoke.”

“Please don’t take it away from me...” Jon said sadly in their thoughts.

“Are you kidding? That means we can talk entirely in our minds, that’s even better!” Karyn thought back.

“But what about the stone?” Jon thought.

“This is a strange situation and I’d like to be ready for anything. What if something happens we’re not ready for?”

“I guess that makes sense,” Jon admitted. “But can you at least not hold it in your hand?”

“Ah, gotcha,” Karyn thought. She unzipped her pants, fiddled with her undies and then slid it deep into a place Jon was really not expecting.”

“Holy crap,” Jon thought. “WHY would you do that!”

“It’s only about an inch in diameter,” Karyn said nonchalantly. “I’ve walked around with tampons bigger than that. Now I’m not going to accidentally put it down and lose it.”

“Karyn, it’s not just about that, but if you wish for something accidentally it will activate if it’s in contact with you. Keeping it in the little box wasn’t just about making it less likely I’d put it down somewhere and forget, it’s about not being in direct contact with it.”

“Oh. Well fine, I’ll just have to make sure not to wish for something stupid,” she said out loud that time. And then felt a heat almost painfully hot right against her cervix. “Um...”

“You just ended that sentence with wish for something stupid and said it out loud!” Jon thought at her angrily in an I-told-you-so sort of way.

And there she was. The one and only Sarah McMillan just suddenly appeared in Jon’s room right in front of them.

“Aah! What, what’s going on, what happened, where am I, who are you?! Wait, I know you! You’re that girl I knew in middle school, Karyn, right? What’s going on?!” Sarah said as she clumsily lumbered around Jon’s bedroom.

Karyn bit her lip. She wasn’t really prepared for her new reality. She had an inkling that she was now attracted to women, but wasn’t prepared for just how hot she would find Sarah. Karyn may have had a grudge against her for stealing her one and only boyfriend in middle school, but “god she’s hot,” Karyn thought, glancing down at the shape of Sarah’s boobs through her blouse, and caught herself dangerously close to actually drooling out of her mouth. “It’s so unfair though. I wish she was as attracted to me as I am to her.”

And then to her surprise and chagrin, Karyn felt the intense heat from within herself.

“It can activate from just thinking the words I wish?!” Jon and Karyn thought together.

Sarah bit her lip as she looked Karyn over. Never in her life had she thought another girl was so, deeply, hot, on the level of personal attraction. It took all her willpower to contain herself. What had come over her?!”

But Karyn, understanding the situation, smirked and said, “Well now that you’re here, Sarah, want to walk to school together?”

“Yeah, sure,” Sarah gasped, before realizing she was starting to drool out of the corner of her goofy smile, and had been staring down at Karyn’s chest.

“I thought you hated her,” Jon thought to Karyn in confusion.

“Eh. Now that I think about it, I was angry over something that wasn’t really a big deal, it was barely even much her fault,” Karyn thought back happily.

Jon groaned mentally. “Do I need to remind you not to even think any wishes?”

“Oh what’s the worst that could happen?” Karyn thought back to Jon.

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