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135. Manager

134. Identical

133. 5 Mates

132. Collecting

131. New Class

130. Equality

129. Finals

128. Concert

127. New Day

126. Funeral

125. First 3

124. Killing

123. Reception

122. Stubborn

121. Offering

120. Energize

119. Pairings

118. Prowling

117. Hunting

116. Bravery

Returning to The Wreck

avatar on 2024-01-10 07:52:03
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2024-01-13 14:03:51

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This was a massive influx of fiends we would have to feed. Adding 12 of them in one go was more than a bit reckless. Especially when I was going to be giving 5 of them over to the temple to become monks. Then again, my squad mates had their own mates now after barging in on this trip. I could tell them that it was their responsibility to keep their mates fed. Even thinking about it, I knew that was a bad idea. Giving them free reign would mean that they would go wild and cause problems for me in the long run. I sighed and said "There will be a ton of things for you guys to do when we get back to the Mortal Realm. It will be a good deal of work, but it will make you all much stronger." Vxex and Wesez were to be my mates. That did not mean that they could not be monks too. Giving them a martial class would grant me direct benefits. I also would not need to crowd The Wreck. When we got back, I would need to speak to Larry about this. We needed more space. A lot more. I could see myself opening up a new club. My coven already had 16 incubi members. Adding 12 would total to 28 of us.

We would also be wise to prepare for more whelps as my squad mates now all had mates of their own. Dividing the 28 into 2 groups would mean 14 in each club going forward. We had started with 16, so that would be just fine. We had 2 DJ entertainers at The Wreck. Now they would each get their own club to pursue their musical freedom to the fullest. We went back to the portal to see that it was being used. 6 devils were going through with a bunch of cargo. They seemed to also be going over to the Mortal Realm. I told everyone form a line. We then got on the back of their line. Obviously, they noticed us and demanded to know who we were. Once I introduced myself they looked more respectful. "Oh! Sorry, sir. Please forgive me." the one at the front said. That was new. I was a high level incubus. I also did lots of cool stuff in the Mortal Plane. Maybe they knew me from somewhere. I asked if I knew them. They exchanged looks with each other. They apparently worked for Hollin. New things to trade had come in. Amazing. I let them get back to work. We passed through after them.

Being in the Mortal Realm was great. I decided to take all of them on a massive tour of the city. The whelps were excited to see all the potential prey they could hunt. The best thing about the city was that all the prey came to us. Walking to The Wreck, we walked through the doors. Xavier was there giving orders to the incubi. He looked at us an rolled his eyes as I approached. "How long were we gone?" I asked. "A year and a couple of months. It looks like you brought a whole lot of incubi back with you." I nodded my head. "Yeah. I did not expect it myself. Thank you so much for holding down the fort for us, Xavier." I said as I extended my hand to shake his. He returned the gesture. "It was a lot easier to deal with them that I was expecting. This club can honestly run itself." he said. I just chuckled. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Fiends from Hell are lawful-aligned. Maintaining hierarchy is easy if you're strong enough to maintain it. These guys would rip each other apart to claw at the top spot if I did not appoint you manager." I told him. Sighing, he said "Yeah. My mother had to discipline one."

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