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134. Identical

133. 5 Mates

132. Collecting

131. New Class

130. Equality

129. Finals

128. Concert

127. New Day

126. Funeral

125. First 3

124. Killing

123. Reception

122. Stubborn

121. Offering

120. Energize

119. Pairings

118. Prowling

117. Hunting

116. Bravery

115. Humans

Monk Whelps

avatar on 2024-01-10 07:49:46

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All of them were satisfied with their mates. I was now searching for the whelps that would be the monks that would be at Fertile Gardens Temple. I decided to get the first few that I saw. I gathered 5 together and told them that it would be a really good idea to come with us back to the Mortal Realm. They could get some great experience and become extremely powerful. I had lots of examples. Everyone could see me, but not everyone could be like a Player. I also had all of my squad mates here with me now. Nyrear, Vohrear, Grulilan, Zaranarax and Ororin were all high class fiends. Each one of them were immensely strong and beautiful. I went to each one of them and listed every accomplishment. They looked surprised and flattered that I remembered. It was not hard for me. I was just reading from the menu. I also groped them in the places that they each liked the most. My squad mates were not amused that they were being put on display for some whelps. It was fine as they were being handled by me. That was how close we were. Ororin growled a bit more and louder than the others.

She had the lowest opinion of me of the group. It made sense after everything that happened with Zephyr. The whelps looked totally amazed by us. Never in their wildest dreams could they aspire to power like we had. Now they were eager to join us. Their names were Boreneth, Praxel, Grulex, Felorin and Catnessa. "Come along and follow us then." I said. They nodded their heads. Along the way, another pair of whelps came to us. They looked exactly the same. Only their skin tone was different. One had pale skin and the other's skin was sun-kissed. Both of them looked pretty with raven black hair and ruby red eyes. They wanted me to settle which looked better. I made them both come closer to me and slowly spin around. The only difference I could tell was the skin town. To be honest, I was more into the tanner version. Pale skin was striking and beautiful, but I just preferred the other incubus. However, I pulled both of them closer to me and hugged them. "You both are amazing. I can't choose just one of you. Let me take you both back as my mates. What are your names?" I said.


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