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124. Killing

123. Reception

122. Stubborn

121. Offering

120. Energize

119. Pairings

118. Prowling

117. Hunting

116. Bravery

115. Humans

114. Spawned

113. The Coven

112. Big Lie

111. Escape

110. Freedom

109. Birthing

108. Ranking

107. Reveal

106. Marking

105. Power

Not Making Friends

avatar on 2024-01-08 15:48:17

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It turned out that there were 3 Bronze Adventurers in the guild that day. All 3 were willing to fight. I had to get a box and write all of our names down. I shook it and drew 3 names. Those were Ohirora, Nymorin and Garanan. I did not know who they were. I really was not too good with names. Blinking, I asked them to stand up. They did so slowly. All of them looked nervous. I looked and saw that some of them were growling. Nyrear and Vohrear in particular. I sighed. "This was a fair drawing. Everyone saw me right the names and shake the box. You 3 have the right to fight. The rest will have to wait until more come." I said. I did not leave it up to debate. Otherwise, they would be intimidated out of the shot. Ohirora, Nymorin and Garanan wanted to fight. "It will be a fight. You can give up if they want. They can also give up. We don't want them to see your true form. If the give up, do not kill them. That is all." I said to them. They nodded. We would be spectating the fights as they took place. The first match would be in an hour. We made our way down to the arena. The 3 were in a changing room.

Watching the matches were not that exciting. Ohirora, Nymorin and Garanan were doing what I told them to do. They had their spells, but they were also incubi. They did not have any problems fighting dirty if their opponents came in close. Otherwise, using 5th level spells did enough damage all on its own. Only Nymorin needed to kill his opponent. That was actually what had surprised me. Ohirora's opponent was knocked out from a nice left hook to the jaw after a low blow. Garanan's opponent was so disgusted after the death, they forfeited soon after the match began. It was a really great showing. I made sure to highly praise them for their victories. Ohirora, Nymorin and Garanan puffed out their chests as I recounted each match. I added lots of flowery language to make them sound heroic. Every move was brave and insightful. They themselves were beautiful and cunning. Stunning and strategic. I shared some skinship with them by patting them on the head and hugging them in front of the rest of their coven. Ohirora, Nymorin and Garanan enjoyed it. The others were all ambivalent to it.

Killing his opponent gave Nymorin a slightly bad reputation. That was fine with us. We were here to be high ranked adventurers. We were not here to make any friends. It was something that other people could cry about. All of us were totally fine with us. None of us were going to denounce him for it. I could tell that this was not going to be the end of it. People might want to take revenge. At the end of the day, we were told that more would be coming to the guild for the confirmations. It would obviously take some time. We would just have to wait for it. Since Vohrear and Nyrear were so upset that they were not chosen, I decided that all the original squad members would be going for the next 6 fights. Those 2 would kick us off. The next day there were 4 of them that came from Robal City. They were locals. I was concerned that we would not be too popular if we ended up killing them all. It was up to Vohrear, Nyrear, Ororin and Grulilan now. I advised them to hold back a bit. They did not give me promises one way or the other. I shrugged and watched them from the stands. They killed their opponent.

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