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99. Conned

98. A Birthday

97. Emotions

96. Vulnerable

95. Debt Free

94. Sitdown 2

93. Bianca's In

92. Vandalism

91. Skating

90. A Recital

89. Training

88. Sitdown

87. Bodyguard

86. Defensive

85. Our Meeting

84. Revenge

83. Back Home

82. Hotel Week

81. Held Hostage

80. Lost Vote

Taken for a Ride

avatar on 2023-12-19 13:57:34

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Life was going well for me. It was on a Thursday on which I got a call from Ronan. He said I needed to come down to Emerald Empire. It sounded urgent to me. I rushed down there. Nothing looked broken. Nobody looked injured or ill. Something had to be going on. I walked up to Ronan. "I got here as soon as I could. What's up?" He gave me a tired look before groaning. "I was away at a parent teacher conference for Paolo. Shithead failed another math test. I had to talk it out with him and his mom. I hat his school. It was so annoying. You could just tell the teacher was judging me. Like I was the one that failed his test for him. When I came back, I hear that 3 people ran up your tab. I wanted to know if this is true." I blinked. Excuse me?" I asked. He frowned. "Hey! You hear me. Do you let people just use your name and shit to get free stuff!?" he asked me, this time more directly. "Only I run up my tab. I didn't give permission for anything like that. Who the fuck conned you?" I asked. He showed me the books. Carlo, Marco and Rocco's signatures were there. "I need to see a video!" I said.

Ronan had that covered. He took me to his main office were all the security camera feeds led to. We were able to sit down and watch. It was the beginning of their day. I watched as my 3 sons walked in. They were supposed to be in school. There was no audio, but we clearly saw them sign in and move to one of the rooms. A male whore came in about 5 minutes later. The boys got undressed with varying enthusiasm. Carlo did not want to be there at all. Rocco was constantly looking at the clock and door as if they would get caught any second. It was most likely Marco's idea from how bold he was being. They all got a blowjob from the whore. The whore then wanted some reciprocation from them. Carlo was pissed off and done. Rocco tried it, but quickly got tired and annoyed at doing it. We could not hear what the whore was saying to them, but it was clearly making Carlo and Rocco upset. They go up from the bed. Marco did not seem to mind it. He sucked dick with enthusiasm. The whore seemed to coach him through it. Rocco took a photo of it with Marco's phone. Marco posed for that.

Well, that was definitive proof. "Yep. Those are my kids, alright. They conned you out of a free hour with this prostitute of yours." I said at the end . After the nice blowjob by Marco, it was time for them to go. I did not know why I was not called. They obviously skipped school, unless they went right after. I called Bianca. She picked up right away. "Did the school give you a call about Carlo yesterday?" I asked her directly. "Yes, and I am not happy about it." That was not the response I was expecting. "What did they say?" I asked. "They called me to say that Carlo and the twins were not a school. Bianca and I were stressed out. Then an hour later, they called me to say they made a mistake. They were at school all along. I guess they were playing around in the hallways instead of going to class. That is a big difference from them being lost somewhere." she said. It was clear that this made her very angry. The school misplaced her son. I knew what really happened. After the brothel, they simply went back to school and slipped in with the rest of the kids to complete their schedule. Very clever of them.

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