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15. Nanos 189: Jealous Girlfriend

14. Case 156 resolution

13. Nano Case 156: Mall Help

12. Case 121 Follow Up

11. Case 121 Resolution

10. Nano Case 121 - Oversharing

9. Case 96 resolution

8. Nano Case 96: Teen Bets

7. Case 87 Resolution

6. Nano Case 87 - Bridal Party Sh

5. Case 62 Resolution

4. Nano Case 62 - Basic Couple

3. IOC: Nano Complaints

2. The Institute of Change

1. The Drafting Board

IOC Nanos Complaints Case 189: Jealous Girlfriend

on 2023-12-06 10:05:50

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“They said it was fucking permanent Chels!” Henny heard a man’s voice say through the squeaky, slowly closing door as she settled back into her seat to check on her first complaint of the week. As she sat down, the armrests of the chair squeezed into the sides of her butt uncomfortably.

“Did they make the fucking chair smaller?” she said out loud, looking down to see what the situation was with her butt. After a moment her eyes widened with realization. “No…” She said as she stood up and turned her head over her shoulder to look at her butt as best she could. “They made my… Well this persona’s ass bigger. Those fuckers.” she said out loud.

“If it weren’t for the bodies they give me on clinic weeks I’d be so fucking out of here.” She said, sitting back down and adjusting her glasses.

She opened a case file and began to read.

Physical: Copy of lower half of Tiffany Pzyrack (linked transaction 2390274202)
Mental Change: Replace walking style and posture with that of Tiffany Pzyrack. Only able to wear tight or revealing clothes on the lower body.
Other: Cannot drink brown liquor nor any variety of beer or malt liquor. Does not like bitter or spicy foods.

She skipped the comments - She never reads the comments - and pushed the big button on her desk to summon the people with the complaint. After hearing the obnoxiously loud buzzer from the waiting room she shifted in her seat to try to find a comfortable angle in the chair that was too small. “At least it’s not fucking hot flashes again” she grumbled to herself.

“God you’d better hope they can fix this” she heard a voice say. In walked a guy who at first looked quite normal - Bass Pro shops t shirt and a hat from some gun company. It was only after who Henny assumed was his girlfriend that she noticed how he was standing. He crossed his arms and had shifted his weight over to his left foot, popping his left hip out.

“Are you the complaints person here?” he asked.

“Most likely” Henny said, sarcastically. “I take it you are the one who is unhappy. She looks pretty… normal” Henny said, motioning over to the girlfriend.

“Isn’t it obvious?” they guy said, motioning down.

“I can’t see below this desk here. Step over to the other side I guess.” Henny directed, pointing to a space between old boxes of papers and a filing cabinet over to her right.

The guy gracefully shuffled over to that space and gave a quick turn to show off his ass and then turned back around to face Henny. “See! This is what I need fixed.” he said, motioning to the tight black tights that he was wearing. When he had turned Henny could see a truly majestic ass and smooth thighs down to some very feminine calves. It was a very sexy lower body, for a woman.

“Yep, that tracks with what we have in here.” Henny said. “So, in 10 words or less tell me what happened.”

A bit shocked, the guy asked.” 10 words?”

“Yeah, only so many characters allowed in here” henny said, motioning to the screen, on which every spoken word was being transcribed.

“Okay, I guess..” he started. Henny started typing nonsense on the keyboard, with the cursor in an empty spot on the screen.

“No, not yet.” he said.

“Six words already.” Henny said, still typing.

“Girlfriend tricked me.” he said, after some thought.

“Okay.” Henny pretended to read from the screen. “Okay I guess no not yet Girlfriend Tricked Me.” she read from the screen in a monotone fashion. “Should be good enough for management. So, what’s the deal?” Henny asked.

The girlfriend, who had looked guilty and distraught the whole time, spoke up. “It’s my fault. See, my friend Tiffany was over at a party at our place a few weeks ago and I caught Paul here staring at her ass.”

“That’s not true. Y'all were both drunk and came over and asked me whose ass was better and I told you I didn’t want to answer and then I told you it was yours.” Paul said.

“Yeah, but you weren’t being honest and I saw you staring at her and not me.” she said.

“Cause she was waving it all over the fucking place!” Paul said, exasperated.

“So anyway, I figured if he liked her ass so much he should enjoy it himself.” she said.

“And instead of just copying it to yourself like you COULD have done you came to me with a vial and told me it would make my dick bigger and more sensitive and give me better stamina and instead now I have her lower half, and I’m stuck moving like a chick.” Paul said, crossing his legs at the thigh. “God, see! I’ll bet my foot even starts swinging some when I’m not thinking about it.”

“Yeah, that was messed up but I told you I'm sorry! I love you and didn’t know this was permanent!” the girlfriend said. “And besides, it’s not like you haven’t had some fun with it. I’ve heard you in the shower.”

“Yeah, well, I figured I might as well try it while I had these bits but I was expecting to get my dick back! And now I’m stuck like this. Walking like your slutty friend and having to wear either tights or shorts. Or I guess short skirts or some shit.” he said, exasperated. “Like, I only have some of Tiff’s clothes and I don’t really have money for a new wardrobe.”

“Okay, so you aren’t happy that you have that lower body, and can’t afford to clothe yourself” Henny said.

“Yeah, that’s it, mostly.” Paul said. “I mean, we haven’t had sex since the change, and I’ve been pretty horny if I’m honest here.”

“Yeah, gross.” the girlfriend said.

“See? Like she did this to me and won’t even help me enjoy this!” Paul said. “So here I am having to jack off… or I guess finger myself in the shower!”

“And this whole liquor thing? What’s that about?” Henny asked.

“Oh, well, he was making fun of Tiff and me and some of my friends for our sugary drinks that night at the party so I made it so he can only get drunk on stuff we like!” the girlfriend said.

“And the whole sweets thing?” Henny asked.

“Well, I thought it would be funny I guess. Like, he’s always eating chocolates and bubblegum and stuff now instead of his old snacks.” She said.

“Yeah, fuck I miss whiskey but the rest of it is not the end of the world. You know - those pink bottled drinks are pretty tasty I guess.” Paul said.

“Okay, So I got it all. You’re fine with the tastebuds stuff, but you aren’t happy having Tiff’s lower body and want that to not be an issue anymore.” Henny said.

“I guess that sums it up. I mean if you can’t reverse stuff like the tastebuds thing.” Paul said.

“Alright, well. You know we can’t reverse stuff, but I have a couple of ideas. Take this over to the receptionist in the IOC office and you’ll be taken care of.” Henny said.

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