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5. Susan Meets Jon

4. A Spoiled Wish

3. Found by... Sarah McMillan, wh

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Country Clubbing: Susan Meets Jon

on 2023-09-23 01:13:02

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After her errant wish, Sarah tossed the stone into a nearby garbage can, not giving it a second thought as she strutted down the hallway towards class, unaware of the magic she'd now set in motion.

Today was probably destined to go down as one of the worst in Jon's entire life as far as he was concerned. He'd had an actual real magical artifact in his hands and he'd somehow lost it, completely unable to find it again the rest of the day. Someone else probably chucked it aside, not knowing what it was since it only looked like a rock, and Jon's life had suddenly crashed back down to the same dull mundane one it had been before, made all the worse because of what could have been. To top it off, he hadn't even been able to stick around after classes to look for it due to his shift at the Emerald Hills Country Club. He'd started working there as a waiter/busboy/occasional golf caddy over the summer and he couldn't afford to lose the gig if he wanted to save up for college; the Gibsons were a single income household, and working as Susan McMillan's personal assistant didn't exactly make his mom Linda rich.

Speaking of Susan McMillan, the matriarch in question was at the club like usual that day, laughing at something one of her socialite friends said as they enjoyed some afternoon drinks, and Jon was just grateful he wasn't in their section. As the wealthiest woman in town and part owner of the club, offending Mrs. McMillan was an easy way to get fired. Instead, Jon was bussing the other half of the dining area, doing his best to keep his head down and avoid angering his boss or the well heeled guests of the club. Normally that would be how he went through his shift, but for some reason his attention kept being drawn across the room towards Susan's table.

It was understandable to a degree, Susan McMillan was an undeniably gorgeous woman, arguably even more stunning than her daughter with her more mature curves. Not that she was old, especially compared to other parents of Jon's classmates, being only 36 years old, compared to Jon's mom Linda, who was 49. Susan had married industrialist Richard McMillan, a man nearly 40 years her senior, when she was only 19 and had Sarah soon after. There had been a fair share of comments regarding golddigging going around town when it happened, at least according to Jon's mom, but if that was the case then Susan had struck the motherload. After Richard died from a heart attack some years ago, Susan had become a very wealthy widow, and undeniably the most powerful person in the whole town.

Jon knew all this already, and normally just steered clear of the woman, but for some reason he kept getting distracted by her that afternoon. He'd catch a glimpse of her golden hair out of the corner of his eye, or hear her voice drifting across the dining area; it was actually distracting enough to push his worries about the stone out of his head for a while. It also meant his supervisor, Terry, told him off for looking spacy and reassigned him to the back to clean dishes which sucked both because it meant no tips, and Jon always managed to soak himself using the industrial sink. 'Not like there's much I can do about it' he grumbled internally before heading back into the kitchen.

A half hour later he was walking through one of the club's back hallways, heading for the janitorial closet to grab a new massive thing of dish soap after the one in the kitchen ran dry; it was a small backroom area where the club's management worked, and Jon was walking quickly to avoid running into any of the higher ups; so quickly that he turned the corner running into something soft but firm and bouncing back, only to see to his horror that he'd crashed into Susan McMillan's large bust, sending the woman tumbling backwards.

'I am so getting fired'

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