NAME- Wraxix
RACE- Incubus
APPEARANCE- Twink Body Build

START IN: Avernus
I had a chance to decide whether or not to accept the parameters set. I decided not to edit it aside from adding a bit more muscle tone. I didn't even look at the menus again. There were no other changes I wanted to make. It was time to get going and play the game. I was surprised as my body morphed. The mirror let me see my whole body at once. It was not that strange. I always had this type of body. Taking a few steps was exciting. I did things like this often and I loved it. I looked around and saw a door. I walked to it and put my hand on the knob. A popup appeared in front of me saying "You are leaving the character creation room. You will not be allowed to return here again. Are you sure you wish to leave?". I knew that lots of time had already passed. I wanted to hurry and find Suzie. I turned the knob and opened the door. It was a bright white light I could not see through. I guessed I was supposed to walk just through it to get to the game. I did and continued on for what felt like 10 seconds. The world needed to load, I guessed. That was fine with me. I could not wait to get to the game.
My eyes blinked and I was suddenly in an empty, alleyway. It was dingy and l walked to the street. I looked around for a few minutes. This setting did not track at all with what I was told by Suzie or what I had read myself in the developers' blogs. It was a literal hellscape filled with fire and scorched ground. It smelled like sulfur and I heard ambient screams off in the distance. I had to look at the menu and look at where I was. When I saw that I was in an entirely different world, I was upset. "Shit! Where the hell am I then!?" I said as I bit my thumbnail. I looked again and saw that the world of the 9 Hells. It seemed to be a minihub for different worlds like the main hub in Epic City where Lancelot rules over. This is where several worlds prayed to be saved from when they sent their prayers up to their gods. This was were evil reigned. Avernus was the first layer of the Nine Hells of Baator. The most likely beachhead for any attack by demon-kind, it was the primary battleground of the Blood War: legions of devils marched across its plains in continual readiness to repel the hordes of demon invaders.