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67. Stake Out

66. Their Plight

65. Waiting

64. Resigning

63. Win Fight

62. Combatants

61. Taunting

60. New Mission

59. Shinobi Stuff

58. The Tasks

57. Lacking

56. Returning

55. Refuse

54. Devil's Offer

53. Rokuro's Turn

52. Total Defeat

51. Fighting Spirit

50. Eiko Vs. E-san

49. Keisuke's Round

48. Devil Team

Enemy Samurai

avatar on 2023-07-23 09:03:31

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We stayed for 3 days to make sure that everything was as they told us. That was when we heard a cry in the camp. The 3 of us ran over to the noise. There was another pair of samurai on the opposite end of the camp. A blue haired young woman was being dragged off. What looked like her immediate family were trying to get her back. I was shocked at the brazen behavior of the samurai. The man was punched in the gut and the older woman was slapped to the ground. A young man drew a sword and charged them. He was almost instantly defeated. We had to go in and save him before he was executed. Kenji was a samurai himself. "Stop right there! This is the land administered by the noble Hinode Clan. I am Kenji Hinode. State your names." he announced out loud. They had to stop what they were doing. Their honor compelled a civil introduction from them. My name is Taiga Kentaro." the first one said. The second one said "My name is Rion Kentaro. These are vicious criminals from our city. We are bringing them back for justice." "I can't allow it, Kentaro-dono. Stand down." Kenji said.

I looked around and made sure to grab the young man. Rion tried to take a slash at me with his katana. I blocked it with a kunai. Rion was pretty strong, but I was way stronger than him because of my high level. I looked at the young man and said "Get the rest of your family and hide in the camp. Go!" The blue haired man nodded and hurriedly scurried off to where his father was. His mother was already there trying to wake him up. The samurai noticed that I had some strength and withdrew his blade to his side. "Who are you!? I know that you are not a member of the camp. None of them as so brave as to save someone not related to them." he snapped. I sighed and said "My name is Nagisa Tsuyoi, ninja." It did not matter if they knew who I was. That made both of them furious. They must of hated ninja. Keisuke stepped beside me and said "My name is Keisuke. I'm also a ninja. We will not allow you to attack the members of this refugee camp. They fled your city." Kenji also advanced and drew his blade. "This camp is under our protection. You will have to duel us to advance upon them."

Rion was so incensed by me blocking his blade that he challenged me to a duel. Taiga decided to take Kenji on. I shook my head. "I was hired to see why the members of the camp were arming themselves. I know that samurai like you from their old home are abusing them now. My job for the mayor is done. I do not have to fight you." I told him. Kenji slapped me on the arm. I winced. "Nagisa-san. You were directly challenged by a samurai. Refusing him will dishonor you both." he said. I just looked at him and said "I do not care about how you see honor. I have internal dignity. Do you really think bullying peasants like how we caught them is honorable!? They are both totally beneath me." Keisuke shrugged and said "I have to say I agree with Nagisa-chan. We will get our pay when we make our report. Hopefully the mayor does not take it out on the camp." Kenji groaned. "I guess this is why we do not make habit of dealing with ninja." he said. He then turned to the other samurai. "I will take on that challenge if you must fight. Otherwise, you may leave in peace." Rion was still very angry.

Taiga seemed content to let things play out. I looked at Kenji and sighed deeply. "Listen up Kenji. We came here with you. We can't leave without you. If you have to go and fight him, you can fight, but please don't do anything real insane like agree to a duel to the death or something. You're really important to us and the camp. Who will they turn to if not you?" I said. That seemed to be what was needed to get to him. "That is the logic of total cowards and the weak!" he yelled. I just looked at him. "Fine. I will only fight to first blood then." he said in annoyance. He then approached Rion. We watched as they began to fight. It was a spiriting dance of blades. It was clear they each had their separate fighting styles. Rion was much more fluid and defensive than his opponent. Kenji was on the offense from the beginning and all his strikes were clean and precise. It was a quick play that Kenji did that gave him an edge. His whole body glowed yellow and flashed. Rion grunted and staggered back. That was when a normal Kenji struck at his arm. He drew first blood and won the duel. We cheered loudly.

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