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66. Their Plight

65. Waiting

64. Resigning

63. Win Fight

62. Combatants

61. Taunting

60. New Mission

59. Shinobi Stuff

58. The Tasks

57. Lacking

56. Returning

55. Refuse

54. Devil's Offer

53. Rokuro's Turn

52. Total Defeat

51. Fighting Spirit

50. Eiko Vs. E-san

49. Keisuke's Round

48. Devil Team

47. Second Stage

Detailed Investigation

avatar on 2023-07-23 09:01:28

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Blue haired individuals were not the only residents of the refugee camp. Some people had seen fit to live amongst them and intermarry before the pogrom. We had to go in and see why they were up in arms. Once we got to the edge, we did see some of the young men strutting around with swords. "Looks like they are forming a large insurgence after all." Kenji said. He had a stern look on his face. I got in front and said "Let's not be too hasty. The mayor has given us a task. We must actually see what is going on and why before we can say we executed the order faithfully." He just looked at me blankly. "Fine. Let's see what they are going to do." he said with a huff. We slowly approached the camp. 2 blue haired young men demanded to know why we were all here. I said "I'm Nagisa Tsuyoi. Keisuke and I were here earlier to see what was going on here on behalf of the mayor." They blinked at us. They did not remember me coming at all. Lucky for us, one of the women nearby did remember the last time we visited it. We were let in the camp. Kenji asked to speak to the leaders. It took time.

After an hour in-game, we had 13 blue haired men appear before us. Kenji looked like he was getting very upset and impatient. That was not very good for anyone. Their safety and our current mission hinged on us not attacking them. We had to try to keep him calm. He was not a bad guy. Kenji was just a very passionate young man that wanted to do a good job. It was his first time in the field. I looked over at them when they came to us. 6 of them here recognized me and Keisuke. That was a relief. "We were all called back here to see what was going on in the camp. There are some reports that you are amassing a lot of weapons in the camp and refusing to let the town guards in. The mayor is growing very... concerned." Keisuke said nervously. I shrugged and said "Can you just tell us what is happening? I don't want you to have to pick and run again." That seemed to work. They told us that some of the samurai from their home had followed them here. They were now harassing them here. One young girl was almost kidnapped after a sexual assault. They were right to be scared and arm up.

Kenji was a noble samurai. He had originally believed in the superstition against people with blue hair. Once he heard of their plights, he was on board with defending all of them. "We will not allow this to stand! This is the land our noble house has defended for generations. You must relinquish your weapons, but the Hinode Clan will now patrol the area." he said. He was a junior member of a side branch. I did not know how much his word would weigh when he got back to his family. I said "The mayor still believes that blue hair is a mark of sin and I personally know you have ninja that can erase memories among you. You cannot deal with this on your own. I suggest a deal where you offer to relinquish your weapons directly to the Hinode Clan on the condition that they take you under their personal protection." I said. Kenji nodded his head in total agreement. He then looked at me and said "I don't think my clan will brook ninja in the camp." I shrugged my shoulders. "The mayor hires ninja all the time. I don't think that they will cause trouble unless the camp is provoked. Let's leave it be." I said.

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