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60. New Mission

59. Shinobi Stuff

58. The Tasks

57. Lacking

56. Returning

55. Refuse

54. Devil's Offer

53. Rokuro's Turn

52. Total Defeat

51. Fighting Spirit

50. Eiko Vs. E-san

49. Keisuke's Round

48. Devil Team

47. Second Stage

46. Meeting Suzie

45. Passing Easily

44. First Stage

43. Chunin Exams

42. Fighting Chihiro

41. Adulthood

Seeking Out Akaime Clan

avatar on 2023-07-21 08:41:09

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That being said, learning them now was better than never learning them. I was level 21 after all of the combat and missions I had done. Because of my level, I was able to learn all of these basic jutsu easily and still had room for plenty more. Keisuke was able to learn all of them as well. He did not have much wiggle room for much more though. As chunin, that could be improved by getting higher levels and increasing our rank as shinobi. A really big jutsu like the Blood Clone Jutsu was all that Keisuke could handle. He could only make one clone with great difficulty. After making the shaky clone, he was on his ass for an hour. I was able to make 3 easily. People looked at me like a prodigy. Most of the Kirume ninja were at the same level as Keisuke. That was not a bad place to be. Keisuke and I were called before all of the elders. They remarked on how the wedding plans were going well for now. I got us half of the way there by myself. There was no way that I could say that to them though. We were told to get some Akaime prisoners. We would pay back what they did to Goro and Rokuro.

Doing that would be fine with me. As long as I was not required to rape them into submission or anything like that. Because of the combat heavy nature of the mission, all shinobi would be eligible to come along. Keisuke really wanted to bring Goro, Rokuro and Juro along. I vetoed that idea. "We can't burden them with this. I don't want the trauma to get to them. If they go beserk in anger or break down in sadness, that will be really bad for our big mission." I explained. Keisuke frowned and said "I see your point. We still need 4 shinobi for the mission." I chose Masaru and Izayoi. I worked well with them during the chunin exams. Keisuke had to find new shinobi. He went around and found a couple. Jun and Akira were genin that really wanted to prove themselves to the clan. They volunteered when they heard Keisuke making the rounds for the mission. Neither were chosen by us for the chunin exams so they did have to prove that they were still able to keep up with the others their age. I was totally fine with that. Being able and ready to fight on behalf of the clan was very important to us now.



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