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59. Shinobi Stuff

58. The Tasks

57. Lacking

56. Returning

55. Refuse

54. Devil's Offer

53. Rokuro's Turn

52. Total Defeat

51. Fighting Spirit

50. Eiko Vs. E-san

49. Keisuke's Round

48. Devil Team

47. Second Stage

46. Meeting Suzie

45. Passing Easily

44. First Stage

43. Chunin Exams

42. Fighting Chihiro

41. Adulthood

40. Chihiro In the House

Learning Ninjutsu

avatar on 2023-07-21 08:34:37

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Keisuke was right with me doing a lot of missions. He had to have saved up quite a bit of cash. I brought him over the next day and he decided to go for something much more simple. It was a single story house on top of a 2 bay garage. There were no cars in this world. My house also had a garage. I was going to use it for a big training space. Keisuke seemed to be thinking the same thing as me. His design would only cost him $86,550 to have it built. For the building company, they could have it done in a single in-game month. That was fine with me. I was fine with rooming with Keisuke in the storage room. Forking over the cash in the morning caused them a massive shock. They were not expecting such a grand undertaking when they started up their business. When all was said and done, they were a small company in the town that only expected to be raising barns and Japanese style homes. Our homes would stick out in the village. That was fine with me though. I was different than them. Keisuke was a bit nervous about our upcoming houses. I just pat him on the back. It was totally fine.

We had work to do. Both as shinobi and as members of the clan. Hinata was able to use our own homes for the consummation ceremony. Now she had to get the chairs and spiced wine for the couples to get in the mood in the marital bed. Since I was the one who was helping her, I offered to accompany her. We went to the town and she bought the set of 10 chairs. Keisuke and I only had each other. Ryoji and Haruma were her immediate family. It would probably be good to have a chair for Fumihito as well. That was 4 chairs. Keisuke had to perform in front of Hayato, his older sister and Reiko-sama. Reiko-sama was the clan head's younger sister. That was another 4 chairs. It seemed that the extra 2 would be just in case a replacement was needed or we had another spectator for the ceremonies. It would be a lot of pressure on us to do well. Luckily, I would have his back. I knew Keisuke would have mine too. We knew Hayato well after the chunin exams. He was technically a Kirime even though he was not albino like both his sisters. I just had to get to work on writing out all the invitations.

There was also the matter of the secret jutsu of the clan Only chunin and above got to know the secret Kirume Clan techniques. Keisuke and I were not of the clan so we could not use it. However, if we had kids that got to that rank, they would learn it. Hopefully we could learn it from them. Or our wives if they got to chunin. We were able to learn the technique that Kazuya stole from Akaime Clan: Blood Clone Jutsu. A perfect copy of the elder appeared with half the health bar when he used it. This was a matter of payback for their plan to attack Kirume Clan. All the genin level ninja were able to learn it. Normally, they did not give jutsu out because it would make it all the more easy to steal with so many inexperience ninja using it. Because most of the clan were kunoichi, there was not as much of a need for it either. Combat was not what they specialized in. All ninja could learn the basics though. There was Substitution Jutsu, Water Walk Jutsu, Wall Walk Jutsu, Henge Jutsu and Smoke Screen Jutsu. All of them were probably learned before the children of the major clans came of age though.

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