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34. Plain Jane Socks activate

33. This couple that's too couplin

32. Plain Janes

31. Monotony for all

30. her store needed an equal chan

29. Straight-edge Seamtress

28. A Plain Jane Massage

27. seamstress gets a taste

26. A fashionable naysayer

25. Plain invasion moves on to the

24. Ms. Olive gets proper training

23. Student Appraisal

22. saving her own first

21. Dispersal

20. another teacher

19. A witness

18. Class gets organized

17. A More proper teacher

16. the next day

15. Thinking through things

Plain Jane Socks activate

on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

654 hits, 16 views, 0 upvotes.

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The boyfriend froze as he watched the socks melding with his arms and beginning to crawl up his sleeves.

The girl found herself unable to move as the socks controller her brain, glowing omniously.

She was forced to watch as her boyfriend was enveloped by the white socks fabric, and the enveloped body of her boyfriend began to twist and shift into a average height female.

The seamstress walked over as the cotton began to infect his clothing. She enjoyed the fear in the girlfriends eyes as her boyfriend was plained into a Jane.

His scarf disintegrated as his shirt became a white tank top and his pants became khakis. His real socks became copies of the ones on his girlfriends head and his shoes morphed into gray sneakers like the seamstresses. The covering pulled away and mousy colored brown hair fell into a uninspired flat parted in the middle hairstyle over the new head of her boyfriend. A generic female face made a neutral face as makeup of a minimal sort appeared. Underneath a generic bra and white panties hid.

His girlfriend would have screamed if she could, her former boyfriend a generic looking girl now just like the seamstress.

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