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33. This couple that's too couplin

32. Plain Janes

31. Monotony for all

30. her store needed an equal chan

29. Straight-edge Seamtress

28. A Plain Jane Massage

27. seamstress gets a taste

26. A fashionable naysayer

25. Plain invasion moves on to the

24. Ms. Olive gets proper training

23. Student Appraisal

22. saving her own first

21. Dispersal

20. another teacher

19. A witness

18. Class gets organized

17. A More proper teacher

16. the next day

15. Thinking through things

14. The problem with Pronouns

This couple that's too coupling

on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

666 hits, 18 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Weird, what a way to remodel the place." The women said observing the stores new changes.

"Maybe they've been bought out. Wouldn't want the place to be too thrifty though." He said, wrapping his hand around her and diligently coddling her in.

"Either way it seems a little dull. But so long as we're here it doesn't have to be." She said, picking up a pair of plain white socks. Placing them uptop her head, she pretended they were antlers and swished around in her lavender pencil skirt. Her boyfriend put a pair of longer socks onto his hands and pretended they were puppets, swishing around his scarf and fashionable coat. They joked around for some time at nothing in particular.

"Extraordinary individuals detected. Too spontaneous, excitement levels far exceeding necessary levels. Time to prune." The seamstress said.

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