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124. Simon is in Trouble

123. Myka is Offered a Position on

122. Realization

121. Mikey Has Sixth Period PE Clas

120. Mikey Meets a New Friend

119. Mikey Finally Confesses

118. What do you want?

117. The Hallway

116. Theology vs Rationality

115. Miss Wright Gets It

114. Returning to School

113. Sabrina is Uncharacteristicall

112. Behind the Gym

111. Wrong School Again

110. The Kids in Class

109. Tiffany Gives Nadine a Lift

108. Tiffany Wants a Future With th

107. The Ferguson Household

106. Melissa's Changes Come to An E

105. Does Gena have an Idea?

Musical Closets Variation: Simon is in Trouble

on 2023-05-28 09:56:07

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"Hey, get your fucking hands off of me!" Gena yelled.

"Shut the fuck up!" Simon yelled. He wasn't the kind of person to use profanity in the workplace, but he was so angry right now that he couldn't control himself. Though, it might have also had something to do with the fact that he was becoming more and more like the original Sabrina, who he was, ironically, making it his mission to punish.

"What is going on here?" Stephanie Wright demanded as she spotted Simon Davison practically dragging two girls down the hall.

"He just grabbed us," Gena insisted.

"You put your hands on a student? Honestly...Simon, I'm not sure what is wrong with you today, but you know that's serious." She looked at Gena and Sarah. "Go back to class, girls." she said. "Simon, let's go see the Principal."

Gena wasn't sure why, but she didn't hate Miss Wright as much as she did some of the other adults in the building. Sarah felt the same way about the principal. They didn't give them a hard time for how they chose to express themselves, both seemed more exasperated about their behavior. Both started to think maybe they should actually get to class...something boring and normal today seemed like a good thing all of the sudden with all the weird shit going on.

Stephanie Wright turned to Simon. "Come on..." she ordered.

As they entered the office, Stephanie noticed Nadine was still there, giving a lecture about proper moral behavior to one of the students. She sighed. Another tightly wound individual around here. She knocked on the Principal's door.

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