By the time they caught up with the source, they spotted a tall thin and pale teenager walking down the street without any shoes or socks with a glazed look on his face. "That's not Jon," Mikey said.
"No, that's Jay Duncan, from my school. He's one of the smartest kids...he's kind of a gigantic nerd though." Sarah said.
"What's he doing?" Mikey asked.
Sarah pulled the hood of the cloak she was wearing over her head and held his hand. "There's a spell on the cloak so no one will notice us," she told him. "It's how I get out of the house without Mom knowing."
They followed him to an apartment building in a poorer part of town, the door giving no resistance to him, and up a flight of stairs. They could hear a baby crying and being soothed by his mother.
Jay entered the one-room apartment. The mother was a black woman in her early twenties, who appeared pregnant with her second child. There was an older child, a boy in a cradle next to her.
She was rocking the cradle and singing to him softly. Jay removed what was left of his clothing. There was a robe lying over a chair nearby and he slipped into it. Suddenly, the woman's singing trailed the end of a digital track. She got up from the chair she was sitting in. She and Jay moved toward each other and embraced, as if she was saying goodbye, before Jay leaned down and picked up the infant, continuing the song while rocking him.
Mikey and Sarah were baffled at this. It just kept getter weirder. "Stop her from leaving," Sarah said. Mikey looked over, having been completely engulfed in watching Jay and saw the woman heading toward the door.
They moved to lock and block the door. The woman tried for a few seconds to get past them before she turned around. The two breathed a sigh of relief. "Now we can figure out..." Sarah started.
She didn't finish. The woman pulled off her maternity dress, stripping out of her undergarments until she was completely naked. She reached into a box of Pampers and pulled out a diaper and somehow succeeded in getting into it. She suddenly began to full volume.
The infant wriggled out of Jay's grip, not that he noticed the infant existed any longer. "Oh...sweetie," Jay said, getting up and revealing that the woman had left another gift behind....her second child, somehow transferring it to Jay. "Let's get you into your playpen..Mama's a little tired right now." He waddled to the playpen with the woman, who climbed in and began to play, gurgling like she hadn't a care in the world. Maybe she didn't.
In the interim, the infant somehow slipped out of the apartment.