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82. The McMillans and the Gibsons

81. Abby, Ethan, Lydia and Buster

80. Miss Fine Makes a Housecall to

79. Day Three Begins

78. Dinner at the McMillans

77. Day 2 Ends in the Gibson House

76. Lydia Dozes

75. The Real Truth

74. Dinner Meeting

73. Everyone Eats Dinner

72. Dinner is Served

71. Till Dinner

70. Robert Alone

69. Biff and Mollie

68. Settling in at the McMillans

67. Dinner at the Gibsons

66. The Closet

65. The English Teacher

64. Mikey and Karyn

63. Dressing

DMU-122: The McMillans and the Gibsons

on 2023-04-30 20:35:30
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2023-06-26 22:29:55

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Robert woke up in the maid's quarters. He got up and headed to the tiny bathroom the maid couldn't share a bathroom or shower with the family. The bathroom contained a small mirror over the sink. Robert looked in the mirror. His hair had grown out, jet black, down to his shoulders... "Mon dieu," he exclaimed. He reached up to touch his formerly receding hairline, which had ceased to recede. It wasn't the only change. Robert did exercise...but his legs seemed more delicate...his whole body did.

He stripped, and examined himself further, cupping his hands over his ass, which seemed more tan than before if he'd been sunbathing. After a few moments of exploration, he realized it was getting late, and hopped in the shower. Exiting and grabbing some towels, he dried off before wrapping them around himself. He got dressed in the full maid's uniform...the entire thing now conforming to the contours of his clothing magically changed he didn't know, before blow-drying and brushing his hair.

Looking at himself in the mirror, there was something satisfying about a neat and clean appearance before he started a day of work. He exited the room and started getting breakfast ready.

In Sarah's room, Mollie was sound asleep, arms wrapped around Biff tightly, as Biff snuggled against her. In the master bedroom, Lucy had her arms wrapped around Sarah. It was rather different than when she and Robert had occupied the bed...and mostly kept to their own sides.

Jon put a hand on her shoulder. "Miss Fine came to visit," he said, his voice tone changing. "You remember her from yesterday, don't you?"

"Sure..." Karyn said. "What's for breakfast?"

"Karyn...we have company," Jon scolded. "Sorry...she is a bit excited this morning..."

Rebecca raised a brow. This was definitely worse than yesterday. She tried to decide if she should point it out, or if she should just observe for a while longer.

Zoe returned with Mikey and Simon. Rebecca hadn't met Mikey and Simon previously, but Mikey being dressed in a pair of girl's black jeans and a t-shirt, and Simon in loose fitting clothes, both having rather long hair, she could surmise who was adopting traits from who.

All of them looked awkwardly at her, especially Mikey, who seemed angry about her mere presence. She was grateful when the phone rang, distracting them. Laura went and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Laura...this is Lucy McMillan..." a voice said.

"It's been a long time..." she responded.

"Well, that is why I am calling. I just found out what got Simon so upset all those years ago and the whole thing was unacceptable. We should have never put business in the middle of friendship."

Laura paused. "You...didn't know...."

"Of course not...I thought after the fight we were taking time for things to cool off...and then weeks turned into months...I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Why don't you bring your family over today for lunch? If you aren't too busy. We have a pool. I know the Gibsons are having the same sort of experience the McMillans are...I think we could all use a judgment free zone."

"One second..." Laura said. She pressed the mute button and turned to the room. "Lucy McMillan wants us to come over for lunch and to use their pool."

Karyn looked excited. "I'll go find some trunks," she said.

Simon made a face. "Pass."

"Athena and I are going to the mall," Zoe said.

"Why would I want to go to lunch at some fancy mansion?" Mikey said, dismissively. "Fuck that."

" three don't have to come.'s a nice gesture, and if it doesn't work out, we don't have to go again," Laura said. "Zoe, if you are all going to the mall, take Mikey along please. I don't want him sitting at home alone."

"You're getting together with another changed family?" Rebecca Fine said. "That sounds like a good idea. Sometimes spending time with other people who understand helps."

Laura unmuted the phone. "Jon and I will bring Karyn over. The other kids have plans with their friends. Is 12:30 good?"

"That's great."

"Well, you all seem rather busy," Rebecca said. "Why don't I just leave you my card?" she suggested. Maybe she'd drop in on the McMillans later. She had their address. But she wanted to see the teacher and her dog. If the Gibsons were any indication, that should be as fascinating as she'd assumed.

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