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6. Cascading Mistakes

5. Making mistakes

4. The Next Morning

3. The Bodyswap Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

Bodyswap Stone: Cascading Mistakes

on 2023-04-19 21:23:58
Episode last modified by Gooose on 2023-04-19 21:27:28

1354 hits, 157 views, 5 upvotes.

Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic

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(Really enjoyed Enjeubleau's chapter and wanted to keep it going. Choosing to interpret the rule about wishes not being able to swap people again within the hour to only apply to the wisher themselves, not whoever they swapped with. That is to say, Jon can't swap again for an hour, but Juniper can, just not back into her own body of course.

Juniper was dead tired from the previous day at McMillan Industries where she worked as part of the IT department. (Unbeknownst to her, the previous wish had actually changed her position. With her supermodel good looks, she'd instead been promoted/transfered into the sales team shortly after she was hired; of course, since she was one of the two swapped by the previous wish, her memories were of the previous reality.) The new hires were proving to be idiots as usual, leaving her to put out their fires all day long, and keeping her at the office well past closing to avoid their internal server going up in flames. All told she'd had maybe four hours of sleep. She had basically been dead on her feet when Jon had made his wish, causing her not to notice the changes to her body and attire as she shambled back to her bedroom.

In a similar vein she didn't immediately even notice that her consciousness had been pulled from her own body and sucked into that of Jon. Instead, as she blinked tiredly, her first thought was, Huh, when did I wander into Jon's room? She rationalized she must have accidentally walked into her son's room while in her stupor; looking around, she wondered where Jon had gotten off to. And why doesn't he ever clean this sty? Jon's room was typical of a teenager, with piles of dirty clothes on the floor, various dirty dishes sitting on his nightstand, an unmade bed and a carpet that clearly hadn't seen a vacuum in months.

"Seriously Jon, I wish we had the money for a maid but we don't, so you really need to clean up after yourself," As the words escaped her borrowed lips, she realized her voice sounded entirely off, and began to notice how strange her body felt. However, she only had a moment to consider this before more drastic changes grabbed her attention. Before her eyes, Jon's room tidied itself as if a maid service had indeed been through there. The dishes disappeared, the bed made itself, and all of the boy's various nick-nacks oranized themselves upon the shelves. It didn't end with cleaning though, the architecture of the room groaned as the walls extended in every direction, nearly doubling its size, while the rest of the house sounded like it was undergoing a similar change. As if to fill the expanding space, things began appearing throughout the room, a large television with connected game console, a brand new desk top computer and the desk to go with it, a vr headset in the corner, and a fancy gaming chair to go with them. The prexisting things also shimmered and shifted, the bed going from a twin to a queen, the shelves doubling in size, the closet expanding to a small walk in. All together the room had shifted to appear to belong to someone with money to throw around.

Juniper gaped in confusion for a moment, her mind snapping to awareness at the sheer oddness around her before she found her spirit once again plucked from its current body and whisked away.

Elsewhere in the house:

Jon stood, or really posed, in front of his mother's floor length mirror, his new jaw dropped at the sight before him. Staring back at him with the brightest green eyes he'd ever seen, was easily one of the most beautiful women in the world. He kept trying to remind himself it was his mother, but he was having trouble squaring those ideas. The Juniper Gibson of his memories barely resembled the vixen he was now inhabiting. She hadn't had these enormous yet incredibly perky breasts that strained to escape the incredibly well tailored pink semi-translucent silk nightgown she was wearing. Her bottle brown bob was completely replaced with the most glorious mane of gently wavy honey brown locks descending to just tickle her new perfect bubble butt. He ran his manicured hands over his toned and taught tummy, marveling at the perfect hourglass it helped to form with her wide hips and generous chest. Before the wish Juniper had been on the shorter side, around 5'6, but her new statuesque legs pushed her all the way up to 6'1 and all her other features had shifted proportionally to match her new supermodel stature.

Jon touched a hand to his face, which truly barely resembled the old Juniper's. It was like something out of a dream, with eyes like cut emeralds, tall elegant cheekbones, a perfectly proportioned nose and ears, and of course a flawless complexion. "Well, she certainly won't have any trouble getting a boyfriend," Jon muttered in the lyrical soprano that her voice had become. Part of Jon knew he should be panicking or fighting against the force that had compelled him to return to his mother's room instead of going after the stone, but he was simply too enraptured with his mother's, or rather his, new appearance.

He remained completely unaware as his mother's bedroom shifted around him, increasing in size and luxury. The bed sheets went from cotton to silk, the closet doubled in side, an ensuite bathroom appeared, the keys to the old reliable civic on the nighstand turned into the fob for a new BMW. Juniper's wardrobe, which had already shifted to be more daring and revealing, gained a level in elegance and price as nearly every garment shimmered and reformed. Across town at McMillan Industries, Juniper's desk on the sales floor, which itself had only been hers for a few minutes since the last wish, disappeared as her nameplate instead appeared on the office of the VP of sales, making her the head of the entire department. The old VP, Eddie Farber, was reduced to the low rung on the totem pole to make room, and the Farber house underwent an opposing transformation to the Gibson house as their economic statuses shifted.

Jon felt a pulling towards the closet as a compulsion to get dressed for Juniper's work came over him, and before he knew it he was drifting towards it. Let's just get through the day, and maybe you can figure out what happened when you get back?

(To clarify, since it's going to get a bit confusing, per the rules of the stone, Juniper remembers the original reality before both wishes. Jon remembers his mother before the beautification, but he thinks she was always the VP of sales and the family was always fairly wealthy, since he wasn't involved in the second wish. Whoever Juniper swapped with will remember her as drop dead gorgeous, but not the family being rich, and everyone not involved only remember the new reality where the Gibson's are quite well off and Juniper Gibson is one of the most beautiful women in the world.)

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