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89. DMU - Mollies morning

88. DMU - catching up in the tub

87. DMU - Some more changes for Jo

86. DMU - Revelations with Sarah

85. DMU - plans for the day

84. DMU - Lydia’s visit

83. DMU - Jon makes some plans

82. DMU - Karyn & Ruby

81. DMU - Jon and Laura talk

80. DMU - Laura’s turn

79. DMU - Jon gets some answers

78. DMU - another test

77. DMU - the results are in

76. DMU - Jon and Karyn catch up

75. DMU - Back with Jon and family

74. DMU - Lydia’s breakdown

73. DMU - further changes

72. DMU - waking up on day 3

71. DMU - End of the 2nd day

70. DMU - Karyn’s bedtime

DMU - Mollies morning

avatar on 2023-03-31 10:05:17
Episode last modified by MightyMrJ on 2023-03-31 16:15:45

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Mollie found herself with not a lot to do. After Dr Phillips had left, Robert seemed to have taken it on himself to carry on with all chores today, maybe as an act of penance. She wasn’t entirely sure what to do with all this free time. She laid about in her room for a bit catching up on her social media, and found herself checking a few sports scores. She was still lounging around in a pair of boxers and a vest she’d acquired from Biff.

“Maybe I’ll go for a walk” she said to herself. For that she’d need some more clothes. She climbed off her bed and caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. Her dark curly hair had straightened out, and had receded substantially. Her shoulders were much broader, and the muscles in her arms were a lot more defined. One of her boobs had slipped out the side of the vest, and she could see one of her new pink nipples peeking out. She lifted the bottom her vest slightly and stared at the abs that we’re starting to poke through when she tensed.

“Is not so bad” she shrugged as she left and made her way to Sarah’s room where she knew the rest of Biffs clothes were. As she approached she could hear sobbing from the other side of the door. She hesitated for a second, before knocking softly.

“Who is it?” Biffs voice called out.

“It’s just me.” She replied, “I was ‘oping to get some more clothes”

“Sorry Mollie, give me a sec” he called out. After a few moments she heard the door unlock and she made her way in. Biff was stood there in a pair of Sarah’s low rise jeans, and a pink t-shirt. She could see the straps of his bra poking through the material. His normal buzz cut was gone, and was now almost last the tops of his ears. His frame had shrunk to more athletic build than his usually bulky one. His eyes were bloodshot, and his cheeks showed the evidence of hastily wiped tears.

“Just take what you need.” He said softly.

“Is everything ok?” She asked, “you’ve been crying. I know you told me earlier that you were struggling” she added as she stepped closer to him.

“I don’t know” he sniffles, tears starting to form again, “I just tried to lift some of my old weights, and I couldn’t even get halfway up to what I can usually do. I just feel so weak and stupid” he continued before bursting into tears. Mollie stepped forward and grabbed him in a tight hug. They were roughly the same height now, when he usually towered over her.

“It’s ok” she said softly as he began to cry into her shoulder “I know it probably feels horrible”

“It’s not ok” he sobbed, “how can I play football like this” he added as he waved his arms up and down.

“I don’t know.” She said sadly as she rubbed his back gently with the palm of her hand.

“God your so stiff” she said as she applied a little more pressure “how about I give you a massage? That might take your mind of things. It’ll loosen you up a bit too” she added. Biff sniffled and looked up at her for a moment, and she was worried she’d said the wrong thing.

“That would be nice” he said with a slight smile, “I’ve been, like feeling so tense lately. Thank you” Mollie breathed a sigh of relief as he walked over the bed.

“Should I take this off?” He asked pulling on his shirt.

“If you want to” Mollie replied, “I can still do it if you don’t” Biff shrugged and pulled the T-shirt over his head and placed it on the floor. Mollie felt a slight twitch in her boxers when she looked at his nearly topless body. His skin looked so smooth, and there was just the hint of swelling within the bra he wore he reached back and unhooked it, then removed it while covering his chest with one arm.

“It’ll just get in the way” he said as he turned and laid flat on his stomach.

“I’m afraid I don’t have any oils” Mollie said as she knelt on the bed next to him.

“There’s a massage bar in the drawer over there” Biff said, pointing to Sarah’s bedside cabinet. Mollie nodded and retrieved it as Biff made himself a bit more comfortable, with a makeshift ring for his face using some of the multiple pillows on the bed. Mollie held the bar between her palms for a moment to warm it up and breathed in the lavender scent. She placed it on his shoulders making him yelp a little.

“Oh that’s cold!” He chuckled, as Mollie watched the goosebumps rise on his skin. She pressed down and rubbed the bar up and down as it melted. Once he was oiled up enough, she set the bar aside and began to gently knead the muscles on his lower back. She was surprised at how soft and smooth his skin felt.

“Oh that feels nice” Biff murmered into the pillows as she started using a little bit more pressure on some of the knots she could feel. Slowly she worked her way up his back, enjoying the feeling of his silky skin under her somewhat rougher hands. As she worked his sides she noticed how his waist curved nicely down towards his rounded buttocks, and felt a stirring in her boxers again. Blushing she looked way and moved up to his shoulders. She massaged the muscles between the shoulder blades causing him to let out a little moan that only made things worse, and before she knew it, she was rock hard down there.

“‘Zere we go” she said quickly as she pulled her hands away. Biff moaned again, and lifted his head.

“Aww, but that felt so good” he pouted, “just a little more?” He pleaded. Mollie looked at his sad face and sighed.

“Ok, but not much more” she said sternly.

“Yay!” Biff grinned, “umm, could you like, do my legs as well, they’re really aching” he asked, giving her puppy dog eyes. Mollie sighed inwardly.

“Sure, if it’ll help cheer you up” she said reluctantly. Biff giggled with delight and pulled down his jeans, and revealed his smaller, rounder butt encased in tight white panties.

Mollie felt overcome with strange new desire as she stared at it. Biff had now returned to his front, and wiggled his hips.

“C’mon” he chuckled, “I’m waiting!” He added playfully.

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