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88. DMU - catching up in the tub

87. DMU - Some more changes for Jo

86. DMU - Revelations with Sarah

85. DMU - plans for the day

84. DMU - Lydia’s visit

83. DMU - Jon makes some plans

82. DMU - Karyn & Ruby

81. DMU - Jon and Laura talk

80. DMU - Laura’s turn

79. DMU - Jon gets some answers

78. DMU - another test

77. DMU - the results are in

76. DMU - Jon and Karyn catch up

75. DMU - Back with Jon and family

74. DMU - Lydia’s breakdown

73. DMU - further changes

72. DMU - waking up on day 3

71. DMU - End of the 2nd day

70. DMU - Karyn’s bedtime

69. DMU - Laura’s shower

DMU - catching up in the tub

avatar on 2023-03-31 06:44:39

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“Thought you’d never ask!” Lucy grinned as she yanked her T-shirt off, revealing her bare breasts. She kicked off the flip-flops she was wearing and swung herself into the water.

“Oh this is nice!” She sighed as she leant back into once corner “come on Laur!” Laura quickly followed suit, as she too removed the shirt she was wearing. She unceremoniously plunked herself into the corner opposite and relaxed. It was a strange sight to see both women sitting there topless, their bosoms floating free. Sarah tied her hair back, then looked at Jon.

“You’ll need this” she said as passed him a spare hair tie. Jon grabbed his shoulder length hair and quickly pulled it into a messy bun with no problem. They nodded at each other as they both carefully climbed in and took their seats in the remaining corners. As he sat down Jon could have sworn there was almost a slight indication of stubble forming on Laura’s chest. He also spotted a bottle of wine and two glasses on the shelf again. He poured two half glasses for himself and Sarah and they both settled into their spots.

“This is the life!” Lucy groaned as she took a swig from her bottle of beer, “so tell me Laur, what has your doctor been saying?” She asked. Laura looked up from the control panel where she was setting the jets.

“Not much honestly. Something about our genetics merging, and muscle memory” she said.

Genetic memory” Jon corrected.

“Yeah that” Laura continued “they asked some questions and that was that”

“Oh so you didn’t get any solutions either” Lucy replied, taking another swig from her beer.

“Well” Jon said hesitantly “she did say that maybe we should try sleeping in the beds we’ve been waking up in and see if that helps stop any more changes” he added.

“Oh, that’s a good idea!” Sarah piped up, “Dr Phillips wasn’t very forthcoming with a lot of information”

“I know right!” Lucy scoffed, “spent half the time moaning about how “that stupid Grant woman” stole the project lead from him”

‘Good for her’ Jon thought to himself.

“So anyway, how’s the rest of your lot coping?” Lucy asked.

“As well as we can be I guess” Laura shrugged, “Mikey seems a bit more off that usual, and Simon won’t really talk to me” she added sadly.

“We were talking about that last night” Jon chimed in, “we think if we can find someone his age, going through the same thing, it would give him someone to talk to, like you two, and me and Sarah” he added.

“What about Mr Andrews?” Sarah suggested, “we all know he’s swapped with Abby”

“I didn’t even think of him” Jon exclaimed.

“Your english teacher?” Laura asked, “but how would get the two of them to meet up?” She mused. Lucy took a thoughtful swig from her bottle.

“I think I have an idea!” She smiled with an excited glint in her eye.

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