Jon thought maybe he'd get to school sooner if he drove there. But even though he was old enough to drive, he didn't have a car yet. That, however, could be easily fixed.
Jon held onto the stone (not realizing that it was actually The Literal Stone) and said "I wish I had a super hot sports car." The stone glowed.
Jon turned to the driveway. There was now a very flashy sports car in a space that had been empty a few seconds ago. It was shiny and new, like it was straight out of a catalog (either in print or on a car manufacturer's web site or social media page).
Or at least it would look that way if it weren't on fire. Literally.
The car was ablaze. The engine, roof, and trunk all were covered in flames, with thick smoke filling the air. And the heat... the heat was so intense Jon found himself sweating from where he stood on the front porch, even though it was just after spring break.
Jon felt he had to do something. If the fire wasn't stopped soon, it would reach the car's gas tank.