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80. DMU - Laura’s turn

79. DMU - Jon gets some answers

78. DMU - another test

77. DMU - the results are in

76. DMU - Jon and Karyn catch up

75. DMU - Back with Jon and family

74. DMU - Lydia’s breakdown

73. DMU - further changes

72. DMU - waking up on day 3

71. DMU - End of the 2nd day

70. DMU - Karyn’s bedtime

69. DMU - Laura’s shower

68. DMU - Time for bed

67. DMU - Jon and Laura in the tub

66. DMU - a good workout

65. DMU - After dinner with the Gi

64. DMU - Robert learns his lesson

63. DMU - a taste of his own medic

62. DMU - the final chore

61. DMU - Dinner prep

DMU -Laura’s turn

avatar on 2023-03-21 08:30:42

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As Jon entered the living room the others were scattered around. Mikey and Zoe were both on their phones, and Simon was reading Karyn’s art magazine again. Laura had put the tv on and was sipping a cup of coffee. Karyn was sat on the floor playing on Mikey’s switch.

“Look Jon!” She beamed, “Mikey leant me this!”

“Only ‘cause she kept moaning she was bored” Mikey grumbled, not looking up from his screen.

“That was kind of you” Jon smiled back, “Ruby’s ready for someone else now” he added to group as a whole. Laura got to her feet.

“I’ll go next” she said as she walked past Jon. She made her way down to basement room where Ruby was waiting.

“Ah Laura, good, I was hoping you’d be next” she smiled, “if you’re happy to, would you mind removing your clothes so I can do a full physical examination” she added. Laura felt a little nervous stripping off in front of this young woman, but pushed the fear down and obliged. Before long she was stood naked and on display as Ruby performed the same once over she gave Jon. She was also aware of how her new equipment seemed a little smaller in the cold air. She caught sight of her reflection in the tv screen. She felt a little foolish stood there with a cock and balls hanging between her legs. She looked down and started at the tiny nipples that belonged to her husband.

“Ok Laura, you can get dressed again, then come and join me on the couch” Ruby said after a few moments. She hastily donned her borrowed clothes, and went and sat opposite the young doctor.

“Ok, now I’ll just ask a few question for a psychological evaluation. Just give me the first answer that comes to you” Ruby said.


“Laura Gibson”




“M..Female” both of them paused for a second after noticing her self-correction.

“It’s fine, that’s what these tests are for” Ruby smiled gently, noticing a slight discomfort in Laura.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from” Laura replied a little shocked.

“It’s as I explained to Jon, my theory is it’s coming from genetic memory,” Ruby began, pulling up a slide on her tablet.

“Sorry to interrupt, but would it be easier to put it on the big screen” Laura said, indicating the large Tv, “it’s a smart TV, I’m surprised Jon didn’t mention anything, he’s normally pretty good with tech” she added.

“Oh, maybe I can get him to pop back down” Ruby replied.

“No bother, I can probably do it for you” Laura smiled, grabbing the remote, and within moments the tablet was connected.

“Well thank you Laura, this will be helpful” Ruby smiled, “does the tech stuff run in the family?”

“No…I’m normally rubbish at this sort of thing. I don’t know where that came from either”.

Ruby nodded thoughtfully and brought up a slide showing genetic coding.

“This is what I mean. I really believe genetic memory is at play here. Jon mentioned felling things and doing things he couldn’t do before, cooking and such, and now you seem to know your way around a smart television. It’s incredible.” She said excitedly.

“Can I ask what Jon said he’s been feeling?” Laura ventured.

“I don’t think it’s my place to say unfortunately,” Ruby replied softly, “is there some things you’ve been feeling?”

Laura looked around nervously for a moment, then took a breath.

“Actually yes. I’ve been having a few…urges you could call them. I’ve been having these vivid fantasies about” she hesitated “having sex with Jon” she whispered. Ruby nodded.

“And this upsets you?” She asked calmly.

“I don’t know” Laura sighed “I should feel worse about it, he’s my son after all, but thinking about his…my vagina, really turns me on” she added.

“I think it all boils down to the genetic memory again, I think your feeling your husbands attraction to you. Under the circumstances, what you’re feeling is entirely normal.” Ruby said, finding the fact that both Jon and Laura felt the same things in the same way incredibly fascinating. She made a mental not to include this fact in her report.

“Was there anything else, or are they just fantasies?” She asked. Laura’s gaze dropped again.

“We’ll, I might have…played with myself to the idea last night” she added.

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of” Ruby smiled, “again it’s natural with all the testosterone flooding your system” she added. Laura shrugged then look back up with a smile.

“Thank you Ruby, this has been helpful” she smiled.

“That’s what I’m here for” Ruby said sweetly, “I’ll tell you what I told Jon. From a biological stand point, you two aren’t related. I know that probably doesn’t help from a mental side of things though.” She added with a shrug. Laura nodded thoughtfully.

“I guess it makes it easier to deal with” she murmured, “am I ok to go now?” She asked.

“Of course, if you could ask Simon to come next that would be helpful” Ruby said as Laura got to her feet. She made her way back upstairs and joined the others. As she entered the kitchen she saw Jon with his back to her pouring two cups of coffee. She studied him for a second, noticing the new curves he seemed to have gained. Her eyes fell on his rounded backside, and as usual felt a slight throb in her groin. She found herself wanting to grab him round the waist in a tight hug.

“My eyes are up here Mom” Jon joked, snapping her out of her daze. She blinked and quickly looked up.

“Sorry” she smiled awkwardly, “I was miles away. She wants to see Simon next” she added.

“Oh good, I’ll tell him and he can take this down for her” Jon replied, indicating one of the cups before taking one for himself and heading to the living room. Laura sighed again as her eyes followed him out the room and her gaze fell on his backside once again, drawn by the slight wiggle in his walk.

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