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75. DMU - Back with Jon and family

74. DMU - Lydia’s breakdown

73. DMU - further changes

72. DMU - waking up on day 3

71. DMU - End of the 2nd day

70. DMU - Karyn’s bedtime

69. DMU - Laura’s shower

68. DMU - Time for bed

67. DMU - Jon and Laura in the tub

66. DMU - a good workout

65. DMU - After dinner with the Gi

64. DMU - Robert learns his lesson

63. DMU - a taste of his own medic

62. DMU - the final chore

61. DMU - Dinner prep

60. DMU - after school

59. DMU - ladies that lunch

58. DMU - Lunchtime

57. DMU - Simon’s frustration

56. DMU - Robert’s Chores

DMU - Back with Jon and family

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By now, Jon and Laura had discovered they were actually up a little before everyone. Deciding to let them sleep for the moment they both returned to the master bedroom and git dressed. Laura chose a pair of jeans, a polo shirt from Simons wardrobe, and was pulling on a pair of socks when Jon gad finally selected an outfit. He’d decided to re-use the jeans from the day before but had to take a black high-cut style pair of panties with a lace trim as he’d already worn all of Laura’s plainer pairs. Despite not really needing it, he’d selected a plain white bra, along with a plain black v-neck t-shirt. He also put on a pair of ankle socks and slipped into a pair of slider style slippers that his mother wore around the house. Laura adjusted her shirt, feeling both awkward, but strangely comfortable with no support for her c-cup breasts.

Once Jon was dressed, they made their way downstairs and made a start on breakfast together. It was actually more accurate to say Jon was making breakfast and Laura found herself in the way. While he was scrambling some eggs, she’d took the opportunity to slip a few notes under each door, instructing everyone to take note of any changes, get changed, and come downstairs when they were ready. Then outside each door she left another set of clothing from the clean laundry pile.

Karyn was the first to come bounding into the room, full of energy. She had shrunk noticeably, her eyeline was now around Jon’s shoulders. Her hair was shorter too, hanging just over the top of her ears.

“Morning!” She said cheerily. She was dressed in the same cargo shorts as yesterday, along with an avengers t-shirt. Her unrestrained boobs bouncing with every step. She sat at the table as Laura placed a jug of orange juice in the centre.

“Good morning Kiddo” she smiled as she headed off to fetch the plates.

“What’s so good about this?” Mikey grumbled as he walked through the door. He was now a few inches taller and was now pretty much the same height as Karyn was now. His hair had grown down nearly to shoulder length, and looked as though it had been dyed black. Like Jon, his lower half looked a lot more shapely, emphasised by the skinny black jeans he wore. He tugged at the dark grey t-shirt he had on, complete with a pair of ravens over some gothic lettering that said murder. Jon could make out the shape of bra straps underneath the tight material.

“This fucking sucks! I don’t even need a bra, so why did I have to put one on?” He grumbled as he sat down, a sullen look on his face.

“Mikey! Watch your language!” Jon said instinctually “I’ve got one on as well!” He added as he turned his attention back to the several pans he had on the stove. He was finding it easy to keep an eye on the eggs, mushrooms, and bacon in each pan, as well as the sausages in the grill. The toaster popped and Laura swapped it for fresh slices of bread.

“Sorry mom” Mikey replied sarcastically, causing a snigger from both Karyn and Laura.

“Don’t encourage him!” Jon reprimanded Laura, “I know it’s hard dealing with this but…” he trailed off as Zoe entered the room. She was dressed in usual baggy jeans, his favourite Led Zepplin t-shirt, and hoodie that she worse zipped up halfway. She was definitely taller, around the equal height with Jon now, and her hair was level with her jawline. The most noticeable thing was that it had returned to its natural mousey brown colour. She also wore no makeup, making her appear very tomboyish. Her shoulders were also looking broader like Laura’s, only not as extreme.

“Hey guys” she smiled, “breakfast smells good.” she added as she poured herself a glass of juice.

“Morning Zoe” Karyn grinned back as Laura set down a plate of toast.

“Hey squirt” The former goth replied “uh…sorry, Karyn” she stammered, realising what she’d just send.

“S’ok” Karyn replied, grabbing a slice of toast and showing hungrily into her mouth. There was movement in the doorway and finally Simon joined them just as Jon was plating up the rest of the food. He was wearing Karyn’s usual ensemble now, jeans and a baggy green jumper. He had shrunk a good half a foot from his usual tall stature, and his body seemed smaller all around. Jon couldn’t make out any curves as his baggy clothing hid them, much like Karyn usually preferred. His hair was longer, about the same length as Zoe’s, and turning blonde.

“Hey” he smiled weakly as he sat down next to Zoe. He reache up to his shoulder and adjusted something.

“How do you wear these things?” He asked his daughter. She shrugged.

“You just get used to them” she smiled.

Soon breakfast was on the table and everyone was tucking in, Jon and Laura found themselves at either end of the table, with Mikey and Karyn on one side, and Simon and Zoe on the other. Once they'd all had their fill everyone moved to get up.

“Not so fast!” Jon said as he knocked back the dregs of a cup of coffee, “Seeing as you guys didn’t cook, I think it’s only fair you clear up!” He added. This resulted in a wave of groaning.

“Now now” Laura said, “Jon’s right!” She added looking over at him. He smiled, it felt good knowing she was backing him up.

“Zoe and Mikey You guys can rinse the plates and put them in the dishwasher., you can put the sauce and everything away and wipe down the table and counters” he said.

“How come Karyn dues to have to help!” Mikey said crossly.

“She’s a guest, and I need to speak to her anyway” Jon said curtly, “now get to it!” He stood up and indicated fir Karyn to come with him.

“Let’s go to your room and catch up” he said to her as they left the room not finding it odd that he had to look down a bit to speak to her.

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