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74. DMU - Lydia’s breakdown

73. DMU - further changes

72. DMU - waking up on day 3

71. DMU - End of the 2nd day

70. DMU - Karyn’s bedtime

69. DMU - Laura’s shower

68. DMU - Time for bed

67. DMU - Jon and Laura in the tub

66. DMU - a good workout

65. DMU - After dinner with the Gi

64. DMU - Robert learns his lesson

63. DMU - a taste of his own medic

62. DMU - the final chore

61. DMU - Dinner prep

60. DMU - after school

59. DMU - ladies that lunch

58. DMU - Lunchtime

57. DMU - Simon’s frustration

56. DMU - Robert’s Chores

55. DMU - Back to Lydia

DMU - Lydia’s breakdown

avatar on 2023-03-08 08:23:08

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Across town, Lydia was currently sitting on her couch completely naked and sobbing. Again she had woken up in Busters little bed. Her chest and stomach had felt weird, and after removing her sleep shirt she discovered the cause. Below her breasts were three more sets of nipples, evenly spaced running down to her waist. She had removed her bra and found her original pair had gone, replaced by two matching little nubs.

Along with these changes she found that she seemed to have shrunk overnight, as if she sat all the way back on the couch, her feet hung off the floor. That was the other thing, her feet! If it was possible, they seemed like they had stretched a bit, they looked slightly longer than she remembered, and her toes a bit stubbier. There was no way she could tell though, as her shoes no longer fit her. After her initial discovery she also found the clothes she had removed had shrunk. All of this had caused her to shift forward so she could place her feet on the floor and burst into tears. She heard the sound of Buster walking over to her and he gently nuzzled her legs.

“Thanks buddy” she sniffled as she looked down at him. She wasn’t surprised to notice that he seemed a bit taller. She slid off the couch and sat next to him, giving him a little scratch behind the ear. She noticed his name tag had fallen off his collar, she reached over and un clipped it. She whimpered a little and sat down. With a sinking feeling she checked his chest and whimpered a little herself as she found her old nipples, the light pink noticeable amidst his black and white fur. He hunched over and picked up her sleep bar in his mouth.

“Yeah, yeah, I know” she grumbled resignedly as she slipped the item over his head.

“Might as well out this on to” she sighed as she grabbed the formally oversized t-shirt. Buster straightened his torso for her, and she slipped it over his head then helped him get his front legs through the sleeves. She couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Her dog was now sat in front of her wearing her clothes shrunk down to fit him. He was even wearing old panties she used for sleeping in, and all the while she was sat there completely naked, his old penis between her legs. She felt like she was going crazy. She grabbed his collar again and held it up. Tears started streaming from her eyes as she laughed hysterically.

“I guess I better put this on then!” She cackled between sobs. Without thinking she put it around her neck and clipped the ends together.

“Perfect fit!” She sobbed as it settled nicely around her neck and sat comfortably on her collarbones. Buster cocked his head to one side, almost like he was putting her somehow. He gave her another nudge with his nose then walked over to the back door. Lydia watched him as he sat down and gave a little bark. She shook her head a little, it had almost sounded like he had said the word out.She she suddenly realised that she really needed to pee.

“Ok, ok, I’m going she grumbled as she leant forward on all fours before pushing herself upright. As she opened the back door she felt a gust of cold air. She quickly ran out, did what she needed to, and ran back inside. Buster was stood by the open door the whole time, and she re-entered the kitchen, he gently closed the door by pushing it with his head. Lydia stood in the kitchen shivering.

“You know, I wish you had clothes I could wear” she grumbled, rubbing her arms to warm herself up. Did they feel a bit hairier? Then she stopped. He did have some clothes! She ran to the utility cupboard and pulled out a storage box. Inside were a collection of dog accessories, including a few doggy jumpers for various holidays. She pulled two out, a Halloween one with a large pumpkin on, and a Christmas one made to look like a snowman. She smiled a little, they were much larger than they used to be.

“Grreat!” She grinned as she threw the snowman one back in the box, and quickly pulled on the pumpkin. It was designed kind of like a long backed t-shirt, so that there was sleeves for Busters front legs, and two loops like a harness on the bottom for his back legs. She found it easy to step into the loops, and she soon felt a bit more comfortable. Her boobs were barley covered, kind of like a tube top, but her newer nipples were still on display. She ran to the bedroom and grabbed the scarf she had used as a sarong yesterday. She went to wrap it round her waist, but found that that too had now shrunk. Suddenly her phone buzzed on the nightstand. When she saw it was a message from Max she felt her backside shake side to side. She blushed and sat down on the bed quickly and opened the message.

I think I have a problem! it read, shortly followed by a photo of his bare chest. Like her, he also sported several sets of tiny nipples. Without thinking she snapped a quick photo of her front and sent it.

me too!

She flicked back to the photo he sent her, and stared at it. She felt her butt shaking involuntarily again. Then she felt a new sensation, a tightening feeling as her new penis began to emerge from its fleshy sheath.

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