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73. DMU - further changes

72. DMU - waking up on day 3

71. DMU - End of the 2nd day

70. DMU - Karyn’s bedtime

69. DMU - Laura’s shower

68. DMU - Time for bed

67. DMU - Jon and Laura in the tub

66. DMU - a good workout

65. DMU - After dinner with the Gi

64. DMU - Robert learns his lesson

63. DMU - a taste of his own medic

62. DMU - the final chore

61. DMU - Dinner prep

60. DMU - after school

59. DMU - ladies that lunch

58. DMU - Lunchtime

57. DMU - Simon’s frustration

56. DMU - Robert’s Chores

55. DMU - Back to Lydia

54. DMU - a new offer

DMU - further changes

avatar on 2023-03-08 07:33:34

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Jon sighed and looked down over his body, aside from his new nipples he could see anything else.

“Check the mirror” Laura said as she walked around the bed to him. Jon nodded and turned around to face the full length mirror and gasped. The first thing he noticed as Laura stood next to him was that he was a good couple of inches shorter than her, whereas before they were practically the same height. His hair was now longer, hanging just past his ears, and had lightened to shade closer to her sandy blonde colour. As his eyes traveled down his body he noticed that although his upper body had still retained much of its boyish shape, his muscles looked less defined, giving his arms a more slender look. Finally his gaze fell on his lower half, his hips had flared out noticeably, and as he quickly pulled his pyjama bottoms off to reveal a set of very shapely, but still hairy, legs. His new shape seemed to highlight the emptiness between his thighs, as his plump behind pulled his panties tight over his crotch.

“Oh wow!” Was all he could mutter as he ran his hands over his arms, even his skin felt softer. He looked over at his mother who was studying her own form now. He wasn’t imagining things earlier, her top half was still womanly, but her shoulders were a bit broader, and her arm muscles were more defined. Her hair had darkened a bit, and was only slightly longer than his was now. She too removed her bottoms and Jon couldn’t help but notice that she seemed stockier. There was no curve to her waist, and her butt was a lot less rounded.

“I know” she muttered as she pulled her bottoms back up. She reached for her sleep bra and went to pull it on. After a second she sighed again.

“Guess I should have expected this” she said sadly as she dropped it on the bed and sat down next to it. Jon looked down at the old sports bra as he pulled his own bottoms back up. Suddenly he felt a little more exposed. He tried to fight the feeling, but quickly decided against it. He reached out with trepidation and picked it up. He pulled the bra over his head and pushed his arms through the elastic. As he pulled it down over his chest he felt a little more covered up, and was not surprised to find it fit him perfectly. He sighed deeply and sat down next to her. He gently out his hand on her knee and looked over at her.

“It’s going to be ok” he smiled weakly, trying to sound reassuring. Laura returned the smile.

“Thanks Jon” she said sweetly placing her hand on top of his, “I guess we’d better see if everyone else is awake and get hold of Dr Grant and let her know. She did say to let her know of any more changes.” she added as she moved to stand. Jon got to his feet with her and grabbed his t-shirt from the floor. He pulled it on but struggled to get his head through the collar.

“Uh” he said as he took it back off, “I think I’ll need more than your bra”

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