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72. DMU - waking up on day 3

71. DMU - End of the 2nd day

70. DMU - Karyn’s bedtime

69. DMU - Laura’s shower

68. DMU - Time for bed

67. DMU - Jon and Laura in the tub

66. DMU - a good workout

65. DMU - After dinner with the Gi

64. DMU - Robert learns his lesson

63. DMU - a taste of his own medic

62. DMU - the final chore

61. DMU - Dinner prep

60. DMU - after school

59. DMU - ladies that lunch

58. DMU - Lunchtime

57. DMU - Simon’s frustration

56. DMU - Robert’s Chores

55. DMU - Back to Lydia

54. DMU - a new offer

53. DMU - Meanwhile at school

DMU - waking up on day 3

avatar on 2023-03-07 15:04:48
Episode last modified by MightyMrJ on 2023-03-07 15:05:05

1395 hits, 143 views, 3 upvotes.

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As Jon awoke the next morning, he could already tell he was back him his parents room again. He could hear his mother breathing heavily in her sleep.

‘Should have expected this really’ he thought to himself. He shifted a little to try and slip out the covers without waking her, but his movement caused her to stir. She rolled onto her side and he felt her arm wrap around his upper arm and across his chest holding him a tight embrace. He felt her shuffle closer and then the sensation of something hard nestle between his buttcheeks. He could feel his face heating up with embarrassment as he could feel her morning wood pressing into his plumper feeling rear.

“Oh god” he mouthed into the air as he tried to wriggle free, ignoring the warm tingle spreading across his nether region. Suddenly Laura grunted and he felt her arm pull back.

“Oh no, Jon? It’s happened again then?” He heard her grumble as she started to sit up, still sounding half asleep. He rolled over to face her and gave her a warm smile.

“I’m afraid so mom” he said gently. She flopped back down onto her back with a groan.

“Urgh! We’d better get up and see what’s changed this time!” She sighed.

“Yeah, we probably should” he replied, still laying in his side observing her as she laid her arm over her head, hiding her face in the crook of her elbow. He could be mistaken, but she looked a little broader. After a moment she groaned again and sat up.

“Let’s get this over with!” She said as she swung out of bed. Jon nodded and gently rolled out the other side and stood up. As he straightened up he felt a shiver run across his chest. He pulled back the material and looked down the through the collar.

“Oh!” He muttered, “I think I may know what it is” he added turning to face his mother.

“What?” She asked. With a sigh he pulled his t-shirt off exposing his chest. Laura’s eyes widened as she took in the sight. There on his chest, she could plainly see a large set of dark pink aureolas, with thick nipples protruding out. She quickly removed her top and sleep bra, and notice how her own nipples were significantly smaller than they used to be.

“Really? Of all the things?” She sighed, “those are definitely mine, these certainly look like Simons” she added looking down at the tiny protrusions on her breasts. She looked back up at Jon and froze.

“I don’t think they’re the only things that have changed though!” She said.

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