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156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

Chick for a Dick: Need a Ride?

on 2023-02-01 13:50:22
Episode last modified by Mira on 2023-02-01 14:39:24

1741 hits, 157 views, 7 upvotes.

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Jen reached the parking lot, tears freely streaming down her face. She hadn’t stopped running since leaving the cafeteria. Her legs ached because even though she could run in heels, it was still a terrible strain to do so. Her chest burned as she was barely able to breathe due to running and bawling at the same time. And the changes in balance from her new breasts and ass and the bouncing of her cock in the flimsy panties reminded her with each step of what she had done to herself. 

In short: Jen was a mess. 

Feeling hard concrete beneath her designer shoes and the breeze on her exposed skin finally brought her to a halt. She looked around, relieved to find she was finally alone. She wrapped her arms around herself and let what little emotions she had been holding back run free and let out a wail. She felt wetness on her chest and opened her eyes enough to see her tears were dripping onto her cleavage. But they were not clear. Instead, they were black. Touching her fingers to her face, she saw that the same inky smears appeared there as well. 


Fiona’s voice replayed in her head. 

Careful. Don’t want to ruin that fantastic eye liner.

Jen used the heels of her palms to aggressively wipe her eyes, knowing that it would smear and spread the black makeup. She didn't care how she looked. But if Jen had seen herself, she might have realized just how unhinged she looked. A girl bawling her eyes out with her makeup smeared across her face. But she couldn’t see the spectacle that she had become. She was trapped in this new, alien body. And the life that came with it.

She could still hear the voices of her supposed friends taunting her. 

huge ass...
blowing guys left and right...
busy, busy, busy...
can't wait to post this...

How could they be so cruel? Why would they be so cruel?!

Jen looked up, surprised to see that her legs had subconsciously led her back to where she had parked earlier that morning. Or more specifically, where Jon had parked Jesse earlier that morning. The motorcycle-girl’s chrome form was still locked in the same frozen expression it had been when Jon had turned her off hours ago. Hours ago… it seemed like another lifetime. And I suppose it was _ another lifetime_, Jen thought morosely. Jen approached the bike and was reminded again of her decreased stature. Jesse was now almost too big for her to ride. And the thought of straddling something with her new anatomy made her shudder. 

“Fuck!” Jen bellowed. She felt trapped. Trapped in this body. Trapped in this life! And now, she felt trapped at school. Sure, she had the stone, but she didn't dare use it. Not on herself, at least. One vague wish had made her a girl and stolen her life. She wouldn’t risk using one just to warp home. What if she worded it wrong and became trapped in her house. What if she worded it wrong and became her house?! No. That course of action was not an option.

Jen looked at the parking space next to Jesse and saw the jet black SUV Zoe had taken from the garage without permission. Desperation filling her, she went to the door and pulled forcefully on the handle. 


She went to the next door, and the next, trying them all. Even the rear cargo hatch. All the same result. She was pulling hard enough that the alarm even went off. But the vehicle remained locked up tightly. Jen let out a shriek and flipped open her purse before inserting her arm up to the shoulder into the magic satchel. It spasmed and twitched so wildly that it almost fell right out of the hand Jen was holding it with. “Come on, come on you stupid bag,” Jen muttered to the purse. The wish that had turned Carrie into the accessory stated that she should contain anything that Jen may need. She desperately hoped that included summoning the key she needed for this particular vehicle. 

Jen let out a yelp as the car alarm suddenly stopped and a voice simultaneously shouted out.

“Hey you! Get away from the car!”

Jen froze in place, her arm still buried impossibly deep into the purse. A series of footsteps approached and circled around the car towards her. If it hadn’t been for all of the strange girls that Jen had already seen, she probably would have screamed. The Latina girl that stepped into view was one of the most bizarre transformees Jen had seen yet. 

She had three legs, with the additional limb coming out from between her original pair. She also had four arms, with the new pair coming out of her sides a little below her normal set. But even more changed than her limbs was her head. She had six eyes! Along with her original eyes, she now sported a pair right above them, and another eye on each her temples, halfway between her original eyes and her ears. And they were all locked on her! Jen was about to freak when girl’s expression immediately softened. 

“Oh! Miss Gibson! I am so sorry! I thought you were Zoe trying to take another joyride. I told you I was going to be more careful about not letting her take your vehicles without permission. Wait, are you ok? You… well, you don't look... well.”

Jen’s head swam. More changes to her already complicated life. This time she was getting some answers. She looked the girl dead in the eyes, which was highly unsettling because there were just so damn many of them, and spoke. “Honestly, what is your name?”

“I’m Mercedes.”

“And why would you be the one to keep Zoe away from my cars?”

“I’m your personal driver. I chauffeur you and oversee your garage.”

“And how did you get like this?”

“Just a few minutes ago Renee wished we were all perfectly suited to perform tasks so we could work for you. Now I have the perfect body for it. I have a leg for each peddle, enough arms to keep two hands on the wheel and still operate the instruments, and I have enough eyes to watch the road and see out of the mirrors at the same time. They even move independently!”

Jen watched on in unsettling fascination as the girl’s six eyes all moved and darted in different directions before all focusing back on her.

“I’m also linked to all of your vehicles mentally. I can unlock them, start them, even access all Bluetooth features with my mind. I’m basically a living key fob. That’s how I knew someone was trying to get into the car. When the alarm went off, I got a mental signal and rushed out here.”

Jen let out a sigh and withdrew her arm from her purse. This wasn’t what she expected, but it was still something of a solution. “No, Mercedes, I’m not ok. Just take me home.” Released from the questioning trance, emotion returned to the bizarre girl’s face. And it shifted from concern to uncertainty. 

“Like… right now? Um, I still kinda have half the day to go and-“

Jen glowered and walked around to the far side of the car, putting it between the two of them. She quickly reached back into the purse and located the pocket which cradled the stone before placing a single finger on it. She didn’t want to risk changing herself. Others, however, were of no concern to her at the moment. Besides, Mercedes was already a freak, what else could possibly happen to her?

“I wish everyone who was part of my household staff would prioritize my needs over social responsibilities and obligations.”


Jen flipped the purse closed again and walked back around the large SUV to Mercedes. She was momentarily caught off guard when she saw the girl’s clothing was completely different. Mercedes stood at attention in a rather dashing chauffeur’s uniform. It had a skirt that tightly hugged her widened hips and showed of her three slender legs. The top was double breasted and secured with brightly polished chrome buttons and was perfectly tailored to not only accentuate her body but also included sleeves her her extra arms. Further up, she had a cap which was pulled back slightly to fully expose her upper set of eyes. The whole outfit was a dark black which seemed to perfectly match the shade of the SUV she wad standing beside. Her expression was also different. Instead of being worried and uncertain, she seemed calm and professional. 

“Ready to go home, Miss Gibson?”

Jen let out a relieved sigh and nodded. Mercedes' head momentarily tilted to the side. As it did, the vehicle unlocked and the engine started. The chauffeur stepped forward and with her upper left arm she opened the rear driver’s side door widely for her employer. Jen climbed inside, which was more of an effort than usual due to the height of the SUV and her own reduced stature. She settled into the plush leather seat and before she could even reach for the door Mercedes dutifully closed it and stepped forward to enter the vehicle’s driver’s seat. The seat moved without anyone touching the controls until it seemed to be perfectly aligned for the transformed driver. Mercedes’ upped set of eyes looked back at Jen through the mirror.

“Would you like any music, Miss Gibson?”

Jen shook her head. “No. Just get me home.”

Without another word, Mercedes used her right lower arm to put the engine into gear and pulled out of the parking spot. Jen looked out at Jesse, still frozen in her parking space. She should really be more concerned about leaving the motorcycle-girl there, but at the moment she just couldn’t bring herself to care. Jen’s gaze pulled away from Jesse who was quickly disappearing into the distance. A transparent image of a girl looking in through the window at her caused her to gasp. It was only when the girl gasped as well that Jen realized it was her own reflection staring back at her. Jen immediately looked away from the discombobulated image. She knew she would have to face herself again, but it was too much to take in at the moment.

Jen tried to relax, to feel some sense of security now that she was out of school and away from everyone, but it was impossible to escape the feeling of her new body. She sat lower in the seat, her plush ass felt soft beneath her, and the seatbelt wedged into her deep cleavage made her breasts impossible to ignore. Her new hair felt foreign and the lack of any body hair on her exposed legs made them feel unnaturally smooth. It made her want to scream!

Jen was feeling another breakdown bubbling to the surface when she looked out the window. Her jaw dropped as she saw them approaching an ornate gate set in a high brick wall. This hadn’t been in the neighborhood before! As the vehicle approached, Mercedes gave the slightest of nods and the gates began to open. 

“We’re home, miss,” Mercedes announced. 

Home? This is my home? Jen thought in wonder. The property grounds on the other side of the gates were massive. When Jon had made his wish to upgrade his house, it had turned into a massive mansion in the middle of suburbia that had been the size of an entire block. This place could only be described as a palace. The grounds had to be multiple square blocks worth of real estate, with lush grass covering large areas of it. Dotted throughout there were various sights: a garden of vibrant flowers with a path running through them leading up to a gazebo at its center, elaborate topiaries dotted the landscape, and large brick drive ran straight ahead towards a large manor positioned a the equivalent of four city blocks ahead of them. 

Jen stared wide eyed at her home. This was far beyond anything she would have dreamt of wishing for. Looking around, Jen saw that the massive structure was not even the only building on the grounds. There was another house that still dwarfed Jon’s original home located near the main building to their right. And off to the left was a large metal structure that looked like a hanger of some sort. And this was only what Jen could see from their current position. The grounds stretched even further back, but the large stone manor that was growing bigger and bigger as they approached was blocking her view. 

The drive turned into a roundabout that circled up to the main entrance of the manor, with a luxurious fountain in the center of the circle. Jen was so caught up in the spectacle that she hadn’t even noticed they had come to a stop. She screamed as her door was opened widely. Mercedes stood at attention outside the SUV, holding the door open for her employer. She did not comment on Jen’s outburst, only standing by dutifully for her to exit the vehicle. 

Jen unbuckled the seatbelt and slid out of the car. She stood in the drive and stared up at the massive building that her house had become. “Miss Gibson,” Mercedes chimed, breaking Jen out of her trance. “Don’t forget this.” Jen looked down as Mercedes reached forward with her upper right arm and presented Jen with her purse. A chill shot through Jen. She wasn’t used to keeping track of a purse. It was a miracle she hadn’t taken it off when sitting down at the table in the cafeteria, because she probably would have stormed out without it. Even worse, she would have left the stone behind. The very thought made her nauseous. 

“Thanks, Mercedes,” Jen said quietly as she took it. “Of course, Miss Gibson. Is there anything else you need me to tend to? Again, I apologize for my dereliction which allowed your sister to take a vehicle without your approval.”

Jen sighed. This morning her biggest complaint was Zoe taking a joyride in a vehicle that didn’t even exist before the previous week. It had cost nothing to acquire, just a simple wish. Hell, even now it would be easy to buy a fleet of replacements without batting an eye. But now Jen had real problems. And on top of it, she had basically just stranded Zoe at school. 

“It's ok. Hey, can you do me a favor? Head back to school, drop this back off where it was, and bring my motorcycle back. I don't care if Zoe has it for the day. After that, you can take off.”

“‘Take off,’ Miss Gibson?”

“Yeah. You know? You can go home.”

Mercedes chuckled sweetly. “Well, the staff quarters are just a short walk from the garage.”

Jen’s jaw dropped. “Staff quarters? You live here?” Mercedes’ expression briefly flashed her confusion before returning to her stoic professional demeanor. “Of course, Miss. All of your personal staff lives on site to be available to you whenever you require our services.”

 Dumbass! Jen chastised herself. Your wish that your household staff put servicing you above everything else made it so they fucking live with you! 

“Fine! Whatever! Just... just make the swap and take the rest if the day for yourself.”

Mercedes tipped her cap to Jen. “Yes, Miss. I will take care of that at once. When I get back I will handle my usual chores and retire to the staff house. I will be on call if you need me.”

“That isn’t what- oh forget it. Fine. Do that.”

Mercedes tipped her cap again, climbing back into the driver’s seat, her additional limbs making her look like some sort of overgrown insect, before she drove throughout the roundabout and back towards the main gate. Jen watched as the SUV grew smaller in the distance, still in awe of the massive front yard she now possessed, before turning towards her enormous manor and walking up the steps to the main entrance. 

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