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155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

Chick for a Dick: Lunch Rush

on 2023-01-22 23:14:35

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Not as many people notice Jen’s hasty retreat from the cafeteria as she feared. Many students were more involved with wrapping up their lunch as quickly as possible or catching up with friends. At one table on the far end of the room, Renee was doing both. 

One of the first girls to be altered by Jon’s party wish, Renee was a perfect example of the bizarre changes that can result from a vaguely worded wish. When her table of eight friends wished she’d get drinks for everyone, Renee’s body and impulses had changed to do just that. She now sported eight breasts traveling down the front of her body, and she could fill any of the tits with whatever liquid she wanted by drinking it and storing it for later. She was now a walking drink dispenser. Along with her body, her mind had been altered to put serving anyone who wanted a drink from her modified mammaries to be her top priority. A job which she greatly enjoyed, especially since serving up her stored drinks was so pleasurable. Even now, she was preparing to engage in her new role. 

“Come on, Renee!” a voice pleaded. Renee couldn’t help but smile, even though doing so caused water from the large jug she was chugging to dribble down the side of her face. With a flourish, Renee slammed the empty gallon of water down on the cafeteria table before wiping the excess water from her mouth and cheek with the back of her hand and letting out an exaggerated sigh of satisfaction. She looked down at her unusual chest and was please to see her left-topmost tit had expanded well beyond its default B-cup and was now lopsidedly stretching our her spandex shirt. She had a whole wardrobe of such garments which allowed her to fill her chest to her desire and keep herself covered. At least until it was time to strip off her top and serve her offerings. 

Which is exactly what she would be doing in a short time. Next hour was gym class, and with so many students working out and exhausting themselves, they would need a drink to re-hydrate. And Renee was more than happy to provide drinks to the entire class. It was her life’s calling and greatest joy, after all. Now that she had filled one tit to the brim with water, she reached for the first of several bottles of flavored energy drinks to fill the remaining breasts. Not only did it help keep her stable by balancing out her tits, she was also compelled to have a selection of options to whoever she may be providing refreshments. And as an added perk, she loved all of the attention she got when all eight of her dispensers were filled to the size of volleyballs. 


Renee looked up and took in the sight of the three girls sitting across the table from her. Their trays of food were pushed to the edge of the table on their side as the majority of the table was filled with the various bottles that Renee would be guzzling down to top off her tits.  The one directly across the table was staring at Renee with an exaggerated pout. 

“Sorry, Rhonda. I’ll down these right away and then you’ll have more table space,” Renee said sweetly. The girl, Rhonda, shoved her tray forward, which caused a chain reaction of knocking back the collection of bottles until one fell off the table and into Renee’s lap. In response, she simply picked it up, cracked it open, and proceeded to chug it down. As the liquid was consumed, Renee’s third boob down on the right swelled noticeably. 

“You know what I meant!”

The girl to Rhonda’s left gave a huff. “Rhonda, this again? I don’t know why this is such a big deal to you. She does all of the work, and we get to take it easy. There are worse things.”

“Yeah. Like this shitty cafeteria food,” the girl to the other side of Rhonda muttered before sliding her tray away. This caused another bottle to slide off the table on Renee’s side, which she quickly snatched up and chugged down as well. 

“Seriously, Judy? Shut up about the bad food for once! This is important. Renee has the best job anyone could ask for. She fills up, waits for Jen to tell her what to serve, then gets payed more money than she knows what to do with!”

Renee put down the now empty bottle and looked at Rhonda. “But I do know what to do with it. And I would think you of all people realize that. I mean, I’m basically covering the cost for everything all of you want! Oh, speaking of which, once I get my next paycheck we can go car shopping, Mercedes.”

The girl to Rhonda’s right smiled widely. “Awesome! Thanks, Renee! I already have a few that I want to take a closer look a-“

“Mercedes! Wouldn’t you rather be able to buy the car yourself?” Rhonda interjected. Her friend only responded with a halfhearted shrug. “Think about it,” Rhonda continued, “Renee has been super generous. And Renee, I do appreciate you picking up the tab all the time, but I don’t want to be a mooch. And eventually were going to want more. College, houses even. And I don’t expect someone else to pay for that. I want to be the one cleaning up! Can’t you just ask Jen if there’s any work for us, too?”

Renee let out a sigh and put down the bottle she was just about to suck down. “I can ask, but I don’t know if that’s enough. Jen has a particular eye for talent. I just happened to be perfectly equipped for the job she needed. I don’t know if she has anything available for all of you. I just wish you were all perfectly suited to work for Jen.”



Sydney let out a pleasant hum, thankful that she had gym before lunch. It made things so much easier to sneak in a little “her time” if she got too pent up during the day. Sure, she would miss out on food, but there was something else she wanted to eat more…

She looked down between her legs and saw herself eagerly licking away at her slit. Both of her let out another content hum, soaking in the joy of the moment. The Sydney on the floor reached up with one hand and inserted a single finger into the wet pussy in front of her, and once it was properly lubricant she slowly slid it up the ass of the Sydney standing up. Both let out a gasp as they shared the pleasure of being filled, and the kneeling Sydney proceeded to reach down with her free hand and rub her own dripping sex. 

At a glance, the scene might look like identical lesbian twins ravaging each other. But the truth was much more bizarre. Like many other girls in the school, Sydney had been altered by the power of these stone. Her unique change was brought about by Karyn wishing she could “watch Sydney play with herself.” The girl was now a single mind that controlled two bodies and had a constant desire to pleasure herself. There were times the compulsion was so strong that she would need to sneak away and satisfy her dual libidos. The easiest way to do this was to take her time after gym class wrapped up and wait for everyone to leave the locker room and leave her to herselves. 

This is exactly what she had done today, deciding to skip lunch and make out with herself in the empty locker room. Both of her were naked and dripping wet, not even bothering to dry off after the shower. They were now located in the locker alcove, knowing it would give them some privacy should someone unexpectedly enter. 

This was the wise move as the sound of the door burst open caused both of her hearts to skip a beat. The body on her knees immediately pulled away and stood up, causing them both to grunt as the felt her finger forceful withdraw from her copy’s back door. A voice echoed off of the hard, tile walls. 

“Same place as last time?”

There was no answer save for the squeak of two pairs of shoes rushing across the slick floor and the bang of a bathroom stall opening. Sydney used one head to covertly peek out and survey the room. She saw two girls go into the largest stall. One sat down on the toilet while the other knelled in front of her. The one on the ground was furiously pawing at the pants of the sitting girl. There was the sound of a zipper followed by a rustling of fabric, and a pair of voices humming in content pleasure. 

Sydney smiled wickedly, realizing she wasn’t the only one who expected the locker room to be empty. She watched on as the kneeling girl’s head moved, bobbing up and down. Sydney silently cursed, wishing the kneeling girl would move out of the way for just a moment so that Sydney could take a peak at the dick the sitting girl was sporting. However, the kneeling girl didn’t let up for a second, sucking and facefucking the rod for all it was worth. 

As the sitting girl started moaning and grunting, Sydney felt her own passions rising once again. As one body continued to watch the pair in the stall, her other body once again knelt down and brought her mouth to her clone’s eager sex. Only this time, the kneeling Sydney did her best to mimic the head movements of the girl giving a blowjob, able to watch the display through the mental link she share with her other body that was watching the show. Sydney imagined that the kneeling girl was pleasuring her instead, and her other body was playing out that role in her fantasy. 

As the girl sitting on the toilet became more vocal, the kneeling girl quickened her pace, causing the kneeling Sydney to quicken her own, bringing both of Sydney’s bodies closer to climax. The smallest whimper escaped Sydney as she ran the length of her tongue across her clit. She slapped a hand over her mouth and looked at the girls, worried she may have been caught. The seated girl was clearly lost in her own world as just a moment later she started gasping.

“I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum! I’m-“

Her voice caught in her throat and her body tensed. The kneeling girl stopped moving her head and froze, clearing taking the load the other girl had just jizzed. After a few moments of stillness, the kneeling girl stood up. The dick slid out of her mouth with a wet slurp loud enough that both of Sydney’s bodies could hear it. Her standing body leaned back into hiding in the alcove as the cock sucker began to turn around. 

“Damn, Rachelle, that was amazing. Not as long as last time, but just as powerful at the end.”

“Well, it was what you wanted most. A quick but intense bj. Guess you didn’t want to be late for class again, huh? Speaking of which, you had better get going. I need to clean up a bit, so I’ll see you after school.”

Sydney waited in frozen silence, listening intently to the sounds coming from around the corner. The rustling of clothes, squeaking of shoes, the door opening, and the hydraulics slowly closing it with a mechanical his and a slight bang. She was just about to let out the breath she had been holding in when a voice pierced the silence. 

“You’re not as quiet as you think.”

Both bodies let out a surprise shriek as the girl, Rachelle, stepped around the corner. Sydney was caught red handed, one body standing with her legs spread, her other body on her kneed between said legs, both naked, and both dripping wet in every sense. Rachelle raised an eyebrow as she took in the sight. She looked from the standing Sydney, down to the kneeling one, and back up to the standing one. 

Sydney summoned her fleeting courage and stammered out a single question: “Wha… what are you going to do?”

A wry smile bloomed on Rachelle’s face. “I believe that is up to you.” She reached up and unbuttoned her top before pulling back the garment, exposing the three tits that were aligned in a row across her chest. Instead of a nipple, each had a small glass window and an image behind them. At the moment, each displayed the silhouette of two figures, both female but one with a dick and the other kneeling in front of it. 

Rachelle let her hands fall away from her chest, leaving it exposed to Sydney. She straightened her left arm and raising it to a 45 degree angle. 

“Care to try your luck?”


Ms. Shepherds strode confidently down the hallway. Her measured, elegant steps caused her heels to click like a metronome as she sauntered. The clicking was on purpose, of course, as it called everyone’s attention to her. The sway of her hips and bouncing of her chest kept their attention. 

She smiled smugly to herself as all heads turned to follow her in her wake. She always had this effect on people. Always, that is, since Jon had granted her wish to be younger, unmarried, and have an incredible sex life. But Brook Shepherds did not remember her previous life. Nor did she realize that she was magically gifted with an aura that would attract everyone to her, and the more attracted she was to a person the more they would reciprocate the attraction.

But Ms. Shepherds wasn’t concerned with how she influenced people. She only cared that she did. She drank in their stares, their slacked jaws, their vapid grins… their lust. Sex was always fun, but it was the hunt that she loved.  And she was a hunter on the prowl. 

Making her way down the school hallways, she approached the line queuing up in front of Ass Slut’s room. The “lunch rush.” The collection of students all turned to face her as she approached. Brook watched as those standing in line gained noticeable erections in their pants and skirts, while the guys and gals Booby was priming started pumping more furiously as she came closer. Two of them, a girl Booby was jacking off with one of her many arms and a boy that was currently being sucked off, let out simultaneous grunts and blew their loads at the very presence of the stunning beauty. 

Lightweights, Brook thought, unimpressed with the hair trigger reaction from the two. Still, Brook took pride that she had done such a service: those two-pump-chumps wouldn’t have lasted thirty seconds of banging Ass Slut’s Fuck Ass, so her mere presence had saved everyone time and disappointment. 

“Hi, Ms. Shepherds!” Booby called cheerfully with a wave of her free hand as the two spent students retreated. The next two students in line quickly stepped up and presented their dicks which Booby eagerly took hold of with the available hand and mouth. Brook smiled sweetly and twiddled her fingers in a flirtatious wave. One girl in line had already taken matters into her own hands, furiously beating the girthy beast between her legs as she stared transfixed at the glamorous beauty before her. Ms. Shepherds almost stopped to admire the sight. The shaft was almost as long as the tiny girl’s forearm and the black skin tone was a wonderful juxtaposition to the rest of her alabaster white skin. The tenacity at which she stroked herself told Brook this one would be an enthusiastic partner. 

But while enthusiasm had its place, she was in the mood for something else: experience. And if one wanted an experienced lover, there was no better option in the entire school than-

A knock on the door frame pulled Melinda’s attention away from her soup. Seeing Brook standing in her doorway caused a bolt of excitement to shoot through her. “Hi, Brook!” 

The stunning visitor smiled, causing Madam Lee to swoon. “Hello, Melinda,” she said, her silky voice dripping with confidence. She entered the sexual immersion classroom, her swaying hips drawing Madam Lee’s gaze downward. “I wanted to speak with you about something.”

“Would this be a professional or… personal matter?” Melinda asked coyly. Brook let out a small laugh, glad to see she wasn’t the only one who appreciated this dance. “In your area of expertise, I would imagine they are both one and the same.” The two stared at each for a moment, letting the tension build. Melinda glanced up at the wall clock. “Only twenty five minutes until next class starts.”

“We both know what you and I can do in twenty five minutes.”

“Then let’s not waste time. How do you want to do this?”

“Me on your desk. You pounding me from behind.”

Melinda threw her half eaten lunch into the trash an stood up, her latex dress clearly showing the outline of the cock that had been Brad’s only a few hours earlier.

“Then let’s get to it.”

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