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59. DMU - ladies that lunch

58. DMU - Lunchtime

57. DMU - Simon’s frustration

56. DMU - Robert’s Chores

55. DMU - Back to Lydia

54. DMU - a new offer

53. DMU - Meanwhile at school

52. DMU - The visitor

51. DMU - back with the Gibsons

50. DMU - Robert gets dressed

49. DMU - Robert’s punishment

48. DMU - Robert’s worse morning

47. DMU - Dressing at the Gibsons

46. DMU - Lydia’s Wardrobe

45. DMU -Lydia’s breakfast

44. DMU - Day 2 begins

43. DMU - Dream On

42. DMU - Dream a little dream

41. DMU - A whole new experience

40. DMU - Simons new feelings

DMU - Ladies that lunch

avatar on 2023-01-25 08:35:07

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The waiter quickly brought them their drinks, and Laura took a sip from the glass. She remembered accidentally drinking from Simons beer once and found the taste repulsive, but now the amber liquid tasted quite refreshing. She glanced over at Lucy who seemed to be having the same experience as she was. She looked up at her and shrugged.

“Are you ready to order?” The waiter asked. Laura looked over the menu again, she had gone straight to the salad section, but none of them sounded appetising to her.

“Order whatever you want Laur” Lucy smiled, “Robert’s treating us” she added with a wink. Laura smirked, from what she had been told over the phone, her old friend wouldn’t take no for an answer so she started leaving through the other sections. Her eyes fell on something that made her mouth water.

“Oh, I’ll take the Angus burger, medium rare” she said. The waiter nodded.

“And would you like a side salad with that?” He asked

“No, I’ll have the fries” Laura said with conviction.

“Wonderful choice, and for you!” He continued turning to Lucy.

“I’ll have your best steak, medium rare as well, and fries too!” She grinned slamming the menu closed and passing it back. The waiter simply nodded and turned away. If he though anything unusual about the two slim ladies ordering large meat dishes, he didn’t show it.

“So how have you been?” Lucy asked taking a larger sip of her beer, it’s been years since we caught up” Laura shrugged.

“Things are going ok, just got a promotion at work which means we have a bit more money.” She said.

“What is it you do again?” Lucy asked.


“That’s right, you were always the creative one!” Lucy smiled as she took a gulp of her drink, causing her to burp a little, “‘scuse me” she muttered.

“And you?”

“Not much to tell. You know I…retired… a few years back, and Robert has his company now. I’ve pretty much been a housewife for the last 7 or so years. Fat lot of good that’s done me” she said sombrely.

“Yeah, I’m so sorry about that” Laura said gently.

“Don’t be, he’s a fucking pig. If I hadn’t invested my own money he’d probably still be editing those movies. I had my suspicions for months, then all this happened” Lucy replied, indicating towards her groin with her hands, “and there were little feelings that didn’t add up. I don’t blame the poor girl though, she’s as much a victim as I am.” She added sadly.

“I’m surprised you went as far as you did with his punishment” Laura said, taking a swig.

“Why not? She’s had to suffer so much, why not give her the chance to get some payback. I’m done with him. I’ve got the only usefull thing he ever had now” Lucy grinned, “how are you finding dealing with Simon’s cock?” She added. Laura choked on her drink, taken by surprise at the question.

“Lucy, not so loud” she hissed. Lucy simply waved her off.

“Nobodies listening” she smiled, “so how is it? Really?” Laura looked around, a little embarrassed.

“It’s weird but I feel so much more confident, and powerful almost” she said.

“I know what you mean!” Lucy grinned back, “plus how good is it to piss standing up!” She chuckled. Laura laughed too.

“It’s so amazing. So who has your…” she giggled,

“Sarah, and yours?”

“Jon actually, I do feel bad for him”

“Damn, so what about Simon then?”

For the next few minutes they caught each other up on the state of their households mix ups. They were interrupted by the arrival of their food, which they both finished with surprising ease as they continued to catch up and reminisce about the old days. They were both finishing their second beers when Laura glanced at her watch.

“This has been so much fun, but I really should be getting back” she said. Lucy smiled.

“It really has, let me just pay and I’ll drop you back.” She said as she fished a man’s wallet out of her jeans pocket.

“Is that Robert’s?” Laura whispered.

“It’s mine now!” Lucy grinned, “now let’s go” she added as she got to her feet.

“You go pay, I need to go take a leak” Laura replied as she got up, “I’ll meet you outside.” She made her way to the ladies room and chose a stall. She quickly locked the door behind her and unzipped her fly. She pulled her cock out and aimed at the toilet.

“This really is so much easier” she grinned to herself.

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