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261. Moving On

260. Getting Out

259. Lap Dance

258. Brothers

257. In Private

256. Reunion

255. Uncanny Gun

254. Final Tries

253. Next Tries

252. First Try

251. The Upgrades

250. New Project

249. Domination

248. AEP Assault

247. Automaton

246. Assassination

245. Missions

244. Our PEAs

243. PEA Squad

242. 1st Unit

Making the Memory Chips

avatar on 2023-01-23 22:38:43

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Robin had to piggyback me all the way home. It was nice of him to do that. There was one thing that I had to say though. "I told you, Robin." I said smugly. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "Excuse me? What did you say to me, Brianne?" he asked me. I just said "They never see it coming. Tyler sure didn't." Robin's eyes then widened, and he scoffed. "You did say that. I won't doubt your judgement again." he said. I chuckled. "Make sure you tell the others what happened. We don't want other scrappers or reprogrammers trying to seduce you guys away and ambushing you." I added. He nodded his head. When we got to the cab depot, Paul and Brett were there too. Brett was able to heal me right up. They did not have the totally cracked powers of Devils on these accounts. They did set themselves to level 55 on them and gave themselves all types of magic. That was still a pretty strong build here. Brett asked why he had changed outfits. I said "Robin saved me out there today. I gave him the permission to choose his own outfit as a reward." Robin did not pay them much mind.

For Robin, they were just some new human recruits to the clan. That was all that they had to be for the NPC members. After some time, the squad came over to me and they were very frustrated. When I realized that they were all frustrated with me, I was caught off guard. "You said that we were going to be given a mission. When are you going to assign a mission!?" Zeta demanded. He was the one that was more martially adept. All of them were just as angry as he was. I blinked and said "I told you to come back to me if you could not find any missions on offer in town." "Yes. That is why we are coming to you now, Brianne." Gamma sighed. "Was there nothing in the lab for you then?" They just glared at me in unison. I raised my arms placatingly. "I will go and find something for you guys to do. Don't worry. Let me think of something. I need a minute." I said. I tried to scurry off, but they did not let me. There was 6 of them, so it was easy for them to just surround me. That was not good for me. Luckily, I was quick on my feet. "I need you to make a perimeter around town. We need intel." I said.

They were able to get it done pretty quickly. It was not a massive city like Volta or Neo-Rutten. Our town was a nice size, but not able to change the world. I had to listen to the random tidbits that they each wanted to share. The squad basically had lots of gossip from walking around. I nodded and pretended to take it seriously. When they were done, I said "Excellent work. I think the clan can use this intelligence for our clandestine operations going forward." They smiled and Epsilon said "I can feel my organ refilling my nanites. It feels good." The others nodded in agreement. That was a good thing. They could try again. Robin needed a lot of nanites after the amount he lost due to the reprogrammer brothers. We had to leave lots of his nanites behind when we made our exit. Robin, understanding that, allowed them all to try their luck with him. Gamma, Delta and Epsilon were able to succeed in creating the PEA memory chip this time. Gamma and Epsilon's were blue. Delta's was still the same pale yellow he had last time. The others would have to try again sometime later. I kept the chips.

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