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260. Getting Out

259. Lap Dance

258. Brothers

257. In Private

256. Reunion

255. Uncanny Gun

254. Final Tries

253. Next Tries

252. First Try

251. The Upgrades

250. New Project

249. Domination

248. AEP Assault

247. Automaton

246. Assassination

245. Missions

244. Our PEAs

243. PEA Squad

242. 1st Unit

241. PEA Lab

Using the Uncanny Guns

avatar on 2023-01-22 17:33:44

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As I was watching Robin bend over to reach his nanite clothes, he swayed and fell over on the couch. He began to pant a bit. "Are you alright!?" I asked him with a great bit of concern. I then felt a prick on my neck. I turned and saw Orion smirking with me with clear syringe. "I was wondering when the scrambling frequencies would finally work." he said. "I know right. 'Borgs usually crumble after a few minutes." Tyler said with a very sadistic grin on his face. I was unable to get off of the floor. I did not even realize that I had even fell down. Whatever it was in the shot was very potent. Tyler hurried over to the prone Robin and said "Looks like it's time to fuck. We got our big upgrades and now we get to use them. You better get ready, Robin!" He was mocking us like an asshole. I know that I did not like him. "Our dicks were enhanced to hack into cybernetics. You 'borgs are going to get fucked and brainwashed!" Orion said. He crossed his arms confidently. They must have thought that I was a cyborg too. That was on them. Tyler was able to pull Robin's underwear. That was weird. Robin controlled it.

If he did not want to let it get pulled down. It simply would not budge. They were part of his body. "I thought that you like to watch me dance." Robin said sadly. Tyler just smirked at him. "I did like watching you. That's why I'm so hard right now." he said in a mocking tone. "Save the pussy for me." Orion said. "Fine. You always get the pussy." Tyler grumbled. With no care for Robin's comfort, he thrust inside with his mechanical dick. Robin gasped. "Can you feel me inside you. I'm going to hack and get really deep inside of you." The younger brother then began thrusting inside the AEP unit. Robin grunted in pain. "It hurts!" he said. Tyler slapped him on the ass. "Shut the fuck up! No one cares!" he yelled. Orion just laughed at Robin's distress. I tried to crawl over there, but Orion stepped on my back. "Your blood was red, so you are a human. How does it feel for your 'borg to be taking another man's dick, huh?" he asked as he put more pressure on me. Robin said "Let Brianne go!" Orion then began to stomp me out. It would not kill me with my HP, but it was annoying. Robin was pissed off.

Orion noticed and said "You don't like that? Too bad. I'm going to fuck his ass!" He then reached down to tear my pants down. I definitely did not want to be raped by this guy. As a guy, my ass was off limits. The drug he gave me made it impossible to fight back though. Robin's ass cheeks opened up and the handguns emerged. "What the fu-" was all Tyler got to say before he was shot 10 times at point blank range with incendiary rounds. It obliterated him. Orion was obviously distraught at the gory death of his brother. He tried to run for a weapon, but Robin sat up and fired the plasma cannon on his upper back. It totally vaporized him. With that done, he was able to finally stand and walk over to me. "Is the ringing gone?" He shook his head. "No. It is still hard to concentrate." Robin reported. He picked me up and put me on my feet. I was still wobbly, so he had to support me on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Brianne. I almost got us both compromised. I will never dance again." he said, looking so guilty. I shook my head. "No. You can dance, Robin. You just saved my life just now."

The AEP unit looked at me skeptically. "That reprogrammer was going to rape and kill me just now. You saw him. I have you to thank for acting so quickly. I'll never forget this." I told him honestly. He said. "Should I put my clothes back on?" he asked. I shook my head. "If I go down on the ground or couch, I can't get up again. I can tell. You look on your last legs too. Just make new clothes." He replaced the outfit he had been wearing. I shook my head again. "Robin, no." I said to him firmly. He was very confused. "No?" he repeated. "You are a dancer now. They are artists that use their body in creative and inspiring ways. You have to act like it. Come up with a new outfit for yourself. One just for you. Something that will make you stand out among the others." I said with a smile. He looked at me with sparkly eyes. "Do you... really like my dancing?" he asked. "Of course I do. Let's get out of here while you think about it. It must be hard with all that ringing." I said. He dragged me out of their apartment and onto the street. He let me lean against the wall. "I think I have an idea for a good outfit."

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