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55. DMU - Back to Lydia

54. DMU - a new offer

53. DMU - Meanwhile at school

52. DMU - The visitor

51. DMU - back with the Gibsons

50. DMU - Robert gets dressed

49. DMU - Robert’s punishment

48. DMU - Robert’s worse morning

47. DMU - Dressing at the Gibsons

46. DMU - Lydia’s Wardrobe

45. DMU -Lydia’s breakfast

44. DMU - Day 2 begins

43. DMU - Dream On

42. DMU - Dream a little dream

41. DMU - A whole new experience

40. DMU - Simons new feelings

39. DMU - What’s on Laura’s mind?

38. DMU - an uneventful evening

37. DMU - Jon explores

36. DMU - Getting Home

DMU - Back to Lydia

avatar on 2023-01-23 08:09:49

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Lydia glanced at her watch, second period would be starting around now. She hated sitting around with nothing to do, and today she felt more restless than ever. She had found one of her large scarves and wrapped it around her waist as a kind of sarong. She glanced again at the her watch and thought back to the phone call she had with Dr Michaels.

“I’ll see what I can find for you” he had said, “I was planning on stopping by to check on Buster as well, I can be there in around an hour or so”

“That would be perfect Dr, thank you” she replied.

“Before I go, I have another patient who is in the same situation as you. Would you be comfortable if I brought him with me? I think it would be beneficial for you both to have someone to talk with when I’m unavailable” he added.

Why had she said yes? Now she had the added stress of someone else seeing her like this. Suddenly her stomach growled heavily. She stopped in her tracks and held her breath for a second. That was the other thing, the meat she had eaten that morning was playing havoc with her guts, and she was trying desperately to hold it in. Another loud gurgle caused her to let out an involuntary whimper. Buster stuck his head round the corner of the couch to stare at her.

“Fine, I’ll go” she said as she turned towards the back door. She headed out into the back garden and walked around for a few moment until she found a satisfactory spot along the edge of the garden.

“Am I really going to do this” she muttered to herself. Her stomach bubbled once again, even heavier than before.

“Not much choice I guess” she sighed as she pulled the scarf from her waist, and squatted down. The relief she felt as she released the tight hold she had on her bowels and finally performed the action she been avoiding for over a day. She looked up and saw Buster watching her from the back door. He looked so strange in her clothes. Suddenly she heard the doorbell ring, causing her to yelp in surprise. She shot up and hurriedly wrapped the scarf back around her waist.

“COMING! COMING!” She yelled at the top her voice as she ran straight inside. She found buster sat by the door, tail wagging through his clothes.

“I’M HERE!” She shouted as she grabbed the door handle and opened it. There was Dr Michaels flanked by another man wearing a large overcoat. He was pretty handsome with short brown hair and a well groomed short beard. Sat just by him Lydia noticed a large golden retriever, wearing a pair of jeans.

“Good morning Lydia” Dr Michaels emailed, “sorry I’m a bit late, I had to collect Max and Penny here on the way” the man smiled weakly and nodded.

“Hi!” Lydia gasped, a little out of breath from her run across the house, “sorry, I was…out in the garden. Come in!” she added when she caught her breath. She led them all into the living room, tailed closely by Buster. She offered them both drinks, Dr Michaels declined, but Max took a glass of water. They exchanged pleasantries and Dr Michaels informed Lydia that Max was experiencing exactly what her and Buster were going through. Only he had Penny’s vagina and she had acquired his penis. Lydia glanced down at his dog who was sat on the floor next to Buster, both of them calm as ever.

‘I wonder what that looks like’ she found herself thinking.

“So you’ve got…Buster was it… you’ve got his….” Max began to ask.

“Yeah,” Lydia replied, “it’s a real nuisance.” She added with a sigh.

“So I understand there was something else this morning?” Michaels asked producing a notepad. Lydia nodded.

“I accidentally gave Buster my breakfast this morning, and rather than making something else…” she dropped her gaze to the floor “I had his. The strange thing was, I actually liked it” she added turning a little bit red.

“I had exactly the same thing!” Max exclaimed, “and I couldn’t drink my coffee either, it just…”

“Didn’t smell right!” Lydia finished his sentence “me too!” She wiggled a little with excitement.

“Interesting” Dr Michaels murmured as he jotted something down, “so tell me, why did you decide to put your clothes on the dogs?” He asked them at the same time. They both shrugged and almost in synch replied

“Cause they fit them?”

“Ok, we’ll Lydia I managed to find a skirt in a thrift store on the way over. It in the size you gave me, care to try it on?” He said, priding a small carrier bag. Lydia gladly took the bag and pulled out the skirt. She left the scarf on her waist, and went to pull the skirt on. As soon as she put on leg through the waist band, the material seemed to shrink before their eyes, until it barely came up past her thigh.

“Incredible!” Michaels gasped, as she moaned in frustration and threw the skirt from her leg.

“Yeah, I had a pair of board shorts do that to me” Max replied with a weak smile.

“Really?” Lydia smiled back, “it is nice to know I’m not the only one” she added.

“I knew it’d be good for you two to meet” Dr Michaels grinned, “I have a few other cases to see this morning. If I could get a blood sample from
Buster, then I’ll be on my way. I don’t know if you’d be willing to have Max and Penny stay here while I do my rounds? Perhaps you could discuss things more with each other?” He added. Lydia and Max exchanged glances, and she felt a tingle of excitement run through her, causing her to shiver slightly. She shook it off as it reached her waist.

“Sure, I’ve got nothing else on today” she said, “I mean, if they’re happy to stay that is.” She added hurriedly.

“I’d love to!” Max said almost instantly. Dr Michaels clapped his hands together.

“That’s settled then!” He beamed, “I’ll be back around just after lunch, and I’ll take Busters sample then.” He added as he got his feet. Lydia saw him to door, and waved him off before closing the door. She stood there for a moment.

‘Max seems nice, it’s good to have a friend who understands’ she thought to herself, not noticing that as she did her hips were gently shaking from side to side.

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