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54. DMU - a new offer

53. DMU - Meanwhile at school

52. DMU - The visitor

51. DMU - back with the Gibsons

50. DMU - Robert gets dressed

49. DMU - Robert’s punishment

48. DMU - Robert’s worse morning

47. DMU - Dressing at the Gibsons

46. DMU - Lydia’s Wardrobe

45. DMU -Lydia’s breakfast

44. DMU - Day 2 begins

43. DMU - Dream On

42. DMU - Dream a little dream

41. DMU - A whole new experience

40. DMU - Simons new feelings

39. DMU - What’s on Laura’s mind?

38. DMU - an uneventful evening

37. DMU - Jon explores

36. DMU - Getting Home

35. DMU - the walk home

DMU - a new offer

avatar on 2023-01-20 15:36:59

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John turned around and was surprised to find Sarah stood just behind him.

“Sorry?” He asked.

“I said could I have a word with you?” She replied rolling her eyes. Jon hesitated for a moment, before giving a hesitant

“Sure I guess”

Sarah indicated that he should follow her, and they walked out into a small quad outside the canteen. There they found a bench in the far corner and Sarah sat down.

“What is it then?” Jon asked, folding his arms. Sarah took a deep breath and looked him in the eye.

“Remember when we were kids? Our families used to be pretty close didn’t they?” She asked. Jon thought back, he could vaguely remember spending a few weeks each summer on holiday with Sarah and her parents, and the two of them had played together, being so close in age and everything. Thinking of this made him feel a bit nostalgic, and a little sad it no longer happened.

“Yeah, so?” He said after a moment.

“I remember it was cause our moms used to be very close didn’t they?” Sarah continued.

“Yeah, I think they used to work together or something” Jon replied, unsure of where she was going with this.

“I’m guessing you were missed gym yesterday cause you swapped something with your mom right?” Sarah asked, glancing down at his ensemble. Suddenly realisation hit Jon.

“So that’s it!” He snapped, “you just want to make fun of me for wearing my moms stuff!” He continued.

“No!” Sarah seemed genuinely taken aback, “if anything I think they really suit you!” She added cause Jon to falter and blush a bit.

“You think?” He said, not sure of what else to say.

“Definitely. But that’s beside the point.” She replied with a smile, “look, I swapped with my mom too, and I was thinking that seeing as our moms used to be friends, and we used to be friends, and we both have their parts now, maybe we could help each other through it. I know it’s got to be a more a change for you than me.” She continued. Jon found himself feeling genuinely touched by this sentiment. He sat down next to her and dropped his head.

“It’s been really tough, Karyn doesn’t seem to be finding it difficult at all and I feel like I haven’t got anyone to talk to about it” he sighed deeply. He felt Sarah place a hand on his shoulder.

“That’s what I mean. I can’t explain it, but I feel like it’s something we should do. Ever since I woke up this morning, all I could think about was our old friendship. I know I’ve been a bit of a bitch to you in the last, but things have changed for the both of us now, and I feel like we should be there for each other” she said kindly. Jon looked up at her and smiled back.

“That would be really nice” he said as he placed his hand over the one on his shoulder. A strange feeling of a lost friendship reforming fluttered in his chest for a moment.

“Great, I’ll put my number in your phone” Sarah beamed, holding out her hand. Without hesitation Jon passed over his phone and they exchanged numbers.

“Thanks Sarah” he said as he slipped his mobile back into his bag, “this has actually been nice” he added as he stood back up.

“I’ll text you later I guess?” Sarah replied, standing up herself, “oh, one last thing. This might sound weird, but do you know your moms maiden name?” She added. Jon thought for a moment.

“I think it was Madison. Why?” He replied. Sarah smiled to her self.

“No reason” she said before she turned and headed back into the building.

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