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154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

Chick for a Dick: Lunch with the Girls

on 2023-01-16 11:50:42
Episode last modified by Mira on 2023-01-16 17:38:30

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The sound of the bell was a welcome relief to Mr. Burton’s literature class. The students rapidly gathered their personal belongs. From the front of the classroom , Annie watched on with a look of shock and frustration. “But… but I’m not done.”

Fiona scoffed. “She spent practically the whole class talking about hobbits. Seriously. She’s done,” she whispered to Jen playfully. Jen couldn’t help but giggle. Both at the complete change in Anastasia’s personality, and at the welcome banter of her new friend. It was so reassuring to know she had friends in this new life she had been dropped into. 

“Alright, class,” Mr. Burton call to the students who had not already rushed out the door, “no homework this weekend. We’ll continue with the remaining presentations next week.” Jen watched as the teacher’s chest rippled and bubbled, morphing from one set of tits to another as he watched the various female students walk past him towards the door. Not wanting to see a mirror copy of her tits on display again, Jen turned away and rushed out of the room before she was the focus of Mr. Burton’s attention. 

Jen had hoped to avoid being confronted by evidence of her recent transformation, but her efforts to leave the room quickly had instead made her new body frustratingly noticeable as her generous mounds bounced wildly on her chest. A couple of boys did double takes as they darted down the hall, taking in the sight of the buxom brunette exiting the classroom. Jen had to fight the impulse to grab her own tits to limit their wild swaying, knowing that it would only give the eager watchers a better show. She was wondering if she should “bless” them all with a set of their own when Fiona came up next to her. 

“Jen! What’s the rush?”

Jen looked at her newly discovered friend and saw that she was concerned. With as much as her life had changed from this morning, the last thing she wanted was to complications with her only confirmed friend. 

“I… I’m just really hungry. I want to get to the cafeteria before the line gets too long.”

Relief spread over Fiona’s face and she flashed a warm smile. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s go!”


The pair headed down the halls, Fiona once again taking lead on the conversation. Jen listened on as she prattled about how dreamy Mr. Burton was. Jen had thought to ask her opinion about his constantly transforming chest, but she decided to let it go and let Fiona revel in her crush. As they stepped into the cafeteria, Jen felt a moment of panic. Here they were, practically everyone in the school gathered together at once, all turning and looking at her. Jen could practically hear a voice in her head shouting out like a carnival barker. Step right up, one and all! Feast your eyes on the freakish wonder! The nerdy wallflower turned stacked hottie! Step right up and behold as this simple man tries to live as a stunning beauty!

Jen didn’t know if Fiona had read her body language or was just as hungry as Jen was pretending to be, but the girl quickly grabbed Jen’s hand and pulled her into the giant room and towards the food stations. Jen felt like it wasn’t just the room that was massive, but everything else as well. 

Moving past the tables Jen was again reminded of her diminished height. Everyone seemed to be sitting higher, but in fact she was lower to the ground. And she remembered that she was even wearing heels! She was another 3 inches shorter than she was currently standing, at least. Even when Fiona handed her a tray, it felt oversized in her smaller hands.

Jen sighed and moved forward, walking to the familiar food stations. She grabbed grabbed two slices of pepperoni pizza, a box of fries with a cup of cheese sauce, and a bottled sports drink. As she approached the register, the lunch lady looked at her tray with a raised eyebrow, but said nothing. Seeing the total, Jen reached reached down and unclasped her purse. Carrie twitched and quivered as Jen rummaged through the purse-girl until she located her wallet and pulled it out. The purse seemed to quiver as if in the throws of post orgasm as Jen pulled out a few bills and handed them over. After getting her change, Jen returned the wallet to the purse, causing it to shudder again, before picking up her tray. 

Fiona was waiting for her with a smile which faded when she caught sight of Jen’s tray. “Wow. You, uh, weren’t kidding about being hungry, huh?” Jen looked at her tray, then Fiona’s which had a salad with light dressing drizzled on it and a sparkling water. Jen could only shrug. Fiona offered a forced smile. “Let’s go meet up with the girls,” she offered. 

“After you,” Jen replied, hoping Fiona would take the lead. She didn’t even know who “the girls” were, let alone where they normally sat. To her relief, Fiona did just that, turning and heading towards the sprawl of tables. Jen followed close behind, worried that she may lose sight of her in the crowd of students. 

As they walked past table after table, Jen spotted transformed girls that she recognized. Jill stood out, the feminine ass that had taken the place of her face from her cheekbones down made it easy to spot her among the sea of faces. Jen watched as she took a grape and pressed it between her face cheeks and into her sphincter-mouth. A few tables over, a blob of bright neon colors caught Jen’s attention. It was Sharon, the girl who’s skin and hair had been changed to be bold, vibrant colors. Next to her was Cassie, the girl whose head was now a balloon with her face painted on it in marker. Jen was tempted to stop and wait to see just how Cassie even ate with her current body, but Fiona was pulling away from her and she turned to quickly catch up. 

Another table caught Jen’s attention. Although each table surrounding it was packed to capacity, this one was not even half occupied. Only five girls were sitting at one end of the table, and they seemed to be projecting an aura of superiority and exclusivity. The vibe was definitely felt by the rest of the students, as nobody else dared approach this seemingly elite group. Except for Fiona. This was their destination, and these were “the girls.”

“Hey,” Fiona said meekly. Jen was thrown off by her friend’s reaction. She was… shy? Unsure? Shit. She was afraid. But, why? These were her friends, right? 

Our friends, Jen had to remind herself. 

Fiona slipped into a chair that was halfway down the rectangular table, leaving two spaces open between her and the next girl. Jen assessed the table as she approached. Fiona was sitting towards the center of the table, two open spaces to her right, then a busty bleach blonde who was wearing a tight pair of jeans that snugly hugged her heart shaped ass, and a snow white fleece hoodie that was clearly more for fashion than function. To her right was a girl with a thin frame, black curly hair, and a cell phone in her hands that she was furious texting away on. 

Across the table was a trio of girls that caused Jen to do a double take. The girl in the center had flowing red hair, and fair skin dotted with freckles. She was wearing a pink leather half jacket over a patterned top. The girl to her right had a round face and dirty blonde hair. She was wearing a black pleather jacket over a worn out shirt that looked so old the stitching around the designer’s logo was fraying wildly. To the left of the girl in the center, a thin girl with straight black hair was wearing a pink polyester coat that was too big on her over a white halter top. As they ate, the two girls flanking the girl in the center seemed to watch her intently, and were noticeably coordinating the movements of their eating with the girl between them.

Jen looked at the group and waited for some sort of acknowledgment or welcome, but none came. They seemed oblivious to her… until she sat down in the seat directly next to Fiona. The girl across the table in the pink half jacket looked at her in confusion, while the two girls next to her shared a look with each other, looked at the girl between them, and then stared at her with the same look of confusion. Before Jen could ask what the problem was, a voice next to her caused her to jump. 

“Fuck, Jen! Off your diet much?”

Jen looked to the girl in the white fleece to her right, who was looking at her tray before looking at Jen with a smug smirk. “What, did you steal some fatty's tray? I can’t wait to see how much bigger your ass gets after that.” Jen subconsciously slumped in her seat. Fatty’s tray? This is what she ate every day? Or… at least Jon did. And my ass isn’t big! Is it?

“Hey, Penny, she’s just having a bit of an off day,” Fiona said quietly. The blonde cackled. “After she eats that what’s going to be off is her weight!” The trio across the table snickered, and even the girl to Penny’s right gave a chuckle despite not once looking up from her phone. 

Jen frowned and stared daggers at Penny. The bitch was going to pay! Jen opened her mouth-

“Oh! Look!” Fiona shouted while pointing at the far wall. It was an obvious attempt to interject, but the pack of girls did turn to see what she was pointing at. A few students which Jen recognized as members of the student government were tapping a poster to the wall. 

“Prom tickets go on sale on Monday. Hard to believe it’s just two weeks away.” As the girls examined the poster, Fiona turned to Jen, intentionally catching her eye. Fiona was looking at her with pity and longing, as if she wanted to help but was powerless to do so. 

“Great, now I’m going to need to spend the next two weeks turning down half the dicks with legs in the school,” Penny huffed as she stuck her fork into her half eaten salad. Across the table, the girl in the center giggled. “Just treat it like a game. I’m going to try and set a record for how many I can string along before I tell them all to buzz off.” Penny laughed heartily at the proposal. “Oh, that is too much, Veronica. Maybe I should play a game with them as well. Perhaps seeing how many I can get to cry when I blow them off.” 

The table again erupted into fits of laughter, even Fiona seemed to nervously join in. Except for Jen. She was stupefied by the callousness she was observing. Even though she had never met any of these girls before, they were unsettling familiar. They reminded her of… Sarah! That was it! Sarah. Tiffany. Kim. Vicky. Amanda. With so many of the previous "queen bitches" transformed by various wishes, this collection of girls had risen unopposed into the available social niche and were considered the social elite of the school. 

And Jen was one of them. 

The look of shock on her face must have caught Penny’s attention, because the blonde slowly turned to face Jen, a predatory look in her eyes. “Aww, don’t be so glum, Jen. I know you’re having an ‘off day,’ but soon you’ll be back on your game. While I'll be blowing guys off left and right, you'll just be blowing them.”


Like blood in the water, Jen’s outburst had seemed to trigger the whole table to look at her with malice. “Rumor has it you’re well on your way to feel better. A visit to Madame Lee’s class, then first in line to play with Ass Slut, then a tryst with Muff Gobbler in the bathroom? Busy, busy, busy,” Veronica taunted. Jen felt the color drain from her face.

“Well,” Penny said with mock shock, “Ass Slut and Titty Nibble both before lunch?”

“Before third period,” the girl to Veronica’s right chimed in. “Looks like Jen won’t be breaking the boys’ hearts, she’ll be turning down all the girls!”

The table exploded into laughter again. For once, Fiona did not join in. Unfortunately, it was not missed by the table. 

“Aww. Why so blue, Fiona? Were you planning on asking her to prom?” Penny asked before breaking into more laughter. “Hmm, looks like it runs in the family,” the girl to Penny’s right chimed in, finally breaking her silence. She was still looking at her phone. “Everyone is abuzz that Zoe was caught getting it on with her friend Athena in the girl’s bathroom last period. Can’t wait to post this little development.” With that, her thumbs became a flurry of motion. 

Jen’s head was spinning. In a few short hours, she had been turned into a girl, had her first female orgasm, been yelled at, ogled, hit on, embarrassed, called a slut, betrayed, and now outed as a lesbian. 

“I… I… I…” 

Jen couldn’t control herself. Her vision blurred, her chest tighten, and tears started to run down her face. She tried to resist, but a sob punched through her composure. Then another. And another. There was only one thing she could do. 

Jen jumped up from the table and ran. Ran away from the still cackling girls, past the tables filled with students, through the doors, and out into the hall.

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