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153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

Chick for a Dick: Who is Jen Gibson?

on 2023-01-09 23:13:33

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“You are a girl, you’re short, you have brown hair, a huge pair of boo-“

“What can you tell me about that you wouldn’t know just by looking at me?!” Jen huffed.

“Lots of things,” Fiona replied. Jen waited for her to continue, but the brunette continued to silently stare with the same zoned out expression everyone had when they were in the questioning trance. In the background, Chelsea continued to present her lewd book report. Jen sighed in growing frustration and rubbed her temples. Ok, apparently I’m being a little too vague. Guess I’ll have to be a little more specific…

“How long have we known each other?”

“Since elementary school. We met in the second grade.”

“Who are ‘the girls’ you mentioned earlier that we’ll see at lunch?”

“There’s Penny, Veronica, Serena, Adele, and Phoebe.”

“Have I known them since elementary school, too?”

“No, you met them here in high school.”

“Am I… dating anyone?”


“Did I used to date anyone?”

“You’re not really the ‘dating’ type. You’re an extremely private person. You’ve told me you can’t trust anyone because you’re sure they’d just be after your money. But you still like to have your fun.”

“What… does that mean?”

“Just look at you, girl. You’re one if the hottest girls in school. And you totally know it. You have people lining up to hook up with you.”

“Like who?!”

“Pretty much the entire football team. And the basketball team. I’ve head a few cheerleaders are interested, too. Student government. The chess club. Half the teachers…”

Jen slumped in her chair and put her head in her hands as Fiona continued to name off the long list people wanting to get into her pants.  Of course tons of guys would want to bang her. If Jen had been someone else, Jon would have wanted to fuck her, too. But could she have actually been with a guy? The idea of fucking with some meat head like Daryl was utterly repulsive. Lifting her head, she glanced around the room from guy to guy. Too fat… too nerdy… too creepy… ok, looks like I’m not- 

At that moment, her eyes fell on a handsome prep sitting at the back of the room. He had short brown hair, a polo shirt that clung to his toned chest, and a pair of tight jeans that made her hope he would stand so she could check out his-

“Fuck,” Jen whispered. She was definitely attracted to guys as well as girls now. She placed her head back in her hands. A soft touch on her shoulder drew her attention back to Fiona. She had be released from her trance and was reaching over to pat her on the back, a reassuring smile on her face. Jen looked into her eyes and could not help but notice that Fiona’s gaze once again momentarily dropped to Jen’s crotch before once again holding eye contact with her. 

The awkward exchange was interrupted as a blur of motion from the front of the class caught both girl’s’ attention. Chelsea dropped her report on Mr. Burton’s desk and huffed. “And that, bitches and studs, is the boring story on Metamorphosis that made me miss out on a night of riding my boyfriend raw until he filled my guts with his hot jizz. That hard cock better be waiting for me right after school because I’m already wet and aching just thinking about that thick rod pounding my tight slit.”

“Ok, who would like to go next?” Mr. Burton asked as he returned to the front of the room, unphased by Chelsea’s vulgar vernacular. His chest had returned to normal since he was apparently not thinking about any tits at the moment.

“Jen? How about you show everyone what the best student in the school can do?”

Jen winced. This was all she needed right now. There was no way she wanted to be put of display in front of the class. She looked around the room and saw that all eyes were on her. 

 One of the faces looking expectedly at her was Anastasia, a girl from the school’s track team. Jen pointed at her and blurted out the first thing that came to her. 

“I wish she’d volunteer to go next and she’d talk long enough to fill the rest of the class period!”


“Oh! Oh! Mr. Burton! I want to go next!” The once athletic Anastasia shot up from her seat and moved to the front of the class without even being called. Her former velvety hair was now stringy and greasy, her toned body had gained noticeable extra pounds which were covered with frumpy clothes, and her oversized glasses threatened to slide off her face as she looked down at her notes. Jen’s wish had transformed the athlete into a nerd. 

“Ok, Annie, go ahead,” Mr. Burton said as he gave the floor over to the enthusiastic bookworm. As “Annie” began to speak about “The Hobbit” Jen watched as a pair of plump, saggy boobs with oversized areolas grew on the teacher’s chest. 

“Close call,” Fiona said with a snicker. Jen let out a sigh of relief.

Watching the pudgy dork enthusiastically go on about dwarves and hobbits, Jen couldn’t help but smile. Annie was actually kind of adorable as a nerd. Besides, Jen was able to relax and not stress about giving a book report, so everything worked out. 

Jen shot a sideways glance over at Fiona and noticed Fiona was doing the same to her. Was she checking Jen out? She had glanced repeatedly at the bulge in her skirt, but in Fiona’s defense it was really hard to miss. But was it possible that Jen’s friend harbored a crush for her? Or was it just something as simple as Jen not acting “normal” compared to what Fiona was used to? 

Jen looked down to once again take in the expanding valley of cleavage attached to her chest. The sight was still enough to cause her dick to twitch in excitement. Jen wondered if she’d ever be able to look at her own body without arousing herself. She had better try get used to it, because she was fully aware that wishes were permanent. This is who she was now: Jen Gibson, the hottest chick with a dick in the school. Could be worse, Jen mused. At least I still have my dick. As ridiculous as the oversized male anatomy was attached to her overly feminine body, there was still something reassuring about still have a piece of her former male self. 

“Will you shut the fuck up?!” a tiny voice screamed out. Annie briefly paused her report to look at the cage where Karen now resided. She was gripping the thin wire bar with her tiny hands and was staring daggers at the newly created nerd. “This shit is so fucking boring! And there’s always at least one nerd each class who picks this damn book!”

“Hey. Psst psst. Easy, girl. Relax.”

Mr. Burton walked forward, chastising the tiny terror before gently flicked the top of the cage twice with his fingers. Karen let out a huff that was quite loud for such a tiny creature before letting go of the wires and moving to a corner of her confinement to sulk. When the teacher turned around, the mirror set of Annie’s saggy boobs that had been on his chest had been replaced by two tiny bumps roughly the size of pinheads. In the brief moment Mr. Burton had interacted with his former-student-now-pet, he must have caught an eyeful of her miniature tits and focused on them enough to have a matching set form on his chest. It didn’t last long as he turned back to Annie. His chest rippled and erupted into the familiar sight of Annie’s breasts hanging from his chest. The speed at which they had grown caused them to sway and giggle before Mr. Burton absentmindedly reached up and caressed them. 

“Sorry for the interruption, Annie. She can be a bit of a pest at times. Please, continue.”

Annie adjusted her glasses and eagerly picked up right from where she left off with the enthusiasm that only a true lover of the material could muster. She was an absolute nerd, through and through. Jen smirked at the scene. A tiny pet, a stacked voyeur, and a fat nerd. Jen looked down at her own chest, for the first time with a small sense of contentment. 

At least I’m not stuck as any of them, she thought with pride. 

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