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152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

139. After school

138. How are some of the others doi

137. It worked

136. Jon focuses on his plan

135. How Karyn's spending her day

134. Third hour epiphany

133. On with the day

Chick for a Dick: New Body, New You

on 2022-09-06 11:51:42
Episode last modified by Mira on 2022-09-12 02:10:10

3492 hits, 253 views, 10 upvotes.

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Jen stepped out into the school hallway. She had expected to see students rushing to and fro in the mad dash to get to class on time. But they weren’t. The halls were empty. Looking up at the clock on the wall, she was shocked to see that not only was it well into second period, the session was actually going to end in a little less than 5 minutes. She and the newly created Pervert had been going at each other for almost an hour.

Well, at least I don’t need to figure out what class to go to for second hour, she thought glumly. She looked down at her body and sighed. She had intended to transform people today, of course. She just didn’t expect to be one of them. At least not like this. Staring at her generous cleavage was causing her dick to harden again, which was particularly uncomfortable with it being stuffed into the tight, constrictive panties she was now wearing. She considered wishing that she didn’t need to wear them, or just plain taking them off, but she decided against it. For one, her last spur of the moment wish had clearly created some serious consequences for herself, so she was a little worried about what another wish might do to her. Second, her cock was so long and her skirt so short that if she went commando her dick would probably be peeking out from under her skirt throughout the day. And finally, her new body was still turning her on quite a bit, so the panties were at least doing something to keep her dick from being too noticeable. Not to mention they also keep the dripping of her newly gained slit contained.

My slit… Fuck. I need some time to process this and get used to these things, she thought as she cupped her tits. They felt so good in her hands, and her hands felt so good on them. Jen was living every boy’s dream: boobs you could play with whenever you wanted...

A small voice moaning from under her skirt brought Jen back to reality. She let out a yelp as she noticed just how much her erection had grown. Her hands dropped from her chest to her crotch as she pressed down on her member with her dainty hands and tried to cross her legs. She looked up and saw her reflection in a mirror mounted above a drinking fountain. I look like a fucking hentai illustration! She looked so demure and yet so dirty at the same time as the shy girl was clearly trying to conceal the massive bulge under her skirt.

Fuck! I need to stop working myself up! I can’t pop a boner every time I think about my own body!

Suddenly, a classroom door opened. And then another. And another. And another. Students started flowing into the hallways like water from a broken dam. They swarmed into the halls and engulfed her within their numbers. A few students gave her strange looks, a few even glanced at her crotch and seemed to realize her predicament, giving her wry smiles and a snicker or two.

Jen felt herself blush with embarrassment and tears started welling in her eyes. She wanted to cry, to start warping all of the gawkers into freaks, to disappear, to do anything but to be a scared girl standing in the hallway. She was just about to break when a happy voice spoke up from behind her.

“Hey, Jen!”

She spun around to see a girl standing right behind her. Even with Jen standing in heels, the girl still stood at least a couple inches taller than her, and she was only wearing flats. She had rich auburn hair that reached just past her shoulders, chocolate brown eyes, and a cute button nose that made her downright adorable to behold. She was wearing a pink top across her small breasts and her skirt almost as short as Jen’s. Upon seeing the state Jen was in, the stranger’s smile quickly melted into an expression of concern. “Oh, Jen! Are you alright? Did something happen?”

Jen choked back a sob and sniffled. She had no idea who this girl was, but just the fact that someone was showing such genuine concern for her was incredibly comforting at the moment. “I’m... uh... I’m having a really bad day,” she choked out.

The stranger reached into purse she was carrying and pulled out a small packet of tissues. Jen hesitantly took one and began to reach towards her eyes. “Careful. Don’t want to ruin that fantastic eye liner,” the girl said, clearly trying to offer a compliment. It had the opposite effect by further reminding Jen that she wore makeup at all, and the tears began flowing freely as she tried to keep her crying as quiet as possible to avoid making more of a spectacle of herself.

The random girl quickly grabbed the tissue from Jen’s hand and began to gently blot around her checks and eyes, catching the tears. She was softly telling Jen everything was alright and offering soothing words to calm the crying girl down. After a few minutes, Jen was able to compose herself enough to look the stranger in the eyes.

“Honestly,” she said in a quivering voice, “what’s your name?”

The girl’s hand fell to her side, the tissue still gripped in it as her expression went from from concern to neutral tranquility. “My name is Fiona.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Because you’re my best friend.”

Jen’s eyes went wide and her head swam. This was almost more of a shock than being changed into a girl. Out of nowhere some random stranger was telling her they were friends. Best friends. And Jen had no idea who she even was. Jen’s entire life had clearly been upended in countless ways because of one misspoke wish. It was too much to take.

“Sorry, Fiona, but I’m really not doing well today. I think I’m just going to go home.” Release from the truth trance, concern returned to Fiona’s face. “Do you need to talk about it? Is there something I can do to help?” Jen shook her head, the act making her painful aware of her magically lengthened hair. “No. There’s nothing anyone can do. Things are just really messed up and I just don’t think I can be here right now.”

Fiona took Jen’s hands in hers and gave them a gentle squeeze. “I don’t know, Jen. You look really upset. And if there’s nothing that can be done, all you’re going to do is sit in that big house of yours and drive yourself crazy. You know I’m right. How about if you come to class with me? It’s my favorite class: literature with Mr. Burton. It’s a breeze even by my standards, so it will be no issue for the school’s top student. And after that is lunch. We’ll be able to see the girls and the day will already be half over by then. And if you still want to go home, then we’ll get out of here. Ok?”

It was true. If she went home she would most likely just lock herself in her room and freak out. Or worse, she may be temped to try to reverse her change with another careless wish. She repressed a shudder at the thought of what else she might end up doing to herself in her current state. And right now it was encouraging to have a friend at her side. And Fiona mentioned “the girls.” She might have a whole group of friends waiting and willing to support her. Even if they were friends she didn’t know. The look of sympathy and compassion in Fiona’s eyes moved Jen, and she couldn’t help but nod.

“Ok,” she said softly. “Let’s go.”


Fiona hardly stopped talking the entire way to the classroom. She was bouncing from talking about her classes to talking about the car Veronica’s parents had just gotten her (whoever the hell that was) to the latest episode of a trashy blind date matching television show to some guy named Hank hitting on her again. Jen couldn’t tell if Fiona was naturally a chatterbox or if she was just trying to help get Jen’s mind off of her issues, but she suspected it was probably a bit of both. But Jen listened intently because focusing on meaningless gossip was so much better than dwelling on her actual problem.

The halls were still full of stragglers having conversations of their own as the pair reached Mr. Burton’s classroom. Fiona was explaining how shocked she was that one douchebag had gotten a rose instead of some other douchebag when Jen stepped over the threshold of the classroom. The sensation of vertigo washed over Jen as all of the knowledge from an entire subject was immediately poured into her mind. Her legs felt like rubber and she let out a gasped as she felt her balance shift precociously on her heels. However, her previous wish to know how to walk in heels gave her the instincts to immediately regain her balance and ride out the already dwindling sense of dizziness.

Jen looked up and realized that Fiona had stopped her jabbering and was looking at her with the now familiar expression of concern. “Just... wasn’t watching where I was stepping. I’m fine,” Jen said. Fiona only replied with a soft grin, betraying that she didn’t believe the flimsy excuse but she wasn’t going to press the issue either. Instead, she tilted her head towards the back of the room and started to walk down a row of desks.

As Fiona took her seat near the back of the room, Jen glanced around in uncertainty. She could see the stack of papers sitting on a desk at the far back of the room and knew that desk was designated as hers, but she could also see the leers she was getting from just about every boy in the room. She was unused to the attention, at least from guys, and her male mind couldn’t blame them. She was a buxom, tiny girl dressed to show off her amazing assets. If Jen had still been a guy, she’d be staring too. The thought reminded Jen just how attractive she found herself and her embarrassment grew as she felt her massive cock beginning to swell under her mini skirt as she recalled staring at her own reflection in the bathroom.

Jen quickly rushed to the stack of papers on her desk and dashed to sit in an open desk next to Fiona. It was a brand new world for her and the bubbly girl was her only confirmed friend in it. She would take support wherever she could, and at the moment it was sitting as close to her “friend” as she could. Jen plopped down in a heap, hoping that nobody had noticed the growing bulge under her skirt. Glancing towards Fiona, Jen saw the girl’s eyes dart away from her crotch and knew Fiona had gotten an eyeful of her growing tentpole. Jen felt herself flush with embarrassment and was trying to think up any excuses she could muster when the sound of a throat clearing drew her attention upwards.

“Excuse me, but you’re in my seat.”

The girl standing next Jen had her hands on her hips and was looking down at her with a smarmy scowl. A faint tapping momentarily drew Jen’s attention down to the floor. The girl was actually tapping her foot impatiently. Jen let out an audible sigh and looked back up at the girl.

“Look: I’m having a little bit of a bad day. Actually, a really bad day. I am not in the mood to be bitched at right now. I just want to sit next to my friend and get through the day. So how about you just take my desk for the hour and we can let bygones be bygones?”

The expression on the girl’s face soured even more. “Um, no! I am not going to sit at the back of the room just so you can chat with one or your drones about whatever petty bullshit you and your sidekick think is so important in your prissy little world.”

Jen didn’t even try to wrap her mind around whatever the hell all of that meant, knowing that it was all tied back to how much her stupid misworded wish had fucked up her life. She’d have to figure out just what the fuck her life had become, but right now she was stuck dealing with this snotty bitch and it was beginning to piss her off.

“Listen,” Jen hissed, trying to keep her temper in check. “I know this is an inconvenience to you, and after recent experiences I’ve endured, I’m trying to conduct myself a little better. So, instead of doing something brash and turning this into something that can’t be undone, I’ll make you an offer: If you just leave me the fuck alone for an hour, I will make it up to you.”

“Oh, you’re going to ‘make it up to me?’ How gracious of you. Let me tell you something, princess, just because you’re some teacher’s pet-“

“Well, congratulations! You’ve gone and flipped my bitch switch! So now I really don’t care what happens to you! I wish you were the teacher’s pet!”


As the momentarily blinding light cleared Jen’s vision, she could see the annoying girl was gone. Before she could try to imagine how her impromptu wish had been interpreted, a metallic clicking drew her attention towards the front of the room. Sitting on the corner of the teacher’s desk now sat a small wire cage, the kind used to house small rodents as pets. And inside was the annoying girl.

Jen had to admit that she was a little disappointed that her form hadn’t changed all that much. She still looked completely human. Only now she was naked. And three inches tall. The miniature girl was drinking from the water bottle mounted to the outside of the cage, it’s metal spout reaching between the wires and into the cage where she was sucking on it. After drinking for a few seconds, the girl stretched and moved over to the hamster wheel where she started to jog at a leisurely pace.

It wasn’t the most bizarre alteration Jen had seen, but she was still smugly content with herself for so effectively removing the annoyance. Hell, she had even tried to be nice. If the girl hadn’t been such a bitch about everything, she wouldn’t be a literal teacher’s pet. She had brought it upon herself.

Her concentration was broken as a huge form slid into the desk across the aisle from her. It was Dylan, a member of the high school football team. Jen remembered when this fucker had called Jon a “cocksucker” and had proceeded to pants him in the crowded hallways and throw him into a trash can. Fuck... it almost seemed like that had happened to a completely different person. Which, it kind of had, but didn’t... right? Jen channeled her frustration and turned to face Dylan, fixing him with an icy glare. The athlete seemed unfazed by her demeanor and instead poured on the hormonally fueled charm.

“Hey, girl. It’s Friday night. Why don’t we do something together? I know we could have some fun. What time should I pick you up?”

Jen shuddered. Not only was the prospect of going out with Dylan revolting, but she was once again reminded of her changed physique. Jon had been a bit shorter an a lot scrawnier than the average school athlete, but now Dylan was practically towering over Jen’s new body. It was more unsettling than she’d care to admit.

“I have other plans.”

“Like what?”

“Washing my hair,” Jen spat, her voice dripping with venom. She could hear Fiona let out a giggle. Dylan, however, was not deterred.

“What? You’re going to sit around that big mansion of yours all by yourself? That must be so lonely. Don’t you want some... company? You know I can treat you real good, girl.” He pressed his hand to the crotch of his jeans to show the outline of his hard dick. Jen scoffed. Not only was the act ridiculously brazen, but the guy also didn’t have that much to show off.

“Ok, Dylan, let’s get a few things straight. First, there is nothing you have to offer me that I can’t find in my ‘big lonely mansion.’ Second, if I was interested in getting some dick, I could do much better than that little twig. Which brings us to the third point...” Jen pressed down on her skirt the way the jock had pressed down on his pants.

“I’m packing way more than you are.”

The jock looked down at the massive bulge beneath her skirt which absolutely dwarfed his own. Jen awaited an expression of shock, embarrassment, disgusted, confusion to come from the cocky jock. Instead, a sly grin crossed his face as he looked at Jen’s crotch.

“Damn, girl! I was beginning to think you didn’t like me, but now I’m reading you loud and clear!”

Ok, that clearly backfired, Jen thought with a roll of her eyes and a frustrated huff. She should have expected this. After all, she’d seen it with quite a number of other transformed girls. Sure, some of them now sported dicks, but everyone treated it as perfectly normal for girls to have them. All of Jen’s wishing had the unintended side effect of rapidly progressing gender identity norms. An individual’s genitals did not defined their gender. That would have been great if not for the current situation. Instead of scaring off the jock by making him try to defend his no doubt fragile sexuality, she had instead come on to him no differently than if she had shaken her tits. Time for plan B...

“So,” Jen said playfully, leaning forward to casually show off her enticing cleavage, “you like cock, do you?” Jen suppressed a laugh as Dylan’s eyes widened and darted from Jen’s chest, to her crotch, to her chest, to her eyes, to her crotch, to her chest, to her crotch, to her eyes... and then back down to her body. Men, Jen mused to herself. The guy tried his best to keep eye contact with her, but his gaze kept shifting downward to her various assets. Finally, the flustered athlete was able to regain some measure of composure.

“Hell yeah. I can’t wait to see what you’re packing.”

Jen fluttered her eyes and pursed her lips. “And what would you do with a big… hard… rod?” A wide smile came to the boy’s face. “I’d show you a good time. I know how to treat a tool right.” Jen smiled smugly at him. “I’m sure you do. And you’re going to get the chance. Constantly.”

“That’s what I’m talking about! So what time should I-“

“I wish you were at your best friend’s house and you were his blowup doll.”


In an instant, Daryl was gone. Jen smiled to herself, practically giddy. She leaned back and settled into her seat, pleased not only that the distraction was removed, but that she had taken revenge on a former tormentor. Who’s the cocksucker now? she thought with satisfaction.

Jen’s attention was pulled to the front of the room as the teacher stepped through the door with a cup of coffee in his hand. Mr. Burton looked like a model that was trying to pass himself off as bookworm. His soft brown hair was combed into a part that worked perfectly with his short, scruffy beard and vintage tortoise shell glasses. The top button of his shirt was unbuttoned and the sleeves were pulled up, giving an air of relaxed professionalism. Looking further down, Jen’s eyes settled on his crotch and could faintly make out a decent bulge outlined beneath the fabric.

Jen’s eyes went wide as she realized she had just checked out a guy! And she liked what she saw! Mr. Burton was… handsome! Jen felt lightheaded as her thoughts and impulses fought within her. She had been straight! Well, Jon had been straight. But was Jen now into guys since Jon had been into girls? She thought back to the bathroom and her encounter with Pervert. Jen clearly still found women desirable. Was she bi, then? Her new body had complete male and female parts. Did it also come with a lifetime of using those parts, and all of the desires that went along with it? But, Dylan had hit on her and it had not made any sort of an impact on her!

“Hello, Jen. Glad you could join us, today.”

Snapping back to the present, Jen found the teacher was staring right at her. His roguish smile sent a tingle down her spine and awoke an alien desire in her nethers. “Um, th-thanks, Mr. Burton,” she stammered. She could feel herself blushing and looked away, only to find Fiona grinning at her with a knowing smile. Somewhere behind her, someone snickered.

Oh shit! I DO find him attractive! I… I’m attracted to guys and I have a type! Fuck… I knew I should have just gone home…

She looked back at the teacher just in time to see his eyes dip down and steal a peek at her cleavage before he looked back and forth across the classroom. “Alright, everyone. Are you ready for your presentations?”

Jen sat in shocked silence. He checked me out! He was actually bold enough to check me out in front of the whole class! I’m a fucking student! I know my tits are hard to miss, but can he honestly not control himself? What a pig! Oh shit! What if it’s me? Am I the girl that fucks the teachers? I mean, sure Jon did. I mean… I did… but that was different!

wasn’t it?

“See why this is my favorite class?” Fiona whispered from beside her. Jen didn’t even have time to answer before the girl behind Fiona chimed in. “Geez, going after the Lit teacher? I would have thought you’d had your fill by now.” Jen turned to shoot a scowl at the interloper, who grinned back with a predatory leer.

“Knock it off, Chelsea. She’s having a rough day,” Fiona quietly snapped. The girl, Chelsea, didn’t look away from Jen’s glare. “Rumor has it someone hooked up with Tongue Whore in the bathroom last hour. She’s walking around looking like she stepped out of an orgy, but I have a feeling it was only one person that made her look like that much of a mess. Now who could that have been?”

Fiona scoffed. “Please. Everyone in the school has fucked around with Ass Muncher at some point or another.” Chelsea shrugged. “Sure, but this one was moaning like wanton whore. I heard the whole thing. I needed to use the bathroom last hour and I could hear the screams from the hallway. Hell, I went to a different bathroom and the slut was still moaning when I walked past on my way back to class.”

Jen felt her fury rising.

“The only one around here who sounds like a ‘wanton whore’ is you! I wish your everyday normal speech pattern was to speak like a filthy wanton slut complete with dirty talk, innuendos, and solicitations and that as you get hornier your speech would get more and more eloquent and formal until at your highest levels of arousal you would talk like you’re giving a professional lecture!”


“Girls? Is something up?”

Mr. Burton was standing at the front of the class looking at the trio. “No, Daddy. Just some hot three way talk between us creamy bitches,” Chelsea purred in a voice made for a sex line operator. Jen tried to hide her smile, pleased with her work. She turned to face back towards the front of the class just in time to see Mr. Burton glance at her chest again. Her momentary victory was forgotten as she rolled her eyes.

“And if you’re so preoccupied with tits I wish that whenever you were daydreaming about a girl’s boobs you’d grow a copy of them and could not help but play with them!”


The teacher’s button up shirt immediately puffed up, stretching the fabric so tightly that Jen was sure the buttons were about to pop off. But they didn’t get the chance as Mr. Burton quickly undid them and pulled open his shirt to expose an exquisite pair of D-cups, capped off with rosy pink nipples. His hands immediately flew to his new bust where they began to kneed and fondle his additions. It dawned on Jen that the tits Mr. Burton was playing with were actually copies of her own boobs and this was actually her first chance to see them.

“Ok,” he said, his breathing becoming heavier. His ministrations were having an effect on him as his new nipples hardened, and so did the bulge in his pants. “Well, if that’s-oh yes- the case, then you wouldn’t mind starting the class presentations, Chelsea.”

“Daddy, do I really have to go first? Can’t I just show you a good time instead?” she asked with a pout.

“Chelsea, if you’re not ready to go- Go! Go! Go! Uhg- goooo, then you’ll be docked points and still have to present on Monday.”

Chelsea stood up and stomped her foot with a huff. This caused her chest to jiggle, something that Mr. Burton must have take notice of because the tits he was playing with shrunk noticeably, while the nipples darkened and become thicker. The teacher was now feeling up a copy of Chelsea’s boobs. Even though they weren’t attached to her, Jen felt a strange sense of relief that copies of her own breasts were no long on open display to the class.

Chelsea muttered something under her breath about a “dick up her ass” and trudged to the front of the room with a few pieces of paper. So looked down at the sheets while avoiding the stares of her peers.

“Alright you dirty studs and sluts. This is my hot and steamy book report on Metamorphosis. I picked this book because I heard it was all about a giant cock, but it turns out it was about a roach and not a well hung stud. It was so much harder to finger my sopping wet hole to that, but my vibrator up my tight back door helped…”

Jen looked around the room and nobody was at all phased by Chelsea’s language or the content of her “report.” Almost everyone seemed bored to tears as the girl shared the vivid details of her masturbation marathon mixed with lit review. Unfortunately, Jen found herself becoming quite turned on as Chelsea cooed and whined in her new slutty speaking pattern about how she violated herself with multiple toys. She glanced at Fiona and once again caught the girl stealing glances at the tentpole rising under Jen’s skirt. She needed a better distraction. And answers. And now was the perfect time to kill two birds with one stone.

“Fiona, honestly, can you tell me more about, um, me?”

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