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6. Spiderkin

5. Deep Dive

4. ... there was one final game t

3. ... it had been so long since

2. ... it was the first of many y

1. The Future of Gaming

The 6 Brothers

avatar on 2022-12-14 13:59:24

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Listening to them talk was one thing. I checked the in-game encyclopedia. What they said was true. Mothkin, Spiderkin and Kitsune lived in the forest and were mutually hostile to one another. While males were sent out to do all of the monotonous yet crucial chores, the females ran the society. They were on average 5 times as strong as a male. During mating season, it was common for the female to pin down the male, kill and eat them. I guess I would be shooing off the females as well. We approached a large house. It was pretty new and well maintained. Zavib said "This is our dwelling, servant. You are to cook, clean and do our bidding." Lakir smiled and said "I can't wait to tell Lesni about this. She would just love to have a human servant." "If she actually ventured out the city, she could try catching one." Oukeeb scoffed. We then went inside. Only Izeex was there. He looked at me and his brow furrowed. "What is that?" he asked. Zavib pushed me forward to display me. "This is our new servant. It was amazing. He was lost in the forest." he proudly said. "He's human too." Oukeeb added.

That got his attention. Izeex looked strikingly similar to his siblings. He approached slowly and gave me a sniff. "He smells like prey." the young spiderkin said with rising excitement. I just raised an eyebrow. "Well, your noses can tell you that but, I am a pretty good fighter. Use your eyes. I'm not prey." They looked a bit put off. I looked around and asked what I should do first. They set me to cooking their meal and cleaning around the kitchen. You got exp. from doing all sorts of things. It would be seen by most a bit boring using my last chance in the game to take a domestic class. However, I was never one to do it. I was either a warrior, assassin, or adventurer. This was the one thing I never got to do all those years ago. I got to work. I knew the mechanics for cooking. I did it for myself and for my family when I had a character that got married and had children. It made me wonder how they were doing. Multiple centuries of in-game time must have went by for them. Maybe if I was not here at the corporate party, I would log in and go check in on what had become of them. For closure.

My meal was given top marks and I prepared a couple of side dishes to go with it. When I was done, I told them the food was ready. "Fine. Serve it to us now. Nissoq and Nechix are late now. Probably still weaving all their silk with Mother." Zavib said. "That means more for us!" Lakir said. "Won't the both of them want to eat when they return?" I asked. "Then they should have come home on time. If Mother is keeping them, they must have done something wrong." I just nodded my head and served it for the 4 spiderkin that were there. It was not my business. I could probably whip something else for them later. They chowed down on the boar I prepared. They must all have caught it together at some point. It was huge. So big and tough that I could not cook it all. I would have to put it back in the meat room and preserve it was salt and other spices. That was something I knew to do from lives past. A couple of hours later, Nissoq and Nechix wandered in the door. I was introduced to them by all the older brothers, and they looked me up and down. I was made to cook again. I did it just as well.

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