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5. Zoe and Jon Face the Photo Alb

4. Zoe and Jon Need a Plan

3. Uh Oh

2. Jon and Zoe might be a bit dif

1. You Are What You Wish

Zoe and Jon Face the Photo Album

on 2022-11-27 21:04:53

2047 hits, 230 views, 4 upvotes.

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Zoe looked at her former brother....who was acting like a grown least in how she was speaking and acting...but...clearly had no idea who she was now. "I'm sorry..."

"I forgive didn't know your wish would come true...but we're going to have to deal with this. Hopefully, we can come up with a plan before we run into anyone else."

Jon ushered Zoe into the bathroom, and started cleaning up her face, getting her makeup off. Zoe seemed to relax a bit, looking at Jon without the anger and bitterness she usually had. "Much better. You have so much natural beauty, Zoe...I wish you'd let others see it..." Jon trailed off. "Where did that thought come from?" Jon looked utterly perplexed.

Zoe blinked. There was something comforting about the whole thing. "You else."

"It's fine...'m just not used to seeing you this way. I is as if someone gave me someone else's glasses, and I'm seeing everything through them. I look at you, and..." she paused. "People who hear wishes are supposed to be immune."

"But it was about you, Mom" Zoe said. She paused. "Wait...I just called you Mom."

"It was about both of us. You said you wished I was your parent. So, for that wish to come true, I have to be your parent, and you have to be my daughter, even if we know it wasn't always that way. At least that would explain things."

"But what does that mean?"

"I'm not sure yet," Jon said, thoughtfully. "This is still the same house, the bathroom looks pretty much the same...Although the towels are different. I like these better though."

"New you probably picked them," Zoe said.

"We'll have to see what else we can figure out. I'll go look for the old photo albums."


"Because if I'm your mother, unless there are two of us, there's no longer any Jon. So, all the photos will be different, won't they?"

"I guess..."

Before long, Jon and Zoe were sitting on the couch, looking through old photos. Grandma and Grampa...same. Dad, same...Then there was a picture of a 16 year old female Jon dressed in a denim jacket, with an obviously dated hairdo. Zoe giggled uncharacteristically at that. "Please tell me there are more of those..."

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