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154. Hotel Room

153. Honey Pot Fail

152. Celebration

151. Guild Members

150. Random Call

149. The PEA Lab

148. Angry Cyborgs

147. New Designs

146. Some Friction

145. Engineer Duties

144. Surly Keith

143. Seeing Keith

142. The Qualifiers

141. Another Meet

140. AEP Dynamics

139. Our AEPs

138. New Alliances

137. Location Reports

136. The Next Stage

135. Our Base

Angry AEP Units

avatar on 2022-11-25 15:37:06

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Another AEP unit was waiting for us on the bed next to us. He was already in disguise as a blond young man with clear blue eyes. In my books, that made him a slightly more competent agent at pulling off a big setup than his friend. He was not going to be easy to talk to. I could immediately tell that neither of them were. I was not going to be intimidated by the AEP units either. They were both just hyped-up NPCs at the end of the day. The one I came here with walked in front of me and climbed into my lap. He grabbed my shoulders and frowned. I looked up at him. "Is there something on my face?" I asked. "Are you sure that you don't want to play with me? I don't mind doing human stuff." he offered as he brought his mouth to my ear. "I already said no." I told him. He hummed in thought for a second. "I don't get it though. It's not like a copulation session with a human will lead to offspring. I would give you a final chance to ejaculate before I killed you." he whined. I furrowed my brow at that. "Who says that you have to kill me?" I asked. He just sucked his teeth and straightened up on my lap.

It was pretty imposing. He was already higher than me on my lap. Looking down at me, he said "I'm pissed off that you get to bully the PEP units here and steal our sires' glory. You were not chosen, so how were you able to make it to Location C and spawn your own mutts!?" he demanded. "I think I asked you a question first." I told him calmly. He glared at me and said "My sire was placed at the zoo in Helios City, Location B. It was overrun with all the humans and androids." It made sense he would be one with a grudge. "He died and my mother was the only survivor. Since all the invading trash was exterminated at Location F, the transmission hub led a clandestine evacuation to that point since it was closer than Location H." He then looked at me. "My name is 10-001. One other X-frame made it. That was the mother of 05-001. We formed a clan together and will get out revenge one human at a time. Luckily, our transmission hub agreed with us on this. Humans should not be in our clans. It gave us the mission to take care of all the humans in your clan. Starting with you now." he finished.

That was new information to me. The transmission hub that we got the upgrade from did not say anything. None of the PEP units in my clan seemed to be aware of this right now. I knew that there were multiple hubs spread out throughout the continent, but I thought that it was a single will controlling them. I did not know that they could disagree with each other. This changes everything. I needed to get to the bottom of this. "I'm going to apologize. I'm so sorry that this happened to you guys. Our clan teamed up with the Volition Clan to provide security for Location C. That is not something I'll be able to take the blame for. We did our part to make sure no X-frame was lost." I said. He did not seem to care. "You should not have been there in the first place! Who asked you to go!?" he demanded. "Well, I suggested Location C for the next phase. I can't tell you who came up with what location, but E-G were discovered. That's probably why there was an extraction point nearby for a pair of X-frames like your moms to escape to." I said. He looked shocked. He looked angry and headbutt me.


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